Four hurt in single-car crash in Bodden Town

| 25/06/2024 | 15 Comments

(CNS): Police are investigating the circumstances around a single-car crash in the early morning hours on Saturday. The RCIPS said that at about 1:45am officers on patrol in Bodden Town came upon the crash on Shamrock Road, near the junction of Christian Berry Drive. All four people inside the Honda Civic were injured. They were helped by medics at the scene before being taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital and treated for what appeared to be serious but non-life-threatening injuries.

One person has since been discharged, while the others remain in hospital. No other details of the crash have been revealed, though the car was very badly damaged.

This latest serious collision comes just as the RCIPS starts another targeted road safety campaign to encourage safe driving and reduce Cayman’s high rate of road collisions.

“We are taking this opportunity to remind road users to avoid unsafe driving behaviours such as speeding, distracted driving, driving without seatbelts, and, of course, driving under the influence,” said Chief Superintendent Brad Ebanks. “Accidents will happen, but taking these steps will help to reduce the frequency and severity of motor vehicle collisions on our roads.”

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Comments (15)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    SPEED CAMERAS, then tickets are emailed to the licensed owner of the vehicle is the way to go. Use popos to solve more serious crimes, and leave speeding tickets to technology.

  2. Anonymous says:

    there is no-one in cig or rcips with expertise or qualifications to tackle the road safety crisis
    civil service is filled with poorly educated people with zero ability to tackle these issues.
    if we can’t be honest and face these facts we will never be closer to a solution.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I can almost imagine the chaos in the vehicle. I’d be willing to bet good money that seatbelts were not being worn, and as a result, people were throwing all kinds of shapes during the impact.

    The lack of seatbelt wearing is directly proportional to the lack of driving skills and education. The extra injuries and deaths are paid for by everyone in increased premiums for insurance, and traffic from road closures.

  4. Where the Hell these people going ! says:

    10:55am I would like to offer you this eye witness account and refute what you are saying to CNS readers. On the morning in question I was headed up along Shamrock Road towards Bodden Town on reaching in the vicinity Woodland Drive lower Valley an idiot tailgating me all of sudden backed off when he observed a Police Traffic vehicle ahead of me with its blue lights going. The traffic officer had stopped a truck and had just finished dealing with the driver and was getting back in his vehicle when I crossed. The line of cars behind me had slowed down including mr Tailgate .As I reached the next bend further up I observed a white Honda vehicle traveling at a very high rate of speed coming towards me it barely made the bend in the road it was headed towards Savannah as I continued both the stopped truck and mr Tailgate once again increased their speed and Mr tailgate dangerously overtook me and several other vehicles out of site of the police vehicle. The Police vehicle presence that morning may have very well saved the crashed vehicle’s driver and passengers lives that morning for being in that very area on patrol. So you are very wrong on this occasion. These late drivers need to slow down and stop this dangerous high rate of speed on our roads after hours.

    • Anonymous says:

      One of the two traffic officers?

    • Anonymous says:

      This is an example of how using the helicopter would be useful. Drivers wouldn’t know if they are being watched and police officers can be staged farther up the road to pull over offenders.

      • Anonymous says:

        A commercial drone would be a better option. Cheaper, less risk, and just as capable, if not more so, as a drone will be quieter than the flying noise maker.

    • Anonymous says:

      The drive like maniac on Shamrock Road all the time. If they are not on top the bumper they are forcing out of the lane so they can pass where they should’nt.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Was it those moving power poles again?

    CUC really needs to do something about them.

    Poor drivers.

  6. Elvis says:

    Hondas are great reliable cars.
    Drivers are less reliable, and not great at all. Simple

  7. Bob says:

    thats not going to stop the unruly drivers, they will be back at again the next day!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    These guys dont read the papers. Check Esterley Tibbetts on a Saturday night around 8pm. I’ve driven that road 3 times about 6 months apart and it is the same thing, i wished i had taken the slow West Bay road. It is incredible, driving like I have never seen before!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Another serious crash in the wee hours of the morning. Police presence = Zero at those times. Yet the RCIPS think a targeted road crackdown in which speeding is the main focus, during work hours to save lives.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly, where during those same work hours at peak time, you’re lucky to get above 15mph. Cuckoo land.

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