Tag: Ask Auntie

Selling a property without CIREBA

Selling a property without CIREBA

| 14/12/2016 | 0 Comments

My condo on Grand Cayman is listed with CIREBA. Can any CIREBA agent sell it or just the agent I listed it with? Can non-CIREBA real estate companies sell my property or am I now obligated to go through CIREBA? Can I sell it without using an agent and if so, how?

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Constitution should have a braille version

Constitution should have a braille version

| 07/12/2016 | 0 Comments

I read that the Constitutional Commission and the Human Rights Commission are working on producing an audio version of the Cayman Islands Constitution for people who have vision problems (See Audio of Constitution for visually impaired ‘soon come’). Is there also a copy of that or any of our other important documents in braille, which […]

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Concerned about friend being suicidal

Concerned about friend being suicidal

| 28/11/2016 | 1 Comment

A friend of mine has been really depressed recently and I am really worried about her. I’m wondering if there is a suicide hotline here? Auntie’s answer: Few things could be worse than getting to a place where someone contemplates ending their life. If the unthinkable does happen, I unfortunately can say with experience that […]

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Pay grade of top government officials

Pay grade of top government officials

| 25/11/2016 | 0 Comments

What is the salary for the Cayman Islands premier, deputy premier, ministers, MLAs and the governor? Auntie’s answer: While you might have been hoping for an exact number for each salary, Gloria McField-Nixon, chief officer in the Portfolio of the Civil Service, did supply a precise range, and how that is determined for the officials […]

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Discarded shopping carts a nuisance

Discarded shopping carts a nuisance

| 21/11/2016 | 0 Comments

Foster’s Food Fair shopping carts (including the new ones) are along the roadside all over the island. This is unsightly and very concerning to me. I am certain the loss and destruction of these carts are costing FFF not to mention the customers! Can something be put in place? When I travel abroad I am not […]

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Looking for a Buddhist service

Looking for a Buddhist service

| 15/11/2016 | 0 Comments

I am a Buddhist. Where can I meet other Buddhists and is there a place of worship here? Auntie’s answer: One of the nicest things about Cayman is how multicultural our little island is, with the 135 nationalities that live here belying its small size and population. There is also a variety of choices when […]

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Use of turtle shells after meat removed

Use of turtle shells after meat removed

| 08/11/2016 | 0 Comments

What happens to the turtle shells after the Turtle Farm butchers the turtle for meat? Auntie’s answer: I went to the source for this one, asking the Cayman Turtle Centre (the name was changed from Turtle Farm this past September) to respond to your question, and I received a very detailed explanation of the procedure […]

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Immigration status and deporting criminals

Immigration status and deporting criminals

| 25/10/2016 | 0 Comments

A friend of mine was a victim of a crime and she has since left Cayman. I understand the offender is a foreign national but it is unclear if he is a permanent resident or perhaps has Caymanian status. Does his immigration status affect whether he can continue to live in Cayman once he gets […]

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Wreck at Rum Point needs to be salvaged

Wreck at Rum Point needs to be salvaged

| 19/09/2016 | 0 Comments

Who is responsible for removing a sunken boat at Rum Point? There’s a 25ft boat that sunk while anchored off Rum Point in about four feet of water and it’s been there for over two months! Children have been playing on it, and we’ve noticed it’s starting to fall apart with all sorts of bits […]

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Landlord stayed in tenant’s condo

Landlord stayed in tenant’s condo

| 09/09/2016 | 0 Comments

My husband and I live at a condo on island that is owned by a woman living in (the US). Upon moving into our condo we found out that the owner had not been to Cayman to see her unit in over 10 years. It needed a lot of work! We told her we would […]

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Hoping to import exotic pet for kids

Hoping to import exotic pet for kids

| 30/08/2016 | 0 Comments

I have been having a hard time finding any information regarding the import of “exotic” pets to the Cayman Islands. I have searched the agriculture documentation but was unable to find information regarding primates (specifically marmoset, capuchin and sugar gliders) and also miniature pigs. My kids have recently visited a family in the USA which […]

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