300 more parking spaces coming at ORIA

| 03/09/2024 | 45 Comments

(CNS): Work has begun on developing a new parking facility at Owen Roberts International Airport, which will create 300 more spaces east of the terminal. The Cayman Islands Airport Authority said the facility will offer a modern parking management system and enhanced lighting to ensure safety and convenience for all customers, as the current facilities have reached capacity, especially on weekends.

Given the challenge of efficiently accommodating the growing number of passengers, the new parking area will alleviate congestion and provide convenient access while improving the overall efficiency of airport parking, the CIAA said. It will also accommodate the vehicles used by airport workers, including airline employees, ground handling service providers and other airport partners.

The cost of the project has not been revealed amid the ever-growing tab for the redevelopment of Grand Cayman’s airport.

CIAA Board Chair Johann Moxam said that developing a new long-term parking facility at Owen Roberts International Airport was a “vital enhancement” to Cayman’s primary gateway.

“As travel to and from the Cayman Islands continues to grow, ensuring that our infrastructure can accommodate that growth is crucial,” Moxam stated. “This project not only reflects our commitment to improving the travel experience for residents but also demonstrates our dedication to continuously improving our airports.”

Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan said it was a significant step forward in the commitment to enhancing the travel experience for passengers. “Our local Caymanian customers will no longer have to worry about parking availability during our peak periods. The additional parking facility will greatly improve convenience and accessibility, ensuring that our airport continues to provide the highest standard of service,” he added.

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Comments (45)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Why not ask DART to build a decent parking garage like the ones at Camana Bay.

    Clearing more land to pave another parking lot that will likely not be covered and/or maintained like the present one is a complete waste of money.

    Why not try to purchase land behind the current long term lot and build a multi story garage with an overhead walkway to the second floor of the airport and then put in an escalator and stairs down to the first floor..Solve two problems at once…

    Right now the current airport is not fit for purpose if its raining. Neither parking lot is covered and both flood in areas when it rains. You can’t even drive up to the terminal to drop someone off because there are no covered entry ways to the terminal.

    We have a mess there already, let’s do it right the first time instead of pissing away more money into an already mal-designed airport.

    Kenneth needs to take that $1.2M that he is wasting on a referendum that no one wants and Julie needs to take that $50M for her monument in the Brac plus the $12M she has to build the tenement yard for the Jamaicans she is bringing over to build and use it towards getting a proper parking garage built.

    Julie has already screwed up Education and Kenneth is on his way to destroying Tourism. We should never let either one of them near political office ever again.

  2. Anonymous says:

    why not just build a parking garage dunces…

  3. Anonymous says:

    Anyone else noticed the first “facility” the CIG have placed at the additional plane spot they have made? – a PortaLoo. That’s right folks the first thing passengers see when they disembark in Cayman is a bright blue PortaLoo, and how much did we pay for the airport enhancements?

  4. Anonymous says:

    “ It will also accommodate the vehicles used by airport workers, including airline employees, ground handling service providers and other airport partners.” Who will give up their private car park nearest the terminal, no doubt.

  5. JTB says:

    Build up, not out.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Evidence we should get rid of cruiseships completely

  7. Anonymous says:

    Ever heard of a parking garage??

    • Anonymous says:

      Why yes, I have. Are you willing to increase the cost of this project by multiple millions of dollars?????

  8. Anonymous says:

    Make parking free again, delete the gates, gatekeepers, wands, and ticket machines. Put our sunshades back on the roofline of the airport.

    • Anonymous says:

      Didn’t the architectural renderings envisage some kind of green glass or material that resembled turtles? But for the grossly exceeded budget all we got was some white tarps.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Move staff parking across the road. Delete the needlessly bizarre manned gatekeeper. There.

  10. Anonymous says:

    As per usual. Caymanians are 50 years behind. Why are the natives so utterly terrified of anything more than a single story?? Is it the Jamaican voodoo in them? It it isn’t low density residential it’s low density parking, if not that it’s low density customer service at CIG and so on.

    Are caymanians just scared of heights?

