Tag: David Baines

Premier blames opposition for CoP’s costly departure
(CNS): The premature departure of the police commissioner has proved an expensive exercise and compounded leadership problems, the premier has said, as he pointed the finger of blame at the opposition benches. Alden McLaughlin said he had been in discussions with the governor regarding matters of concern at the RCIPS but public criticism and the […]

Baines to quit one year early
(CNS): Police Commissioner David Baines is to quit his post one year before his contract expires but the governor’s office has confirmed that the beleaguered RCIPS boss will still be paid until the end of his contract next June. In a statement released Tuesday afternoon, the governor offered her continued support to Baines as she […]

Speaker sets special meeting for next month
(CNS): Hopes by opposition members that the speaker of the House would call a much earlier meeting of the Legislative Assembly to debate two motions relating to the management of the police service have been dashed. The speaker has confirmed the parliament will not sit until Wednesday, 13 April, just twelve days before the already […]

Local survey finds 79% think Baines should go
(CNS): After just four days of polling for a local survey created to assess public opinion about the police commissioner, more than 500 people have responded and 79% of them say David Baines should go. The results of the survey so far, which asked six questions on the performance of the top cop, do not bode […]

Opposition calls for debate over police management
(CNS): The eight opposition members of the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly have asked the speaker to call a special meeting of parliament to debate the management of the RCIPS, which they say is in dire need of review. The members want two motions to be addressed at the earliest opportunity and before government’s next planned […]

CoP admits ‘abject failure’ over home invasion
(CNS): The increasingly beleaguered police commissioner admitted that the RCIPS had completely failed a victim of a burglary in North Side at the weekend after police took more than 14 hours to respond to a serious crime report. David Baines has reportedly apologised personally to the victim for the “abject failure” and a disciplinary inquiry […]

Survey seeks public opinion on CoP
(CNS): Local activist Kent McTaggart has created an online public opinion survey about the performance of Police Commissioner David Baines and is urging people to take part and express their feelings about the job he is doing. The survey opened on Sunday night and by Monday lunchtime it had been completed by around 60 respondents, the […]

Search moves to recovery operation
(CNS): After searching almost 2,000 square miles of ocean with no sign of survivors, officials confirmed Friday evening that the RCIPS coordinated search and rescue operation had been declared a recovery. The search for 9-year-old Kanyi and 11-year-old Kamron Brown, their uncle Gary Mullings, Edsell Haylock and Nicholas Watler began on Monday morning, 7 March, after the […]

Governor to investigate search operation
(CNS): As criticisms of the police over the search and rescue operation for two children and three men missing at sea continued, the Cayman Islands governor announced Thursday that she was carrying out an independent review at the request of the police commissioner. Her announcement came just hours after the opposition leader filed a private member’s motion calling on government […]

CoP belittles politician’s complaint
(CNS): The police commissioner appeared confident Friday that the bumper list of complaints filed against him by opposition MLA Bernie Bush were groundless. David Baines dismissed the more than 20 complaints as nothing more than gossip. Even though the list refers to a number of actual incidents that have caused concern throughout the community, he accused […]

MLA files bumper complaint against CoP
(CNS): West Bay MLA Bernie Bush has filed a complaint with the home affairs ministry, the deputy governor’s office and the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office under section 44 of the Public Service Management Law regarding the conduct of Police Commissioner David Baines. In his complaint, the opposition UDP member, who has frequently voiced his concerns […]