No gay unions but CIG to look at dependents

| 23/11/2015 | 192 Comments

Cayman News ServiceCNS): The Human Rights Commission has published correspondence between Premier Alden McLaughlin and the HRC chair on the controversial issue of civil rights for gay couples. In a letter to James Austin Smith, McLaughlin said Cayman wasn’t ready to accept or legalise same-sex partnerships but government may consider changing the immigration rules to allow gay foreign nationals to be recognized as dependents. But in his response the HRC chair warns that Cayman is in breach of the law as he urges the premier to take the lead on gay rights and condemn the attacks that came from his own government benches.

In his letter McLaughlin made it clear that the idea of same-sex marriage or legal unions is not on the agenda and that he does not believe there is support for it in the community. Claiming the courts have recognized the ‘sensitivities’ surrounding the issue, he said that changing the immigration framework could be part of a gradual maturation towards wider rights but that government was not considering gay partnerships at this time.

Changing the immigration law may head off legal action planned by lawyers Dr Leonard Ranovich and his husband but it will do little to help local members of the LGBT community.

In response to the premier’s proposal Austin-Smith welcomed a review of the immigration rules but spelled out the problems with the rest of the premier’s position. Lamenting the lack of any rights whatsoever for members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, he also called on McLaughlin to speak out against the discriminatory comments that are coming from his own party members.

The exchange between the premier and the HRC were triggered by the shocking comments made by Bodden Town MLA Anthony Eden during a debate on traditional marriage in August. The recently released letters were written before Eden made another statement on the issue last week, in which he called for Austin-Smith’s removal from the HRC because he is an atheist and for a Christian to be installed as the chair of the commission.

In a short statement the governor, who is responsible for the appointment of that commission, said the religious beliefs of the HRC membership were irrelevant.

“An individual’s religious beliefs are not relevant to whether they can serve on, or perform effectively in, any of Cayman’s commissions,” Helen Kilpatrick said, though she did not condemn the comments made by Eden about the chair or his continued attack on the LGBT community from the parliament.

In a letter 16 November, just days ahead of Eden’s further comments, Austin-Smith berated McLaughlin for his silence on the discrimination displayed by his party members. In his original letter of 18 August he had asked the premier to condemn the comments made by Eden, especially those that had described LGBT people as akin to paedophiles and those practicing bestiality, describing them as “deviants”, “wicked”, “immoral” and “evil” and threatening violence against them.

“With respect, you have failed to respond to that recommendation,” he said.  “I hope you can agree with me that this was deeply unpleasant abuse, likely to incite hatred and is worthy of condemnation in the strongest possible terms — I encourage you at the very least to say so publicly,” Austin-Smith wrote.

The lawyer also sets out the problem that government is facing with its position that it will not sanction same-sex partnerships. Asking the premier to reconsider the legal advice he has received, the chair warned, “There should be no doubt about it — we are in breach of the law.” He said that he had “no doubt” that in the total absence of any rights for the LGBT community locally, the courts would rule against the Cayman government if a case was brought.

Austin-Smith disagreed that government could not do anything to change the law. “The government has full power to pass laws for ‘the peace, order and good government’ of the islands. This includes complying with our obligations under international law. The government does not have to seek a referendum every time it wishes to pass a law and this issue is, respectfully, no different from any other, save that the need for legislation is so clear and immediate,” he wrote.

“You suggest there is no consensus for change, conversely, I am constantly struck and heartened by the support that the community, particularly young Caymanians, have for their fellow Caymanians and residents who are the victims of discrimination because of their sexual orientation,” the chair said, adding that some may not feel able to speak out publicly for fear of becoming victims, not unlike the “vilification and abuse that was so regrettably perpetrated in the Legislative Assembly” and that comments were not only reprehensible but were designed to intimidate those seeking change.

“One of the core functions of government is to demonstrate leadership by doing the right thing, not simply to follow those who are shouting loudest,” the chair said as he urged the premier “to give direction and leadership on this issue” and make it clear government will not support victimisation of members of the community because of their sexual orientation.

During the last few months the only member of the Legislative Assembly to offer support to the LGBT community is Minister Wayne Panton, who made it clear he wants to see an end to the discrimination as well as lawful same-sex unions.

Letter to the HRC from premier Re Recognition of Same-Sex Unions, 21 Oct 2015

Letter from HRC to the premier Re Motion to Retain the Definition of Marriage, 16 Nov 2015

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Category: Laws, Politics

Comments (192)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I could spend all day voicing my opinion about this issue but I don’t have time. I would just like to ask the so called Christians to please educate themselves on the bible, and Christianity, before making such overused and ridiculous comments like God made Adam and Eve not Steve. Perhaps you might like to do some research or if that is too difficult for you google Dr. Ray Hagins for some enlightenment on the origins and purpose of religion. Come on people its 2016 it is not time to wake up? Gay people it is not their fault they are so hateful and stupid they are just brainwashed.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why don’t Christians get that their cult is an opt-in lifestyle choice and they have no right to force it on other people?

  3. Fred the Piemaker says:

    Its a shame that none of the posters have addressed the question posed by the photograph – how exactly does allowing two gay people to marry affect anyone else? Mr Eden has said it will lead to bestiality and paedophilia, so at least his position is clear, but I simply do not understand how this is said to be an attack on Christians or the Caymanian way of life. Does anyone really believe that allowing gay marriage will encourage straight Caymanians to become gay, or Christian Caymanians to stop believing in God or going to church? I am genuinely struggling to understand the outrage and extreme anger manifested in some of these posts, and the exhortations that people (including Caymanians) who believe this should be allowed should be forced to leave. Why?.

