Tag: glass crusher

Glass recycling restarts as Flowers using it in blocks

Glass recycling restarts as Flowers using it in blocks

| 17/02/2025 | 15 Comments

(CNS): Members of the public can go back to dropping off their glass at the various Department of Environmental Health (DEH) depots when they take their aluminium and type 1 and 2 plastics for recycling. The Flowers Group has partnered with the DEH after securing a crusher so they can use the glass in their […]

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Dart stops glass recycling citing ‘safety’ concerns

Dart stops glass recycling citing ‘safety’ concerns

| 07/11/2022 | 162 Comments

(CNS): After ten years of crushing glass and using it in construction, the islands’ biggest developer has abruptly ceased recycling, citing unspecified safety concerns and ageing equipment. A sign at the Camana Bay recycling centre erected over the weekend stating that glass would no longer be recycled caused a stir on social media.

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