
New rules planned to curb sham marriages

New rules planned to curb sham marriages

| 18/06/2024 | 32 Comments

(CNS): In a move the Cayman Islands Government has described as “upholding the sanctity” of marriage and civil partnerships, Cabinet has approved the drafting of new immigration regulations. Officials said the Immigration (Arrangements of Convenience) Regulations 2024, which aim to prevent sham marriages, show that government is committed to ensuring marriages or civil partnerships are […]

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US consultants working on draft housing policy

US consultants working on draft housing policy

| 17/06/2024 | 38 Comments

(CNS): Public Works LLC, the US-based consultants contracted by the UPM government to draft the Cayman Islands’ first housing policy, has begun work on that document, according to ministry officials. Since winning the CI$276,750 contract last October, the consultants have carried out a public consultation, including an online survey, and met with stakeholders and focus […]

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New eco-activists launch petition to save NCA

New eco-activists launch petition to save NCA

| 14/06/2024 | 59 Comments

(CNS): Following news reported on CNS this week that the UPM government is in the process of trying to gut the National Conservation Act, local environmentalists have expressed deep concerns. Efforts are underway to rally public support to stop any attempts to undermine this critical legislation, including the launch of a petition. Sustainable Cayman and […]

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WORC bosses to face PAC grilling

WORC bosses to face PAC grilling

| 13/06/2024 | 38 Comments

(CNS): The Public Accounts Committee will hold a public hearing from today, Thursday, to 20 June regarding the Office of the Auditor General’s latest performance report, Improving Employment Prospects for Caymanians, May 2024, in which the OAG made ten recommendations, primarily to WORC. Ministry of Labour Chief Officer Wesley Howell, WORC Director Jeremy Scott and […]

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‘Absurd’ attack on NCA a ‘corrupt initiative’ says Panton

‘Absurd’ attack on NCA a ‘corrupt initiative’ says Panton

| 13/06/2024 | 176 Comments

(CNS): Former premier Wayne Panton MP (NEW) has accused the developer lobby of a “corrupt initiative” to influence the UPM into amending the National Conservation Act to allow them free rein. In a scathing attack on his former colleagues, Panton has said the same agenda that drove him from Cabinet is driving the “absurd attack” […]

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New bill rolled out to help trust and estates sector

New bill rolled out to help trust and estates sector

| 12/06/2024 | 17 Comments

(CNS): Financial Services Minister André Ebanks will present the Perpetuities (Amendment) Bill, 2024 in parliament next month. The bill aims to enhance the trusts and estate planning sector by removing the mandatory 150-year perpetuity period for existing and future trusts. The change aligns with industry trends and ensures the Cayman Islands’ competitiveness in financial services, […]

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Non-oil imports grow 3.6% to over $1.31 billion

Non-oil imports grow 3.6% to over $1.31 billion

| 11/06/2024 | 4 Comments

(CNS): The total value of goods imported into the Cayman Islands last year was $1.53 billion, an increase of 2% over the previous year, according to the Foreign Trade Report 2023 produced by the Economics and Statistics Office. The value of non-petroleum products grew by 3.6% from 2022 to over $1.31 billion, while the value […]

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Activists urge CIG to enforce anticipated plastic ban

Activists urge CIG to enforce anticipated plastic ban

| 11/06/2024 | 27 Comments

(CNS): Local activists are urging the Cayman Islands Government to enforce the law when it implements the proposed ban on some single-use plastics. Plastic Free Cayman told CNS that they were delighted to see progress on an issue they have been campaigning for since 2017. As seen with past environmental initiatives such as the litter […]

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CEO bemoans meagre pension for CAL staff

CEO bemoans meagre pension for CAL staff

| 10/06/2024 | 95 Comments

(CNS): Retired Cayman Airways Ltd (CAL) workers are facing a bleak future as the private pensions they accumulated are nowhere near enough to live on and they do not have post-retirement healthcare. Answering a question at the Public Accounts Committee hearing last week from Bernie Bush MP (WBN) about former airline staff struggling on meagre […]

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Population growth fuels public concern for new plan

Population growth fuels public concern for new plan

| 07/06/2024 | 58 Comments

(CNS): Unchecked population growth that is fueling the rampant over-development of the Cayman Islands should be at the heart of the public conversation on shaping the development plan, people who attended the first of the planning ministry’s meetings on its draft Planning Statement made clear on Tuesday. This vague overview of what the Cayman Islands […]

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$144M spent in five years helping locals into work

$144M spent in five years helping locals into work

| 04/06/2024 | 58 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government spent close to CI$144 million over five years (2019 to 2023) on efforts to get Caymanians into work, but a report by the Office of the Auditor General found little evidence that any of the various programmes and attempts to remove barriers have actually impacted the unemployment rate. The report […]

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