    • Anonymous says:

      In answer to your question, it affects that one lady below by gay couples following her around and loving up in front of her and her family in restaurants.
      It affects a lot of other people that stay awake at night trying to figure out how to escape being rounded up by a gang of gay, chaps wearing cowboys and herded into gay conversion camps where they will be tricked into having sex and not having any babies, the ultimate sin in god’s eyes ( or eye if he/she only has one)

  4. What a WICKED SOCIETY We are now living in . Just what the Bible speaks about that would happen in these end times; Good would be looked on as Evil. And Evil will be viewed as a Good

    So sad . No wonder there is so much degredation and suffering. People have turned away from the Principles of the structure by which God told us to live our lives.. Now you imagine a little girl may be raised by two men .Can you imagine what some of these children will face

    • Anonymous says:

      That is the problem. In these times they come out of their homes and try to force their opinions and lifestyles on the rest of us even if we do not agree with them and try to harness all the money, media and politicians they can to get their way. That is what those “christians” do to us with their strange lifestyle choices and odd beliefs.

    • SSM345 says:

      Maybe the end referred to in the Bible is that of the book itself not being followed, because you should be smart enough to know what’s right and wrong by now. Most of the things looked down upon are actually accepted by civilized society as normal nowadays like adultery and stealing, especially in Cayman. You see, the book you love wasn’t written for the year 2015, rather some 3000yrs ago. You should also know that the word “version” in its title takes away all creditability of its contents.

      And btw, 2 women / men raising a child is probably better than half the “parents” out there now in our midst. I bet if your gay child won the lottery you would have your hand out right?

    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      So you think two homosexual men would have a sexual interest in a little girl? Or is there some other threat that you are not being entirely clear about? Perhaps the bestiality or brain sucking that Mr Eden cited in his first speech?

  5. Anonymous says:

    If you think there’s a grassroots resurgence in Christianity, you’re wrong. It’s all a corporate construct:

  6. I mean , please understand that this whole Gay thing is a slippery downward Trend. have you seen in the USA where some people are even marrying their dog? ( beastiolog?y) Then have you not seen in Canada where there are some that is now divorcing their same sex partner ( as a Couple) to become a TROUPLE ? Some are saying they want THREE people of the same sex in the Marriage. I read where one ” Trouple” was then asking there sisters to carry their sperm and be sorrogate mothers for them . Then lets imagine a little Girl is born. How is she to cope with being raised by 3 men? Do you see the slippery slope of no return and chaos these behaviours can lead to Yes I do know there are about 35,000 people lving and working here. Our Christian Priinciples have undoubtedly served our island well as we have to import people into your country
    Yes Christian Community we willl be called BIgots. But I see no bigotry and sometime very agreessive and very militant behavour coming from the Gay and Lesbian community against believers who dont follow their moral upbringing Yes we are a minority in our own country , all the more reason we need our Leaders to respect our wishes and way of life. Dont work about being the minority …… As it took only about 4 women in American who took the Bible out of schools/ ,

    So it doesnt not take a large group of us
    > it just takes commited people who are willing to SPEAK up for what is right.

    Evil Prevail. When good people say nothing

    • Anonymous says:

      The point is that it is not for you, an imperfect and sinful human being, to judge how others decide to live their lives. Keep your own house in order.

    • SSM345 says:

      Put down the pipe or bottle, which ever one it is.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you marry your own dog it’s insestuous beastiality! At least half of that is illegal here.

  7. Anonymous says:

    If you don’t like what another man’s country stand for – DON’T COME! But alas, I guess we’re not that bad for you to fight to stay!

    • H. Highwayman says:

      Coming is the best part.

    • Anonymous says:

      Overseas territory, darling. If you want to go independent to continue to persecute homosexuals that is your right. But you like the money being an OT brings in, so pucker up sweetie pie, I think you are looking HOT.

  8. Concerned Activist says:

    Sorry to say but this is the CHRISTIANIC STATE, Rise up Cayman Islands! Dont let these infidels take our rights we laid down from day one, You can change the laws but not our ways.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Alden is just being the political weasel that he is. He has to know what he is proposing here is to replace one discrimination with another (how is he going to justify dependent rights for expats but not for Caymanians?)
    Mr. Mclaughlin, grow a pair and LEAD!….like Mr. Panton did.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I’m joining the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and becoming a Pastafarianism.

    •We believe pirates, the original Pastafarians, were peaceful explorers and it was due to Christian misinformation that they have an image of outcast criminals today
    •We are fond of beer
    •Every Friday is a Religious Holiday
    •We do not take ourselves too seriously
    •We embrace contradictions (though in that we are hardly unique)

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you should convert to my religion. We are the Millers and we go to the Church of Light as often as possible. (cheers to you with a miller light)

  11. It it's written says:

    Romans 1:21-25New King James Version (NKJV)

    21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

    24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

  12. Allar says:

    God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s so funny I fell off my dinosaur laughing. Cuz you know, God made dinosaurs for Adam and Eve to ride.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh, why didn’t you say that before? That explains it all. Can someone drop a line to the highest court covering the jurisdiction and let them know?

      Since you’re doing so well this evening, can you also help us with why children get cancer if there’s an omnipotent and benevolent god?

      • SSM345 says:

        Can any one out there tell me when you “Pray for Paris”, which God are you praying too? The one that inspired the killing, or the one that did nothing to stop it?

    • Anonymous says:

      Well there must have been plenty of incest instead

    • Anonymous says:

      I bet when the poster posted this he thought, “This is funny. This will make my point in a funny way.” No one found it funny when the first bigot typed this many many years ago. No one has found it funny since.

    • Anonymous says:

      I know a Steve, and he’s hot!

  13. Anonymous says:

    You can’t reason with people who don’t believe in evolution.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The only lifestyle choice engaged by this thread is Christianity.

  15. Anonymous says:

    whats the point anymore?…. we live in a place where half the population and the hardest working cannot vote and are not represented…..
    and yet they have to put up with this non stop flow of ignorance and stupidity on a daily basis….
    just another day in wonderland

    • Say it to me in public says:

      Ah, and there it is, you imply that the hardest working people upon the face of these three islands are not Caymanian. One half of an hour doing the work that I do and your lilly livered, worthless undeserving carcass would be running away like what and who you are. I am a Caymanian who can vote and I am not represented and I have to put up with the likes of blaguards like yourself. People like you take sweetness for weakness and it is going to turn around and bite you and people like you sooner than later at the rate you and people like you are going.

