Tag: Little Cayman dump

LC landfill fires put out but crews still at GT dump
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Fire Service was called to several blazes at the Little Cayman landfill last week, officials have now revealed. Police and fire officers, along with staff from the Department of Environmental Health (DEH), went to the scene at around 10:40 on Wednesday night where they were faced with three fires in separate […]

Experts rummage through local rubbish
(CNS): Cayman’s rubbish came under scrutiny last week when landfill and waste specialists began assessing the composition of household and commercial garbage in preparation for the next step of the government’s proposed Integrated Solid Waste Management System (ISWMS). Two consultants from Amec Foster Wheeler spent several days working with Department of Environmental Health staff at […]

CIG rules out mining the dump
(CNS): The government has released the long-awaited outline business case setting out the options and costs for the future of waste-management on all three Cayman Islands, though the premier has already stated that his government had ruled out mining the dump. Only the first step in a long road to addressing the George Town landfill […]

Reduction key to future waste plans
(CNS): The government will be focusing very heavily on reducing the amount of waste people generate in Cayman then re-using and recycling what continues to be produced, but it has not ruled out waste-to-energy as part of the solution. The Department of Environmental Health has published the final reports from consultants hired by government to […]

Public to have their say on waste management
(CNS): The public will have the opportunity to submit comments and ask questions of government officials at an open house meeting at the Government Administration Building (GAB), George Town, on Tuesday and on Cayman Brac and Little Cayman Wednesday, as the health ministry begins the direct interaction with the community over the recently released draft […]

Dump problems confirmed, solution years away
(CNS): The most recent report from consultants helping to develop a national waste management solution have urged government to get rid of the tyres at the George Town dump as soon as possible and begin capping the landfill to reduce the noxious odours and dangerous gases. Warning of risks to staff and visitors from arsenic and […]