OT governors meet in Cayman for closed door talks

At Government House, Grand Cayman: (L-R) Governor George Fergusson (Bermuda), Governor Christina Scott (Anguilla), Governor Helen Kilpatrick (Cayman Islands), Governor John Duncan (British Virgin Islands) and Governor Adrian Davis (Montserrat)
(CNS) Governors from Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands and Montserrat attended a conference in Cayman last week to discuss regional matters and what officials described as issues of “common interest”, though details of what those are or what was discussed behind closed doors has not been released.
Hosted by Cayman Islands Governor Helen Kilpatrick, the meeting was revealed after the fact in a release from the governor’s office on Friday evening. Senior officials from the Overseas Territories Directorate in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office also attended.
The annual governors’ get together is usually held in Miami and this was the first time it was hosted in one of the territories. Absolutely no details at all about what the UK bosses from the various territories discussed or what was on the agenda have been revealed. Nor was there any indication why the governor from the Turks and Caicos Islands TCI did not attend.
Officials did state that before the conference started some of the governors visited Health City Cayman Islands to hear how the hospital is building on its plan to reach out to the Caribbean region and beyond. The visitors also met the acting premier and the acting deputy governor and attended the RCIPS Gala Awards Dinner.
All the Cayman governor said about the meeting was that she was pleased to welcome her colleagues from across the Caribbean.
“This is the first time that the Governors’ Conference has been held in an Overseas Territory. I’m delighted to be able to showcase the beauty and energy of the Cayman Islands to our visitors,” she said in the release.
Category: Caribbean, Local News, World News
7:51pm the no good has been here for some time! Your baby comment is over the top though and should read mother needs to stop abusing the baby. Hows that??
ill bet you it had nothing to fo with the wishes nor making life better for each territory rroresented.it mosy likely had to fo eith GAY marriage since they yhink they on the world. this is more likely the issue at hand make a bet and win.
People I think there is no good coming for Cayman and maybe it’s time that baby leaves mother.
agree.time to break away from the U K because the gabage the EU stuffs down mother UK s throat she tries to shove the same yuk down her children territories throats.time to start talking. lndependence but first how to protect and secure all the big financial industry we built ourselves UK gives us nothing! We need our own ectrrior nd interior development plan to succerd.
So much for transparency…
Do as I say not as I do.
The champions of transparency and good governance. Just do not expect us to comply with our own rule. We simply have two kinds of morality side by side. one which we preach but do not practice and another which we practice but seldom preach!
Good grief! At one time, Governors actually looked like Governors with suitable “gravitas” and not like non-descript visitors to the island. I suppose that is all part of the UK plan to reduce the profile of these people so we eventually follow Ezzard and his like and get rid of them.
Tea and crumpets? Don’t mind if I do. You would have thought they would at least have invited John Evans.
This closed door business really beginning to bother me right now !! Why behind closed doors….. if anything whtever is done in darkeness will always to to light one day… and there’s no secret between two persons.