    • Anonymous says:

      I know..LEAVE!!! So many of you come here on a one way ticket and don’t understand that the planes don’t stay in Cayman …let me enlighten you that within an hour they are gone again…go to the airport..there at least 10 -15 of them leaving every day.. I am sure one will take you to place where you will feel represented and wanted…probably your homeland…oh wait, they didn’t have that there either and that’s what you came here… Sorry maybe go home and see if you can get them to change their culture, their norms and their laws to suit you…Good luck with that ya hear!.

    • Anonymous says:

      When in Rome, do as the Romans. If you think our people are ignorant and the place is so awful, you are free to leave.
      Oh wait, that would mean giving up the lifestyle you have here. Maybe our rules aren’t so bad.

    • Anonymous says:

      Try going to Singapore or Saudi Arabia or UAE or any other number of countries and call them ignorant and tell them to change their rules to accommodate you.
      Bet then you would be glad for the existing Christian values of Cayman after that.
      Try being less arrogant and show you host country some respect even if you don’t agree with their values.

      • Anonymous says:

        Surely the host nation is the UK? And what is rude is OT’s ignoring the basic human rights commitments of the sovereign government.

  16. Anonymous says:

    My girl got heavy into the christian lifestyle and dunped me for another christian , now they have broken up , and if your reading this mi lady , i got money , lots of money , dont call me again , u made your choice , my only wish is you dated another woman , That i would be ok with .

  17. Anonymous says:

    stop the hate! the issue at hand is being missed. i am a gay caymanian, though some would say, just a paper caymanian and i am married to a ‘true’ caymanian and have been for many years. the issues here are legal, for example:

    i can’t add my spouse to my health plan
    my spouse has no rights to make medical decisions on my behalf
    my spouse cannot visit if i am in icu or even in a regular room
    if something were to happen to me, even an iron clad will does not have precedence over family
    our home would not automatically become my spouses on my demise.
    if i put our home in both names, 1. stamp duty is payable and 2. my spouse would still only have rights to 1/2 if my family was to challenge.
    other work benefits that would normally be offered to spouses

    i am sure i am missing a few things here but i just wanted to make the point that this is just an issue of legal rights.

    at some point, and it may not be right now, these rights will need to be recognized as it is now the human rights law that we fall under as a country.

    and just for the record, either way, it does not change who is here on island that is gay, caymanian or not, nor does it change the people or their beliefs….

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you for this!!!! This is the issue, not arguing about what the Bible says.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said 2.03. Cayman, look after your own, respect and implement international law and no one, but no one, will notice anything different. Anyone who does is in general looking for trouble.

    • Anonymous says:

      In your will, you can leave your estate to whoever you want. There is no forced heirship here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Spot on! Unfortunately CNS does not allow me to click the thumbs up more than once. It sickens me that equal rights are not afforded to you and all other couples like you. I stand with my fellow citizens who need this!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Yes, you must be swamped!

  19. lets be realistic says:

    can we just get off this subject already. there is so much more attention needed in cayman.

    fact is like it or not. this is how it is here. you don’t move to some one else country and tell them how to do it or what you ‘deem’ is right.

    the fact that people can be gay is huge here. i am from here, no i am not gay, no i don’t care. but yes i am one person, one vote, put it to vote, end this craziness . the expats here if they don’t like it they can leave. if the people from cayman are gay, they can vote , either way look how much talk has gone on from this over something that is so controversial.

    if you don’t like it here then move elsewhere…
    not hate speech. just been realistic. i cannot believe how much energy, we the people of cayman have used on this.. this island is so small. but so beautiful. can you imagine what we could all do if we focused all this energy for together and in the same direction…

    please all lets just get over this…
    its not going to change. we are ALL entitled to our beliefs,
    PUT IT TOO A VOTE.. and we all agree that what is said is done at end of it..

    • Anonymous says:

      Using your reasoning, if you do not like reading about the issue then move on! No one is forcing you to read any of the news about LGBT rights or gay marriage. If you do not like what you read, close the article. Go! [And good riddance.]

      There will soon be no need to put it to a vote: if we stay the present course, it is highly likely that the courts will decide. As it looks now, the decisions are not likely to go in Alden’s and Eden’s [and your] bigoted favour. In my opinion this is why Alden is standing so firmly and so publicly against same-sex unions now: he doesn’t want the blow-back to hurt him politically when the Cayman Islands are finally compelled to follow human rights guidelines that we are currently running rough shod over. Contrary to your rather limited grasp of our government, voting is not the only way that laws are changed. They can be changed through mandate of the country that owns us; and they can be made to change by ruling of the applicable court. Fact is like it or not, this is how it is here. You may be deluded into believing that “its not going to change”, but methinks that you are in for a very rude awakening.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ok, we will opt for independence then…..

      • GAYMAN ISLANDS says:

        okay. so anyone can just get married now and be dependent?? where will you stand when all types of expats come and get married to whoever and be on dependent permits. who will decide who is really ‘gay’ or not.
        or better yet. maybe you will have to publicly be gay to prove it. excellent idea.

        lets say you are right

        and we can all welcome every1 with open arms at the airport and immigration with signs that say..
        welcome to the GAYMAN ISLANDS…..

        either way i don’t really care..
        the fact you are so scared of a vote shows exactly where you know the minority are sitting with.
        just promise me this. if it is decided nothing will change, you and all your (followers) will just leave this alone, accept it, and focus on some real issues here which affect all of us.. ALL OF US… not just the poor gay people who fly into our country and want to make changes .

        IN THE END!!!!

        i just want the hate to stop. so we can focus on these real issues.
        the hrc seems so involved with this.
        i cannot wait to see their backlog of work they will be doing here after this is finally settled.

        I’m sure it is full.

        (wink wink )

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe you could use some of that energy cleaning up all the garbage on the beaches of this country that you profess to have so much love for. There is an abundance of 345 cans laying around West Bay Public Beach on Sunday mornings; start there. Then the expats who clean up the garbage for a chance at PR can waste their time on CNS and you can put your money where your mouth is.

  20. Fred the Piemaker says:

    “persons who fall into this category…” – what does that mean? He cannot bring himself to recognise the validity of a gay marriage even when it is recognised overseas, so he is forced into a weasel form of words that gets him deeper into the problem. What is he going to say to a hetero unmarried couple that want Immigration to recognise their right to cohabit and have a dependent – that they cannot because they are not gay? Or because they have not sued the government?

