Tag: Caribbean reef shark

Study will fill data gap on endangered local sharks
(CNS): The Department of Environment (DoE) has secured UK funding for pop-off satellite archival tags to study the movements of Caribbean reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi) in the ocean around the Cayman Islands. Due to their ecological and socio-economic significance to Cayman, all sharks are protected species and are now considered endangered.

Sharks taking refuge from humans in deep water
(CNS): Three Caribbean reef sharks were caught on camera at a depth of around 300 feet off the coast of West Bay, Grand Cayman, last week. Experts from the Department of Environment said the footage of the three healthy sharks, two female and one male, demonstrates that while they remain one of the dominant predators […]

Seven sharks killed or injured in local waters
(CNS): Over the last few months four sharks have been found dead in Cayman Islands waters and another three badly injured. Researchers at the Department of Environment believe an increase in the appearance of the marine predators in local waters is leading to more encounters between them and fishermen. The DoE research team, Shark Conservation […]