Tag: ReGen

Opposition urges CIG to ‘come clean’ on ReGen

Opposition urges CIG to ‘come clean’ on ReGen

| 02/07/2024 | 23 Comments

(CNS): As speculation mounts that talks between the Cayman Islands Government and Dart over the future of the waste management project, ReGen, have completely broken down, the opposition is urging the CIG to break its silence on the status of the project and “come clean” to the people about what is going on. Deputy Opposition […]

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EAB: Legislation needed to manage ReGen project

EAB: Legislation needed to manage ReGen project

| 11/04/2024 | 41 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government could have problems holding the Dart-led consortium that will be running the ReGen waste-management operations to account because there is no legislative framework to support the project and its ancillary elements, the Environmental Assessment Board has warned.

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ReGen EIA finished but project still in limbo

ReGen EIA finished but project still in limbo

| 09/04/2024 | 72 Comments

(CNS): The construction of the proposed waste-to-energy facility and other related waste-management projects remain in limbo 2370 days after the Cayman Islands Government awarded the contract to Dart before the details of the deal had been worked out. Last week, Department of Environment (DoE) Director Gina Ebank-Petrie said that the environmental impact assessment on the […]

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Ahearn moved to new job after ‘political’ removal as CO

Ahearn moved to new job after ‘political’ removal as CO

| 24/01/2024 | 68 Comments

(CNS): Deputy Governor Franz Manderson has confirmed that Jennifer Ahearn has been given a new role working in his office. In response to questions from CNS and other media houses about her recent removal as chief officer in the Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency, the government issued a press release on Wednesday, saying that […]

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DEH boss says dump should last until WTE finished

DEH boss says dump should last until WTE finished

| 19/01/2024 | 37 Comments

(CNS): Based on the current rate of garbage being added to the George Town dump, the Department of Environmental Health is estimating that there should be another four to five years of landfilling space left, hopefully enough time for the completion of the planned, but not yet started, waste-to-energy facility. DEH Director Richard Simms told […]

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ReGen talks roll into yet another year

ReGen talks roll into yet another year

| 20/12/2023 | 136 Comments

(CNS): Government officials and the Dart Group have missed yet another date to complete talks on the national waste management project. The PACT Government had targetted the beginning of December as the most recent deadline for a deal to be made, but the ReGen project has been pushed back yet again until early in the […]

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WTE due to open in 2027 a decade after bid

WTE due to open in 2027 a decade after bid

| 30/08/2023 | 43 Comments

(CNS): The waste-to-energy facility is due to open in 2027, almost a decade after the Dart-led consortium was selected as the preferred bidder in October 2017. In the face of public frustration about how long the talks between the Cayman Islands Government and Dart have taken over the ReGen project, Deputy Chief Officer (Policy) Troy […]

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EIA implies low environmental impact for ReGen WTE

EIA implies low environmental impact for ReGen WTE

| 21/08/2023 | 42 Comments

(CNS): Given the poor conditions and historical problems associated with the George Town dump and the lack of a proper landfill liner, the development of a waste-to-energy facility is likely to benefit rather than harm the natural marine and terrestrial resources in the area, according to the draft environmental impact assessment (EIA). Around 1.7 acres […]

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Draft EIA for dump project due this week

Draft EIA for dump project due this week

| 15/08/2023 | 10 Comments

(CNS): Officials on the ReGen project, the proposed deal between the Cayman Islands Government and Dart to build waste-to-energy and recycling facilities at the George Town dump, have said the draft environmental impact assessment will be available to the public this Friday, 18 August. As a result, public meetings will begin next week.

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Opposition blames premier for dump deal delays

Opposition blames premier for dump deal delays

| 09/08/2023 | 57 Comments

(CNS): The PPM is blaming the government for the continued delays and increasing costs associated with the long-awaited and troubled deal with Dart for the proposed waste-management project, ReGen. Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has criticised Premier Wayne Panton’s handling of the situation left by the Progressive administration, in which McTaggart served as finance minister.

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Dump talks roll on as deal still not finalised

Dump talks roll on as deal still not finalised

| 07/08/2023 | 64 Comments

(CNS): Talks between Dart and the Cayman Islands Government over the waste-management project, ReGen, are continuing as another deadline passes, officials have confirmed. The date for the signing of the finalised contract for the waste-to-energy and recycling centre has been pushed back to the end of September, and the new project longstop date, when the […]

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