    • Anonymous says:

      The couple in question are legally married in their home countries. They are not just cohabiting, so your comparison is not valid.

      • Fred the Piemaker says:

        Yes it is, because the Premier and Immigration refuse to recognise the marriage. The policy is at least logically consistent with denying both gay, married couples and cohabiting, unmarried hetero couples the right to have dependent partners – you don’t recognise the marriage, so they are in Cayman eyes not married. What is proposed is to try and simultaneously not recognise the validity of the overseas marriage, but grant dependency rights. If you do that you have no logical basis (unless you are prepared to recognise the marriage!) to say that either hetero unmarried couples or even gay unmarried couples the same rights. The Premier is digging himself a hole based on expediency which, because it has no logical foundation, is going to make the problem worse.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Why are you still here? People complain so much about what is said and done in this country yet still sit their but down in it and enjoy paradise. Go home, go away, go somewhere that will make you happy. Cayman may be drug into the 21st century kicking and screaming but it will be the Caymanians who decide what happens in their country, not expats (of which I am one) who may have an opinion but do not have a say.

    For the record, what Mr. Eden said was absolutely ridiculous and what many others have said it just as ridiculous but it will not be his generation that make the changes some people want. It is likely only when a younger generation of Caymanians that will do so.

    Cayman certainly isn’t perfect but if it’s that bad, there are flights leaving all of the time.

    • Anonymous says:

      When it comes to breaking international law 12.13, there can be no question of waiting, its illegal. Or do you condone illegal acts too, as long as they are committed by Caymanians? Stop trying to justify the unjustifiable. Its illegal not to recognize partner rights, same sex or not. There is no opting in or out.

      • open borders!!!!! says:

        as an expat laughing at how hard and how much time is been wasted on this.. i am all for it…
        pas the law i say. then i will get married to a caymanian friend of mine and be ‘gay; and more importantly ‘legal’ and ‘dependent’
        then i / we can all stay here for ever…

      • rainbows for everyone says:

        so if my WIFE and i move to lets say the middle east…
        how do you think it will go if i DEMAND they recognize she is my WIFE. and i will let her go out in public by herself. let her drive a car. and not be covered from head to toe in a sheet…

        do you think they will accept that.
        those HUMAN RIGHTS??

        or maybe they will only cut out my tongue.?


    • SSM345 says:

      12:13: you and many others are missing the point that this whole debacle affects gay Caymanians, you know, bothers, sisters, cousins, mothers and fathers, and there are a lot of them.

      What Christians you all are to your own family.

      • Say it to me in public. says:

        You are the same one who denigrates Caymanians constantly yet you claim to be a Caymanian when it suits you South Sound Mafia boy. You are so full of it you must be smelling your own poop by now.

        • SSM345 says:

          You should try being objective, look the word up because you have clearly never come across it. I have every right to chastise my fellow Caymanians when they hide behind the Bible and its ancient ignorant scribble, we are now in 2015. Get educated, it might open up your eyes. The truth normally hurts most people when they do not agree with what you have to say, don’t take it personally, fix it.

          Lastly, I was born here 35yrs ago, have always called this Country my home even when not recognized as a citizen for the first 23yrs of my life, I have repped my Country at International level in sports for 12yrs, I also do a litany of Community Service based projects in my spare time. So to you 4:40, go F yourself and your high horse, put down the kool-aid you drink and make a difference in your Country instead of blaming others for your own mess.

          • Say it to me in public. says:

            You are no Caymanian. The truth very much does hurt as evidenced by your response.

        • SSM345 says:

          P.S. Its South Side Mafia, after our Country’s first capital.

    • SAM says:

      you only want all the benefits of foreign business right?

  22. sam says:

    Bible is unreliable in what it claims. How could it claim that Adam and Eve were the first human beings who had two sons, one of whom murdered the other, and yet who produced a large race of people? Clearly, the Bible does teach that Adam and Eve were the first created human beings. The Lord affirmed this in Matthew 19:3-9. The genealogy of Christ is traced back to Adam (Luke 3:38). Jude 14 identifies Enoch as the seventh from Adam. This could hardly mean the seventh from “mankind,” an interpretation that would be necessary if Adam were not an individual as some claim. Clearly, Cain murdered Abel and yet many people were born. Where did Cain get his wife? Was the world populated through incest (Eve was made of Adam’s rib) or did God create others besides Adam and Eve?

    • Anonymous says:

      You obviously have not read your Bible…take a gander at the first book, it’s called Genesis…you may find the answers you seek…

      • Anonymous says:

        By “answers” you mean “Bronze Age creation myths”?

        • Anonymous says:

          you will never know until you read it…don’t judge me because you choose to live in ignorance…it’s not going to kill you to spend a few minutes reading one chapter…give it a shot and let me know what you think..

          • Anonymous says:

            I have read it. The Old Testament was a bit like badly written Tolkein story; magic myths, people living hundreds of years, turgid irrelevant history and a nasty deity that killed people off on a whim. The New Testament needed better editing but was an improvement. There was a decent spiritual programme embedded in the early sections but then it became self-conscious and self-serving. I have to say I did not see that end coming. I think it was a result of the focus groups wanting the whole thing to go out with a bang, a crazy, crazy bang.

    • SSM345 says:

      The Bible became unreliable and inaccurate when they started putting the word “version” in the title and on the cover.

      • Anonymous says:

        I thought it was when they cut and pasted certain parts of all the various gospels, missing out others completely that didn’t give the church the power over the people. They happily removed all references to gnostism and the fact god is in us all, and we don’t need to go money to a church for salvation. And then declared the gnostics as heretics and killed them all ISIS style

    • It it's written says:

      Romans 1:21-25New King James Version (NKJV)

      21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

      24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

  23. Anonymous says:

    “The government cannot consider any request to recognize same sex unions”, Premier Alden McLaughlin said in a letter dated Oct 21, 2015, to the Human Rights Commission that was made public on Monday.

