
Cabinet OKs ‘damaging’ East End shoreline project

Cabinet OKs ‘damaging’ East End shoreline project

| 15/07/2024 | 32 Comments

(CNS): Cabinet has granted a coastal works licence for a groyne and the excavation of swim areas along the beachfront of the Wyndham Reef Resort in East End despite clear recommendations from the Department of Environment several years ago that the application should be denied because of the potential damage to the marine environment and […]

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Port Zeus developers to consult Brackers on proposed marina

Port Zeus developers to consult Brackers on proposed marina

| 09/07/2024 | 74 Comments

(CNS): Frank Schilling and the developers planning a multi-million dollar marina and residential village on Cayman Brac, known as Port Zeus, are holding a public meeting on Thursday evening so that residents can have their say on the terms of reference for the environmental impact assessment for the project proposal. Members of the public can […]

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NRA to start work widening Crewe Road to six lanes

NRA to start work widening Crewe Road to six lanes

| 30/06/2024 | 18 Comments

(CNS): Five years after work first started to create a six-lane highway linking the Chrissie Tomlinson Roundabout through the Red Bay Roundabout up to Grand Harbour, work will begin this weekend on the stretch of Crewe Road that links up to the CUC roundabout. The National Roads Authority said the multi-phase road widening initiative aims […]

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NCC corrects false narrative on DoE director’s power

NCC corrects false narrative on DoE director’s power

| 26/06/2024 | 26 Comments

(CNS): The National Conservation Council has refuted false claims and misinformation being circulated on social media that incorrectly suggest the director of the Department of Environment has unprecedented powers under the National Conservation Act (NCA) that elevates the post-holder above Cabinet and enables whoever holds the job to make decisions without accountability.

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Mac spreads misinformation about conservation law

Mac spreads misinformation about conservation law

| 25/06/2024 | 69 Comments

(CNS): Last week, McKeeva Bush MP (WBW) became the first person in the UPM government to admit that it is trying to amend the National Conservation Act to make development easier, but the veteran MP was peddling misinformation and a false narrative as he did so. Appearing on Radio Cayman’s lunchtime talk show, Talk-Today, Bush […]

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National Trust issues warning about gutting NCA

National Trust issues warning about gutting NCA

| 21/06/2024 | 45 Comments

(CNS): The National Trust for the Cayman Islands is the latest organisation to issue a warning about the government’s plans to gut the National Conservation Act to essentially make development of all kinds even easier than it already is. In a statement issued on behalf of the Trust board and staff in response to the […]

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Gutting the NCC is gutting the NCA through the backdoor

Gutting the NCC is gutting the NCA through the backdoor

| 20/06/2024 | 51 Comments

#DontPaveParadise writes: For the past month or so, there have been numerous news articles, social posts and widely circulated electronic messages that suggest that the UPM Government is going to bring amendments to the National Conservation Act (NCA) or, without bringing the matter to Parliament, summarily alter Schedule 2 of that Act, which deals with […]

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Concerns unlawful land clearance may be quarry

Concerns unlawful land clearance may be quarry

| 19/06/2024 | 44 Comments

(CNS): The Department of the Environment and the Department of Planning have both raised concerns about an application for after-the-fact land clearing and the excavation of what was partially pristine shrubland and forest off the Queen’s Highway in East End that may actually be for quarrying and not just for farming purposes as claimed.

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‘Absurd’ attack on NCA a ‘corrupt initiative’ says Panton

‘Absurd’ attack on NCA a ‘corrupt initiative’ says Panton

| 13/06/2024 | 176 Comments

(CNS): Former premier Wayne Panton MP (NEW) has accused the developer lobby of a “corrupt initiative” to influence the UPM into amending the National Conservation Act to allow them free rein. In a scathing attack on his former colleagues, Panton has said the same agenda that drove him from Cabinet is driving the “absurd attack” […]

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UPM aiming to gut National Conservation Act

UPM aiming to gut National Conservation Act

| 10/06/2024 | 213 Comments

(CNS): The UPM government has been holding a series of closed-door meetings in recent weeks, CNS has learned, in an effort to make worrying changes to the National Conservation Law to remove the already limited powers it provides to protect the environment. The UPM wants the requirement for environmental impact assessments (EIAs) for government projects […]

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Population growth fuels public concern for new plan

Population growth fuels public concern for new plan

| 07/06/2024 | 58 Comments

(CNS): Unchecked population growth that is fueling the rampant over-development of the Cayman Islands should be at the heart of the public conversation on shaping the development plan, people who attended the first of the planning ministry’s meetings on its draft Planning Statement made clear on Tuesday. This vague overview of what the Cayman Islands […]

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