  11. Anonymous says:

    If you live in Bodden Town unless you travel for more than 20 days .. its always cheaper to park at the airport … $70 one way with only one suitcase via taxi … not to mention if you are getting the early morning flight to Miami …

  12. Anonymous says:

    So will they fix the pot holes and remove the derelict vehicles from the this new field or will it be managed on the same basis as the existing field? And, let us be clear, these are just fields with parking stops.

  13. Anonymous says:

    maybe get the existing parking ticketing machine working properly first….???????

  14. Anonymous says:

    yet again the easiest most backward thing to do…..but to be expected from the poorly educated fools in cig and the civil service.
    free solutions:
    park and ride scheme
    public bus service at airport.

    • Anonymous says:

      We’ve asked for that airport public bus service for many years. Despite clear public interest and benefit it will likely never happen. CIG protects and enforces the taxi carter’s exclusive rights to passengers at that location.

    • Anonymous says:

      10:30 Come on don’t you the airports authority is not part of our world class civil service. The word authority should give you a hint that staff of the authority are public servants governed by a private sector board. just like awfulreg. Get the picture.

  15. Anonymous says:

    can you remind us again why there is no public transport options at owen roberts????….to protect the rip-off taxi cartel by any chance?????

    • Anonymous says:

      This is precisely why I park at the airport even for two weeks at a time when I travel. Much rather pay $100 for the time than $50 for a 12 minute ride home.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop electing unethical clowns. The Cayman electorate continually shows why the country is a mess. Incompetence electing incompetence.

  16. Anonymous says:

    ‘The cost of the project has not been revealed amid the ever-growing tab for the redevelopment of Grand Cayman’s airport.’

    Surprise, surprise!

    Why is it being alliwed to go ahead?

    • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

      Should have went with the Canadian Airport proposal 10 years ago. This airport is a continual drain on Caymanian Government finances. Nobody knows the true costs except a small group.

      I shed a tear every time I visit the Bermuda Airport.

      We are so Third World the way we do some things here.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, the airport is the drain, not the half a BILLION dollars in salaries to keep the local voting bloc employed.

      • Anonymous says:

        I know. Bermuda really sucks. It is a racist and divisive place. I get quite upset when I have to go there too.

        • Anonymous says:

          Sounds like many areas in Cayman.

        • Miami Dave says:

          10:01, But a fantastic fit for purpose first class airport.

          Wish we had the same thing here.

          Bet you never get upset going through the Bermuda Airport. 🤡

      • Anonymous says:

        “continual drain on Caymanian Government finances”

        Can anyone in the Cayman Islands actually name a project our (any) Cayman Govt has ever brought to fruition that wasn’t a continual drain on finances from the day they broke ground on it?

        “We are so Third World the way we do some things here.”

        I would amend to state that we, the voting public, are insane doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

  17. Anonymous says:

    How about a 3/4 story garage?

    • Anonymous says:

      75% of a single story sounds about right in Cayman.

    • nauticalone345 says:

      Exactly my thoughts. They could connect it to the terminal also, so people (think especially a single parent with children and the elderly or injured/disabled) would get drenched or sweating in the sun. Similar to the Dart car park at Camana Bay. Why does CIG and so many others have such an aversion to vertical building?

  18. Anonymous says:

    Finally, good to see that it will accommodate airport workers, although we’ll see whether that happens. Totally ridiculous that the closest parking has been reserved for airport workers past several years. Nowhere else in the world.

  19. Anonymous says:

    “Facility” = “grass piece”. What a joke.

  20. Anonymous says:

    A lot of this would be unnecessary if we had an Uber or similar. I always drive and park up, since I’d rather pay for that than give money to a hyperinflated taxi fee.

    Fix public transportation and the taxi cartels and just watch how some problems ease off.

    Also, they’re definitely gonna mess this up. If anyone can create a bad car park, it’ll be CIG. They have probably enlisted the same designers as Foster’s Airport car park.

  21. Anonymous says:

    So it will be a really long walk in the pissing rain, whether you are “a local Caymanian” or not.

    Thanks again Kenny.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, left foot right foot. Take an umbrella if you are worried about the paltry 4″ of rain we get each month. It’s a few hundred yards.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or you’ll be able to ride the Jon Jon donkey cart shuttle to the terminal.

    • Anonymous says:

      Meanwhile lots of Airport staff continue to park illegally on the empty lot next to Andy’s rent a car.


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