    So there you go. Our intrepid leader has already doubled down on the hate speech and now we wait for the international backlash and headlines. How welcoming and warm-hearted does the continuation of inhuman policy make Cayman appear to potential super-liner or stay-over tourism markets? Or to gay resident Caymanian voters? Or to the FCO when he comes next to beg for money? Further self-limiting and ill-conceived policy from this LA braintrust…par for the course, unfortunately.

    One step forward, three steps back.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Any change on this is going to come from the courts before the politicians. That’s how it happened in the UK and the US and elsewhere. Judges (and the HRC people) don’t have to run for office, politicians do. Do not imagine that any politician will be on the gay rights bandwagon next election.

  25. Say it to me in public. says:

    It is a complete waste of time for anyone to try to have an open, honest and frank discussion on this topic with the pro-gay lobby. The amount of vitriolic crap spewed by these people towards anyone who puts forward their views on the subject at hand is tantamount to what can only be called abusive and derogatory. The pro-gay lobby acts like some kind bully trying to bash anyone and everyone who does not subscribe to their twisted beliefs with just as much, and often times far more, intolerance to others views, moral and ethical stands and attempts to put forward even the most tolerant and common sense approach to these issues at hand than the intolerance so often exhibited by various religions and traditional belief systems. It is a shame that, even with the presence of a history of intolerance towards those of homosexual etc. proclivities, the pro-gay lobby by and large immediately resorts to insulting one and all who do not subscribe to their wholly myopic and special interest amplified views. The pro-gay lobby could not care less about the human rights of anyone except themselves. They show the same intolerance as evident in the mentality which spawned events and incidents akin to the Spanish Inquisition in that if one does not tow their line one is immediately denounced as an imbecile, as a cave dweller, as ignorant, as a bigot and so on and so forth. The pro-gay lobby consistently and constantly show themselves for that which they are on this thread. Not only is their the presence of the most despicable and insipid anti-Caymanian crap constantly and consistently spewed on this thread regardless the subject of any given topic, there is also a very dangerous and enraging beligerance and overtly condescending arrogance on display by those who undeservingly call themselves Caymanian when it suits them yet wish to denigrate Caymanians at any other instance and also by those for whom the Cayman Islands are nothing more than a place to use and abuse while enriching themselves. None of these aforementioned individuals deserve to be tolerated or allowed to continue on their destructive path, let alone reside on these three rocks in the Caribbean Sea. They have proven themselves for the pathetic and destructive sources of a repugnant disparity which they well and truly are and the inevitable push back from the never ending disrespect and overt admission of the most uncaring levels of greed will do nobody any good, yet they are poking at a people who have displayed an uncommon level of patience and goodwill only to have mud thrown in their face for it.

    • Anonymous says:

      10.23, a classic case of being trapped by your own argument. You would need an open mind to understand why.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow…Couldn’t have said it better…”When your running down my country man your walking on the fighting side of me….”

  26. Whisky bravo says:

    Rights or a right hand, Not sure which to give…

  27. Anonymous says:

    Caymanians. for the most part believe in the Christian faith and we are not and should not be labeled homophobic. I have many friends that are gay and lesbian and many attend our church and are openly welcomed and greeted just like everyone else. It is a shame that certain people use their position to denounce God and His people to promote their own agenda.

    • Anonymous says:

      What a load of rubbish! Why not let your gay friends have the same rights as you? No one is trying to stop you going to church and, if you want to, hating the fact that some people are gay – that’s a matter for you. LGBT people are just trying to lead their own lives without other people interfering – and that’s a matter for them. Show them the same courtesy that you seek yourself.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think you should re-read my post again. i believe you are the only one here talking hatred. I said that I believe in God and my Christian faith. I have said that I have gay and Lesbian friends and I accept them for who they are not only in my church but in my personal life. You have chosen to denigrate me and my Christian faith and to portray me as homophobic and that I in some way hate people because because of their sexual orientation…I don’t! You choose to denounce and hate me because I am Christian and I stand up for my God. My Christian faith and belief in God says that I must love everyone, including my LGBT friends even if they hate me because of my faith. I have not in anyway interfered in any of my friends lives whether they are part of the LGBT community or not. My main point was that being a Christian I should not be hated, marginalized or generalized by you because you choose to only see Christians as homophobic or full of hate…

        • Anonymous says:

          So I take it you fully support legislation to introduce same-sex unions and outlaw discrimination and that you will be calling on your church to publicly denounce Mr Eden’s hate speech? You can post it in your reply below as a start if you like.

          • Anonymous says:

            First of all, I have made no mention of supporting legislation or denouncing anyone. My strong beliefs are that if you believe in something and you want to fight for it then you should. You must also understand that because I don’t join you publicly or otherwise that I should not be hated for my beliefs either. You have chosen to fight for same sex unions, that is your right, go for it..I am not telling you that you shouldn’t… I have chosen to be tolerant and to love everyone without discriminating as the Bible says..but please don’t mistake my silence for hate …and by the way I have never discriminated against anyone,,and I really don’t see how you find it okay to discriminate and degrade me for my Christian faith when as you say you don’t hate or discriminate…you can’t have it both ways..

            • Anonymous says:

              Are you going to answer the question or not? Do you support an end to discrimination or are you happy for it to continue? It’s one or the other. Refusing to answer the question suggests you prefer the latter.

              • Anonymous says:

                I don’t know how many times I need to say this..” I DO NOT SUPPORT DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ANYONE!”

                I will pray for you and hope that you can find some inner peace and to deal with the anger and resentment you feel. God loves you and so do I. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you fighting for what you believe are your rights. I continue to encourage you. All I simply asked of you was not to generalize me and all Christians as hatemongers or proponents of discrimination towards the LGBT community.

                “Love thy neighbor as thyself”

            • Anonymous says:

              2.47, it would appear you are a coward. As indeed I think are the majority of Caymanians. You are so afraid of what others think, including your so called churches, that you have forgotten you have a right to think what you want. If you stood up publicly and said that people should have the right to choose, and the state should respect those wishes and legislate for them, I quietly suspect that more than 50% of Caymanians, especially the under 30’s who are mostly sick of the “old ways” would stand behind you.

