Tag: Erik Henriksen

Inquest finds misadventure in Henriksen’s death

Inquest finds misadventure in Henriksen’s death

| 26/10/2017 | 4 Comments

(CNS): A jury that heard the coroner’s case of Erik Henriksen (58) concluded that he died through misadventure. The wealthy Norwegian businessman, who had a home on Grand Cayman, had just bought a new speed boat and launched it days before he drowned after he and his friend were thrown from the vessel in November […]

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Norwegian boater killed days after launching vessel

Norwegian boater killed days after launching vessel

| 24/10/2017 | 4 Comments

(CNS): Erik Henriksen (58), who was killed in the North Sound, Grand Cayman, in November 2015 when he was thrown from a powerful speedboat, had launched the new vessel only days before, the Coroners Court heard Monday, as the inquest into the Norwegian millionaire’s death opened. Witnesses and statements painted a picture for the jury […]

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