Tag: child porn

Dealing with paedophilia

Dealing with paedophilia

| 22/06/2017 | 74 Comments

‘Reality Strikes’ writes: Errington Webster is the latest in a recent spate of paedophiles brought to justice, but we know from Marl Road gossip and knowledge of the wider world that there are many more out there. In every country there are adults, mostly men, who find children sexually attractive, and while the public generally […]

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RCIPS helps expose global child abuse sites

RCIPS helps expose global child abuse sites

| 12/04/2017 | 12 Comments

(CNS): The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service was instrumental in closing down child sexual abuse websites based in France and Russia that were previously unknown to authorities, as part of its collaboration with the UK charity, Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), during the course of an investigation here that saw a paedophile jailed for more than […]

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Suspect admits having 1000s of child-porn images

Suspect admits having 1000s of child-porn images

| 21/09/2016 | 24 Comments

(CNS): A 25-year-old Jamaican man admitted having thousands of indecent images of children when he pleaded guilty Tuesday to ten counts of possessing child pornography. Trevorne Daley was arrested and charged in May following an inquiry triggered by the US authorities when he befriended a boy on Facebook last December and began messaging him via WhatsApp. […]

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Suspect charged after 1000+ indecent images found

Suspect charged after 1000+ indecent images found

| 24/05/2016 | 0 Comments

(CNS): A 25-year-old Jamaican man has been remanded in custody to HMP Northward after he appeared in court Monday charged with possessing thousands of pornographic images of children and distributing images online. Trevorne Daley was arrested following an enquiry triggered by the US authorities when he befriended a boy on Facebook last December and began messaging […]

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