Pocket fire at GT dump extinguished

| 05/09/2019 | 15 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS) UPDATED THURSDAY: The fire that started at the George Town Landfill site Wednesday morning is no longer burning, the Cayman Islands Fire Service (CIFS) confirmed Thursday. CIFS said that fire crews were called to the site at 5:29pm yesterday after a deep-seated pocket fire was detected, and worked throughout the evening to excavate and douse the areas until it was fully extinguished at around 11pm.

Thermal imaging cameras that were used during the night and again this morning found that there were no outstanding hotspots. Crews from CIFS and the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) will continue to monitor the site throughout the day for any new developments, officials said.

The fire was first detected at 6:30am on Wednesday, 4 September, morning on the surface of the landfill site. Fire crews were called to the scene, where they worked persistently to ensure the surface fire was extinguished.

The site was monitored throughout the day by CIFS and the DEH. No naked flames were visible but small amounts of smoke were detected later Wednesday evening, and fire crews returned to investigate further.

Investigations using thermal imaging cameras revealed that the cause of the smoke was a deep-seated pocket fire located close to the small surface fire extinguished earlier in the day.

Deputy Chief Fire Officer Roy Charlton said on Wednesday, “As the deputy responsible for the Domestic section, I can assure the public that my officers are working diligently to minimise the threat of any smoke that might affect neighbouring areas.” He said the fire was not a cause for concern and confirmed that his team will continue to work with the crew at DEH until they are satisfied that it has been fully extinguished.   

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Would they be able to extinguish several deep seated spontaneous combustions at once? Are they prepared for that?

  2. Anonymous says:

    That waste that all people on this island producing slowly killing all humans and all life that lives on the island with the species that surrounds it.

    No one seems to care, but that’s none of my business.

    I just live at lakeside and enjoy the freshly toxic air every day.

    How about we put it in your back yard and see how you feel about it.

    Hoomans, the most destructive species on Earth.

  3. Anonymous says:

    why don’t we just get Trump to nuke it nah

  4. Anonymous says:

    Fix it?

  5. Anonymous says:

    mount trashmore….the prefect monument to the incomptence and failures of caymanian politicians

  6. Anonymous says:

    Ticking time bomb

  7. Anonymous says:

    Another warning. Fix the DUMP NOW.

    • Anonymous says:

      They couldn’t fix it before, they can’t fix it now, and they never plan on fixing it because they know something you don’t. They know that they are not smart enough to get it done. When are you going to figure that out on your own?

      • Anonymous says:

        If a hurricane like Dorian hits Grand Cayman, which it eventually will, George Town is going to have a massive environmental problem as will the waters of North Sound.

        If there is a ticking time bomb it is the responsibility of everyone to try and deactivate the bomb. Until I am dead, I am not prepared to accept a level of complacency like you are, 6:54. If they can build a port costing over $200 million then they can fix the dump. It is not rocket science though does require political will.

        Having said that, not sure the new port could survive a future hurricane Dorian.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Next hurricane blow through that shit pile goin’ be spread through the streets of central George Town. Maybe then you’ll care.


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