Hitchhiker reports attempted attack

| 30/03/2015 | 8 Comments

(CNS): A female hitchhiker who accepted a ride from the driver of a white Honda on Sunday evening reported an attempted attack by the man as they drove towards West Bay along the West Bay Road. The woman reported the incident to the RCIPS at 5:41 yesterday evening. She told the police that the driver attempted to make advances towards her by grabbing her face but she managed to flee the car unhurt.The suspect is described as around 160 pounds, with a Caymanian accent, brown skin, aged around 35 to 40 years with a tattoo of a shield on his left bicep.

The police are asking anyone with information to call George Town Police Station CID on 949 4222.


Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I am at a complete loss as to how any of these sorts of crimes are difficult to solve. That car would have been picked up by between 5 and 10 surveillance cameras on the roads!! why oh why do the police not use the footage to find the culprits????

  2. Anonymous says:

    I would think that the first step for the Police is to check with the tatoo artists on the island to see if they recognise the tattoo!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I am sure this was one of these British accountants.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hitchhiking anywhere, including Cayman is not to be advised. I learnt that very quickly. A favour can often turn into some dilluded idiot driver trying to maul a female passenger. No sir, not me!

  5. Disgusted! says:

    OMG!! Last week on two separate occasions I saw young female hitch-hickers and silently thought “Cayman is not so bad after all because those young ladies can still feel safe enough to hitch-hike”. I even boasted of that to some tourists I was driving some days later.

    What a shame that some creep has belied this and shattered that sense of security!! So sorry for the young lady but thankful that it was not worse. Hope RCIPS will find and punish the creep!! Hope he gets his in Northward!!

    • Sharkey says:

      Yes this is what happens when you have over populated the Island , with people that you don’t know their background, or their records or their real intentions for being on the Island.

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