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Private pensioners get access to more of their cash

Private pensioners get access to more of their cash

| 27/06/2024 | 37 Comments

(CNS): Residents living on private sector pensions can now access marginally more of their own money this year as the Department of Labour, in consultation with the National Pensions Board, approved an increase in the 2024 Retirement Savings Arrangements (RSA) disbursement figure from CI$14,125, the current maximum annual payout, to CI$15,000, effective 1 June.

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PPM seeks answers on long list of UPM policies

PPM seeks answers on long list of UPM policies

| 27/06/2024 | 22 Comments

(CNS): The Progressive opposition members of parliament have submitted 15 questions ahead of the meeting of lawmakers next week seeking answers on a number of major public interest issues. Topics include the government’s slow progress on the design and implementation of a new public transport system, the number of road fatalities, the status of plans […]

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NCC corrects false narrative on DoE director’s power

NCC corrects false narrative on DoE director’s power

| 26/06/2024 | 26 Comments

(CNS): The National Conservation Council has refuted false claims and misinformation being circulated on social media that incorrectly suggest the director of the Department of Environment has unprecedented powers under the National Conservation Act (NCA) that elevates the post-holder above Cabinet and enables whoever holds the job to make decisions without accountability.

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RCIPS to host gun amnesty after six-year break

RCIPS to host gun amnesty after six-year break

| 25/06/2024 | 23 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS is launching a National Gun Amnesty next month, the first one in six years, to remove some of the illegal weapons currently on the streets of Cayman. While the police have seized over 130 firearms over the last seven years, they know of more than 90 that have been used in different […]

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Public service retirees to get 3.8% pension rise

Public service retirees to get 3.8% pension rise

| 25/06/2024 | 34 Comments

(CNS): Retired public sector workers who are members of the government pension scheme will be receiving a 3.8% increase for 2024 based on the current inflation rate, the Public Service Pension Board (PSPB) has said. CNS has confirmed that MPs and judges who receive pensions are also receiving the cost-of-living increase on their payments, despite […]

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Four hurt in single-car crash in Bodden Town

Four hurt in single-car crash in Bodden Town

| 25/06/2024 | 15 Comments

(CNS): Police are investigating the circumstances around a single-car crash in the early morning hours on Saturday. The RCIPS said that at about 1:45am officers on patrol in Bodden Town came upon the crash on Shamrock Road, near the junction of Christian Berry Drive. All four people inside the Honda Civic were injured. They were […]

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Where are our priorities?

Where are our priorities?

| 25/06/2024 | 37 Comments

MDR writes: The decision by the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism to award a US$12.3 million contract to an overseas company to create a global brand to market the Cayman Islands as a luxury destination has raised significant concerns. This move comes at a time when the cost of living in the Cayman Islands is […]

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Mac spreads misinformation about conservation law

Mac spreads misinformation about conservation law

| 25/06/2024 | 69 Comments

(CNS): Last week, McKeeva Bush MP (WBW) became the first person in the UPM government to admit that it is trying to amend the National Conservation Act to make development easier, but the veteran MP was peddling misinformation and a false narrative as he did so. Appearing on Radio Cayman’s lunchtime talk show, Talk-Today, Bush […]

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Bush trial over rape allegation delayed on first day

Bush trial over rape allegation delayed on first day

| 24/06/2024

(CNS): The jury selection process to find at least seven men and women to serve in the trial of McKeeva Bush MP (69), who faces historic rape and sexual assault allegations, failed to get going on Monday, the first day of the scheduled trial, even after his own request for a postponement to give him […]

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PPM hits out at minister’s failure to reboot tourism plan

PPM hits out at minister’s failure to reboot tourism plan

| 24/06/2024 | 55 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Ministry of Tourism is waiting until the end of next year to launch a new tourism plan after the current document expires in 2023, according to Chief Officer Stran Bodden. However, the opposition has criticised this decision. In a statement, PPM Leader Roy McTaggart urged Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan to “do […]

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Traffic cops begin another targetted road crackdown

Traffic cops begin another targetted road crackdown

| 24/06/2024 | 63 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS Traffic and Roads Policing Unit launched a new road safety campaign on Monday, which will last until Sunday, 7 July. Traffic police will conduct high-visibility initiatives and traffic enforcement across the islands, focusing on persistent road safety offences and poor driving behaviour, including speeding, DUI, inconsiderate and distracted driving. As Cayman continues […]

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