            • Anon says:

              This is prob the first vaguely civilized debate I have seen between the two opinions. To the christian who is responding I think it would be really helpful if you could explain to the other poster why it is you (or people you know with similar convictions) do not support a change to legislation which would give legal rights to same sex partnerships?

              From my understanding the bible names a number of sexual sins that are not illegal eg. adultary, fornication, children out of wedlock is it that you would also like to see these “sins” be illegal?

              Do you think that other named “sins” in the bible should also be illegal?

              From my understanding the bible also allows for slavery. Is this correct and if so would you also support slavery (or the version described in the bible)?

              Do you think that all our laws should be centered around what the bible teaches or are there any examples of where you think that we should not legislate against certain sins?

              I think the difficulty that a lot of people have with using the bible as a basis for legislation is that it seems very arbitrary and unjust on many points. It also seems to contradict itself on a number of points. There is also the belief amongst a large section of society that it is a lie that was made up by the humans in power at the time to manipulate and control people and as such should be thrown away completely.

              If Christians and secular humanists are to come to any agreement we need to be speaking the same language first – words like “faith” and “bible evidence” are not in the vocabulary of secular humanists – they are meaningless unless those advocating for their use are completely consistant with how they are applied. If you are going to use the argument that your faith or the bible should be used to base our laws on then is it not hypocritical to pick and choose which sections should apply?

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re the one spouting rubbish. You and others are trying to lead a fight against something that doesn’t exist, and if you were honest you would admit this. I should imagine you would find this all but impossible. Regardless of anyone’s particular stance on the issue, the Caymanian people as a whole are clearly not in favour of “normalizing” the homosexual lifestyle. Your attitude is arrogant, high-handed and most disrespectful because you attach no value whatsoever to the will of the people, and your efforts to ride roughshod over the people of these islands will never succeed.

        • Anonymous says:

          Your fellow gay Caymanians probably think your attitude is arrogant, high-handed and most disrespectful.

  28. Anonymous says:

    I have nothing to say about his topic except that it bothers me how both sides use the Bible and God when it suits their purpose… I believe in God and that is my choice..For all of you that choose to denigrate God and the Christian faith yet still use things like Christmas (the time of year we celebrate the birth of Jesus) as a time to fill their coffers, have parties and to put up up Christmas trees and the like, all the time forgetting the real true meaning of Christmas, please remember that our Christian faith is what this country was built on.

    • Happy Yule says:

      What do “Christmas trees” have to do with Jesus? Where in the Bible did Jesus suggest celebrating his birthday? The “Christmas tree” was co-opted from pagan solstice celebrations because the church couldn’t get Europeans to stop engaging in pagan rituals. Jesus wouldn’t know what a Christmas tree is. Were Jews putting up evergreen trees at the solstice and decorating them with ornaments?

    • Anonymous says:

      You wouldn’t have “christian faith” if it wasn’t for the slave owners who forced most of our ancestors into slavery and conversion to christianity by violence.
      If muslims ran this side of the world we’d all be under Islam and the muslim faith would be your norm. Religion is the cancer of this world.

    • Anonymous says:

      Christmas is a pagan holiday. Jesus was not born on December 25th. Check your research and stop blindly following something you do not understand. It’ll be a shame that progression will only happen after these old people are long and gone.

    • Anonymous says:

      America was built on the back of slaves, or you suggesting they should also uphold that tradition?
      p.s. research the history of Christmas and you’ll realize it was not invented by christians, merely relabeled by them.

    • JTB says:

      The Christians appropriated the winter solstice festival for their own purposes and called it Christmas.

      • Say it to me in public says:

        More like the Romans who mixed paganism, mythology and Christianity together in order to secure their rule when the countless Christians torn to shreds and murdered within the coliseum and beyond repeatedly showed a level of faith and belief in Christ which the spectators eventually had no choice but to take notice of and the power of which scared the living hell out of said Roman Empire. That is the history of the Roman Catholic church. The belief systems of the Celtic tribes were and have been assimilated by those who utilize religion and/or belief systems as a convenient way to control the masses for the retention of imperial dominance upon those who were subjected to it. That story remains the same all throughout history, the mixed belief systems of South and Central American of the indigenous and Roman Catholic belief systems being a very good example. The irony that those who came with a cross in one hand and a sword in the other under the flag of an imperialist Catholic Church are now very much those who stand for the rights of the same said indigenous peoples of the Americas should not be lost on any right thinking individual especially when this island has become a favoured hiding hole of those who continue to rape, rob and pillage said indigenous peoples of what they have left. It is that which the church in an of the Cayman Islands is afraid to face and loath to recognize. The story remains the same for Africa and Asia etc. The abuse of Christianity at the hands of greed induced men and women of imperialistic tendencies has little to do with the true value of the Christian faith and those who have seen, experienced and felt it’s true value and worth. These semantics will not change the simple and unavoidable truth that the pro-gay lobby is emblematic of the very same intolerance of others as that which they somewhat correctly proclaim to have suffered from. The right to get married resides with heterosexual relationships as marriage is a societal contract of love and commitment which stems directly from the very same religions and belief systems which those of the pro-gay lobby have no tolerance for and wish to denigrate at any and every given or taken chance. One may call it whatever one wishes, but marriage between a homosexual couple is by it’s very definition completely and utterly invalid. A homosexual couple may share a love of each other and a commitment to each other but it is not now nor will it ever be marriage, that belongs solely to heterosexuals whether the pro-gay lobby likes it or not and whether or not the laws of man say so or not. Those who wish to denigrate Caymanians for their moral and ethical stance on this subject, even with the injustices inherent within the worldwide systems of finance and the hypocrisy therein for a supposedly Christian rooted country to be a major player in, would do well to realize that many people from many nations retain these same beliefs regarding the sanctity of marriage as an institution. Let us see them insult all of the other countries as they, the pro-gay lobby have seen fit to subject the people of the Cayman Islands to on this very thread and beyond. Please excuse me as I now return to my cave as I have a brontosaurus burger on the flames.

