Tag: Feed Our Future

New fund dishes out $346k in grants
(CNS): R3 Cayman Foundation has given out its first series of grants and Literacy for Life is the biggest recipient, receiving CI$150,000 to buy laptops for over 350 local kids. In addition, five charities focused on feeding families in need will share CI$110,000, a vocational scholarship progamme was given $56,000 and the YMCA summer camp […]

Lunch programme feeds kids during lockdown
(CNS Local Life): Two charities are trying to make sure that children in the Cayman Islands don’t go hungry during the coronavirus lockdown. Since the schools closed in mid-March, the Homeschool Lunch Program has been providing 465 children from 13 government schools with a healthy meal or supermarket voucher. The Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman […]