Tag: featured comment

Featured comment: CUC outage

Featured comment: CUC outage

| 19/07/2015 | 32 Comments

RC Loves Cayman writes: Your article states, “The problem started on a section of the transmission line between the power plant on North Sound Road and the South Sound substation around 4:30 in the morning, CUC said, though CNS readers reported lost power well before 4am.”

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GT hospital’s A&E is not for primary care

GT hospital’s A&E is not for primary care

| 29/04/2015 | 11 Comments

In reading the response from the HSA and the post from Mr Miller, I am glad he brings the issues to the table. However, There is a much larger issue and it is the public at large and the HSA that needs to take some responsibility for our current system and how it functions. An emergency […]

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