Tag: HSA Board of Directors

HSA appoints new chair after Ozzie’s departure

HSA appoints new chair after Ozzie’s departure

| 13/02/2025 | 12 Comments

(CNS): The Health Services Authority (HSA) has appointed Yvette Dilbert as the new board chair after Osbourne “Ozzie” Bodden stepped down after more than three years in the role to hit the campaign trail. Dilbert has a list of relevant health and public policy qualifications and experience, having served as Faith Hospital administrator for 20 […]

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Ossie to chair health services board

Ossie to chair health services board

| 13/09/2021 | 63 Comments

(CNS): Former health minister Osbourne “Ossie” Bodden has been appointed as the chair of the Health Service Authority Board. Bodden ran for office in this year’s election on the same ticket as Premier Wayne Panton and Heather Bodden, the MP for Savannah, but was defeated for the second time by Dwayne Seymour in Bodden Town […]

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