Tag: Information Commissioner’s Office

UK has expectations on PR issue, says governor
(CNS): The government may soon be faced with no other choice but to grant permanent residency to many of the more than 800 applicants awaiting a decision because of the delay in resolving the human rights and legal issues surrounding the current point system. In response to enquiries from CNS about the issue, which dominated […]

ICO passes PR report case to courts
(CNS): The legal challenges are mounting for government over the permanent residency controversy generated by the point system for occupations in the new law. As well as the action requesting a judicial review on the applicant’s 29-month wait for a decision, the premier is about to face another legal battle. On Tuesday Acting Information Commissioner […]

ICO warns of ‘weaknesses’ with CIG websites
(CNS): The Information Commissioner’s Office has warned that “serious problems remain” across government as departments are still not updating or properly utilizing their websites to allow the public access to information. In its most recent review of 89 public authorities, the ICO found significant improvements on the results of its assessment in 2011 but found […]

Holes remain in FOI tracking for public authorities
(CNS): Ten public entities out of ninety (11%) are not using the central government tracking system for freedom of information requests because they cannot access it or because of insufficient training for their information managers, which means the government is still not able to keep track of all the FOI requests being made. But there have […]

Committee falls apart over merger of OCC and ICO
(CNS): MLA Ezzard Miller has resigned as chair of the parliamentary oversight committee that deals with the Office of the Complaints Commissioner as a result of government’s plan to merge the OCC with the Information Commissioner’s Office and a new police complaints commission. He also revealed that most of the other committee members had followed […]

Right to Know Week – It’s Yours, Just Ask!
Jan Liebaers, Acting Information Commissioner, writes: The Information Commissioner’s Office has just finished another annual celebration of Right to Know Week, with events from 26 September to 3 October 2016. Every year 28 September is observed around the world as International Right to Know Day to raise awareness of the right to access government records […]

Figures reveal speedier FOI requests
(CNS): The latest statistics from the Information Commissioner’s office have revealed a 42% drop in the number of freedom of information requests being made by members of the public. But the numbers published to mark this year’s Right to Know week have also revealed that government is getting much quicker at responding to the requests. […]

Cops join team creating supra-ombudsman’s office
(CNS): Controversial plans by government to merge the Office of the Complaints Commissioner (OCC) with Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) are now focussed on the emergence of an independent police complaints element under the new supra-ombudsman. In a statement the chair of the project team, Peter Gough, revealed that representatives from the RCIPS Professional Standards Unit, which […]

ICO backs keeping lid on Health City doctors’ details
(CNS): The Information Commissioner’s Office has upheld a decision by the information manager at the Health Regulatory Services (HRS) not to disclose the detailed qualifications of medical professionals at Health City Cayman Islands (HCCI) because it is personal information which would not be reasonable to disclose. Balancing the public interest factors for and against disclosure, […]

Ministry shows ‘blatant disregard’ for FOI
(CNS): The Ministry of Education, Employment and Gender Affairs has been heavily criticised by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and reported to the deputy governor regarding a freedom of information request for records relating to national pensions that took more than a year. Acting Commissioner Jan Liebaers said the ministry’s response to the applicant was reluctant […]

FOI boss orders fee review on records search
(CNS): In his latest hearing decision, the information commissioner has found that while there are instances when a public authority can charge a freedom of information applicant a fee to search for records, it must be reasonable. Following a hearing over a fee of more than $500 that was charged to recover deleted emails by […]