        • Anonymous says:

          12.29 you do like writing a lot of words to say not much. The issue is that religions of all sorts have been hijacked by extremists and weaklings to justify their own hatred of certain matters (and it doesn’t matter what, the range is from westerners, to gays, to Obama, to blacks, to whites to whatever) and to persuade others to join in their hijacked views, as its the only way they can feel strong. They don’t have opinions or minds of their own, they like to control and be controlled. The essential ingredient in pretty much most religions are knowing the difference between good and bad, and loving everyone, even your enemy. All the rest is dreamed up.

    • Anonymous says:

      so true..everyone celebrates Christmas and most of the Christian holidays yet claim there is no GOD…smh

      • Ryan says:

        not true, I celebrate the Easter bunny delivering delicious chocolate eggs and Santa Claus delivering wonderful toys and the Tooth Fairy delivering money for my kids teeth and I always give thanks to god for the eggs and presents and Tooth Fairy money. Without god how would the Tooth Fairy possibly whizz around the world on her sleigh to deliver all the money!???! Only Rudolph can help her go that fast and he can only have been made by god. those are facts, no other possible explanation. hope you have a great Christmas! 🙂

        • Anonymous says:

          So it is okay for you to make fun of my beliefs and Christian faith? Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ..not about reindeers and Santa Claus…and Easter for Christians is to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the grave . I serve a risen Lord and these days mean something to me. I don’t hate you for your beliefs or how you choose to celebrate these days. In fact, many Christians incorporate the same customs that you do on these days but we never forget the true meaning.. God loves everyone including you and as Christians we love you too…

          God Bless you!

          • Fuzzy says:

            Actually yes, it is okay for Ryan to make fun of anyone’s beliefs, because that is constitutionally protected, is it right or nice or politically correct? No. Ryan could have been nicer. But I don’t think he went as far as spewing hate, just making fun of something in a not so sensitive way.
            But your point proves the first poster is making no sense when they state “everyone celebrates Christmas and most of the Christian holidays yet claim there is no God”. People celebrate things for different reasons, and that’s okay as well. If people want to celebrate Easter as a fun time for families to get together and camp on the beach to enjoy each others company and make memories is that wrong? I think Ryan was trying to point out that the original poster was the one who was being dismissive.
            Let’s all just be kind to each other, regardless of any differences, and a lot of these issues will disappear.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Come on mr. Premier, do not make any allowance for this disgraceful behavior. This is our country that was built on Christian principles. I respect the laws of other countries and they should respect our laws or go home.

    • Anonymous says:

      How christian of you

    • Anonymous says:

      The gay Caymanians are home, where should they go?

      • Anonymous says:

        We gay Caymanians are not the ones causing this divide and hatred. Yes, we don’t necessarily have the same rights as heterosexual couples do but at the same time we don’t believe that dividing our country will help. Cayman is not as homophobic as you think. Maybe the older generation is still steeped in tradition but the younger generations are loving, kind, caring and tolerant of our sexual choice. My partner and I are 25 and 30. My partner is Canadian. We live together and we have no issues with the Cayman people at all. They know I am gay and it does not appear to be an issue.. If I have to choose between these radical people that have come to our shores with their agendas or stick with my own people, guess where I will stand..

        • Anonymous says:

          Uncle Tom.

        • Anonymous says:

          If you are committed to your partner and intend to spend the rest of your life with him you would seek to support legal reform to provide some basic rights for your both. At present, I am sorry to say, you have nothing. How can you love and protect each other and provide support for each other and perhaps event have a family in a place where your ‘family’ (and that means just the two of you also) is not recognized nor protected under the law? No one wants to offend the cultural and religious identity of Caymanians, or anyone else living here. There is simply a need to ensure a very basic legal framework to provide the most basic of rights and protections for you both.

        • anon says:

          Either this is a fake commentator or you are the only homosexual I know who refers to their sexual orientation as a “choice”

          The hatred is only being propogated by one group, and that is the group against equality for all. Every human should have equal rights, regardless of their gender, race, age, nationality or indeed their sexual “choice”

    • Cheese Face says:

      What about your fellow Caymanians who happen to be Gay and Christians? Burn them? Kick them off? You’re an idiot.

    • Anonymous says:

      The bible is not the law. The law is the law. And you and the premier are breaking them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Normally I am loath to invoke the advise to “go home” but in this instance I would agree with the writer. If you don’t agree with the clearly expressed will of the Caymanian people as regards this issue, well then obviously this place is not for you and you should move away.

      • Anonymous says:

        I would stick with the feelings in your heart, because the counter argument is that if the “clearly expressed will of the Caymanian people” continues to be listened to you will find yourselves at the wrong end of court cases, losing yet more millions of money that cannot be afforded, branded as international criminals (the Nazi’s hated Jews and Gyspies, the Soviets the wealthy and intelllectuals, the North Koreans just about everyone- and the way people writing on here are they are moving Cayman exactly in that direction), and may suffer sanctions, takeover by the UK or even an invasion of gay cruise shippers to correct your illegal views. Cayman needs to be part of the international community. If you are not, you become a dictator state.

    • Centurion says:

      Homones eunt domus, maybe?

  30. Anonymous says:

    The true test of a good leader is one willing to spend some political capital to lead. They can either try to control the process or it will be taken out of their hands – how myopic will they choose to be…

  31. Anonymous says:

    ” I will not be able at the moment to make any public pronouncements in this regard.”

    What the premier means is. “I don’t have the balls to take do what is right”. he would rather remain “non-transparent”, all the election talk about transparency is out the window in this matter.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Do you read the bible? Tell me where in there you see same sex unions?

  33. F. Packer says:

    Keep an eye out for the dredgers in the harbour folks, this is clearly a deflectionary tactic. Praise be to Allahden.

  34. Anonymous says:

    So yes, let’s break international law that we are signed up for, and watch the law suits roll in. Why is it that certain Caymanians seem to think that international law does not apply to them? And why then is it that the island is going to shit as everyone else thinks they can do the same?

  35. Gay Is Not The Way says:

    Many gays are atheist.They want to do what’s wrong so they would rather not believe in a higher power. Cayman people need to unite and stand up against this. We are too small of an island to have this. How can it possibly be right for two of the same sex to be together when they can’t procreate. The bible says multiple and be fruitful and in no way can they do this. Also what is this showing our younger generation. It will be a crying shame if Cayman allows this.Why can’t these same sex couples go and find somewhere else to live that allows this instead of coming to our small island and trying to push it down our throats. They can take the few Caymanian gays with them and live happily ever after.

