
Feeding the addiction

Feeding the addiction

| 12/12/2024 | 134 Comments

Nick Joseph writes: Our economy, or at least aspects of it, operates on cheap labour. Wages are sometimes derisory and do not reflect basic economic principles where — other things equal — shortage drives up price. Wages, in some cases, are purely an artificial construct founded upon a nearly unlimited supply of labour. Much of […]

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Independents, parties and campaign donors

Independents, parties and campaign donors

| 10/12/2024 | 56 Comments

(CNS): Political Watchdog writes: Yesterday we watched a political telenovela unfold with the second premier and fourth deputy premier walking into parliament. And some people want to blame this on “independents”. Keen observers of Caymanian politics will know this isn’t about being independent or with a party.

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Questioning the standards of the CSPL

Questioning the standards of the CSPL

| 09/12/2024 | 29 Comments

Anonymous writes: I write with great concern regarding the recent release issued by the Commission for Standards in Public Life (CSPL) concerning their examination of the declarations made by Wayne Panton MP and Sabrina Turner MP and the CSPL’s determination that there have been no breaches of the Register of Interests requirements as outlined in […]

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Cayman Islands marathons/road races

Cayman Islands marathons/road races

| 04/12/2024 | 72 Comments

John Henry Ebanks writes: Hearty congratulations to all who participated in the most recent Cayman Islands event. This annual event, while seemingly enjoyed by the participants, does not contemplate the disruptive effect that it has on the public, particularly in areas of the Capital where roads are blocked off, which not only creates a maze […]

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The de-Caymanization of Cayman

The de-Caymanization of Cayman

| 16/10/2024 | 279 Comments

Ezzard Miller writes: The latest labour and population statistics released by the Economic and Statistics Office of the government are very troubling andĀ alarming but not surprising to me as I have been trying to raise concerns about this for the last decade. Caymanians should be gravely concerned that they are now outnumbered three to one […]

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Responsible developer wants sustainable planning rules

Responsible developer wants sustainable planning rules

| 03/10/2024 | 8 Comments

Top Hat writes: As a developer who strives to operate ethically and responsibly, itā€™s incredibly frustrating to see the lack of accountability and poor planning that continues to put both residents and the environment at risk. Development should contribute to a better, more resilient future for Grand Cayman — not worsen the flooding and infrastructure […]

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Pushing at the boundaries (and continuing on cruise control)

Pushing at the boundaries (and continuing on cruise control)

| 26/09/2024 | 53 Comments

Nick Joseph writes: I have said it before, and I say it again: The thankless teams of civil servants who operate the FOI systems for the government are critical to understanding what is happening behind the scenes.Ā We should be very grateful to them.

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Ideas and oratory versus ‘fridgocracy’

Ideas and oratory versus ‘fridgocracy’

| 23/09/2024 | 63 Comments

Lite Poll: About 2,500 years ago, the Ancient Greeks developed a radical system of government in which all male citizens voted on the important decisions for their city state. (Slaves and women were not invited.) As democracy progressed, persuasive public speaking became an intrinsic part of politics as men learned, studied and practised the art […]

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The common theme: Incentivise the rich, force the poor

The common theme: Incentivise the rich, force the poor

| 08/08/2024 | 87 Comments

Iā€™m a millennial and Iā€™m in this non-stop grind because in the 90s we saw light at the end of the tunnel. Iā€™m running off of that stupid hope that there is something at the end of all this suffering because I used to see it. The next generation didnā€™t see any of that. They […]

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Open letter urges MPs to take action on climate change

Open letter urges MPs to take action on climate change

| 01/08/2024 | 26 Comments

Dear Representatives of the Cayman Islands and United Kingdom Government: We, the youth of Cayman, urgently call upon you to develop a comprehensive plan to prepare our islands for the imminent impacts of climate change. Time and time again, we have all been warned about the effects of climate change, yet virtually nothing has been […]

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Where are our priorities?

Where are our priorities?

| 25/06/2024 | 37 Comments

MDR writes: The decision by the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism to award a US$12.3 million contract to an overseas company to create a global brand to market the Cayman Islands as a luxury destination has raised significant concerns. This move comes at a time when the cost of living in the Cayman Islands is […]

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