    Same sex unions is WRONG. There is no other way to look at it. Cayman Stand up!

    Thank you Mr, Eden for having the backbone to stand your ground, I only wish the others had half as much guts as you do.
    Can we as Caymanians go anywhere else in this world and push our beliefs on another country. Will other places bend their immigration laws for us?
    If Cayman allows this it will be the biggest mistake yet.
    Why not make marijuana legal then and give to some of these atheist and gays. It just may enlighten them and make them realize that the way they are living is totally wrong.
    I see it in other countries that are legal. I’m out to dinner with my family which consist of young children. Same sex couples come in, sit right in your face and are all over each other. Not much they don’t do and they look at you as if daring you to say something.

    My spouse and I don’t carry on like that in public and it’s called having respect for yourself and others around you. I have had to take my kids and walk out of places many times because of the disgraceful way same sex couples carry on in public with no respect for children or anyone else. It’s as if they are always trying to prove something and honestly the gay men are the worse. The females have a bit more respect for others.
    The last time I was in a restaurant eating and a same sex couple came in and sat in front of us . One was on the other’s lap and they were just all over each other, I was about to get up and say something but I was stopped by the person I was there with telling me not say anything to them because they have the right now and I may get in problems if I did. I said, What about my rights? I am here with my kids having dinner. Is it fair for me to have to leave because of the way they are acting. I don’t want my kids seeing that type of behavior. Why can’t they leave it at home instead of taking this behavior everywhere they go?
    Can you imagine what it will be like in such a small place like Cayman. How do our Christian people keep our children away from this?. Are we going to have to stay locked away in our own country to avoid running into this behavior. Trust me, the gays will come in flocks to our beautiful little islands and make this their Gay Paradise. You ain’t see nothing yet, just let same sex unions become legal.

    • Anonymous says:

      You seem a bit obsessed about watching

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow. You may be what is known as a ‘gay magnet’ as I have never witnessed the behavior you describe.
      I do feel sorry for your plight. Having such a great dislike for something that you seem to attract. Hmmm. Sad.

      • Gay Is Not The Way says:

        Maybe you haven’t witness this behavior because you are too busy doing it yourself. How can you people possibly believe that a man with man and a woman with a woman is right! I honestly feel sorry for you all. I don’t hate anyone, i just hate the way they try to force the lifestyle they choose to live on others.By the way for all of you who think that man and woman were not made to procreate I can sure as hell bet you didn’t come by way of two male or two females creating you. And for the lady who says she doesn’t want kids well it a’s good thing your parent’s didn’t feel that way or did your existence come to be by another way. Please share with us.

        • Anonymous says:

          Sweetie, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

        • Anonymous says:

          If it’s a choice, all I can say is that gay sex must be absolutely fickin’ awesome given that those that pick the gay lifestyle don’t seem able to switch back to being straight once they’ve tried it. For those gays to put themselves through so much persecution, stress, segregation, bullying and hate, with no legal rights and no protections…. it must be unimaginably great!!! We may be missing out on something really special here?

        • Anonymous says:

          “…i just hate the way they try to force the lifestyle they choose to live on others”

          Er, you do realise there’s no requirement for you personally to be gay don’t you? This is about other people’s right to be gay.

          (And not to have other people “force the lifestyle [religion] they choose to live on [them]”).

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, because denying access to something doesn’t make children more inquisitive at all.

    • Anonymous says:

      If your gay son or your daughter were to kill themselves because they couldn’t bear the pain of your rejection, or lack of love and understanding as a parent, perhaps then you would pause and think “it’s time to preach love and compassion, rather than to blindly follow a dogmatic interpretation of the Christian faith”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh my, where to start replying! On second thought, one should never argue with an idiot. However, I should say this though, with all the problems we are experiencing on this island i.e. people without jobs, ever increasing cost of living, the increasing crime rates, the sub-standard education system, the national debt, corrupt and spineless politico and growing mountain of waste that is Mount Trashmore just to name a few, the religious zealots amongst us are more concerned about gay relationships. Great to see that you have your priorities straight ( insert sarcastic voice here).

    • W. Anchor says:

      Lately I have been looking at myself in the mirror a lot, finding myself attractive. Do you think I might have caught gay? Should I ask a priest?

    • Anonymous says:

      A time tunnel has opened up with a message from 1952.

    • Mahony Loves the D says:

      Wow! That’s some tall tail you wrote. That or you’re eating at the Blue Oyster Bar & Grill again. Try not look at the “Salad Bar” ma child.

    • Anonymous says:

      In this day and age you really believe every couple should be ‘fruitful and mutiply’? Been to fosters or the baby shoppe lately? Because if you have then you should know that ain’t good fiscal advice.

    • Anonymous says:

      Gay Is Not The Way, what a hateful speech. Why every stupid person has to think that marriage purpose is to procreate??? I am straight and married, and don’t want to have kids. Is there something wrong with it? Some many kids waiting to be adopted; kids there were abandoned that came from straight couples.
      I believe every person should have the same rights, there should be no fight for agreeing on this: It is called HUMAN RIGHTS!
      The world is collapsing because religion, everyone fighting for theirs Gods.
      Open your eyes for the 21st century. It is time for Cayman to move on to the present, because it is still in the past.

    • JTB says:

      Just a few comments…

      “Many gays are atheist.”

      Many people are atheist

      “Why can’t these same sex couples go and find somewhere else to live that allows this instead of coming to our small island and trying to push it down our throats.”

      Why are so many homophobes obsessed with having things pushed down their throats? It’s almost Freudian…

      “They can take the few Caymanian gays with them”

      Is there anyone else you’d like to evict from their own country because you disagree with them? Personally I think all vegans should be exiled.

      “Thank you Mr, Eden for having the backbone to stand your ground,”

      Thank you Mr Eden for being a nasty, vicious, old bigot and shaming Cayman in the eyes of the world.

      “It’s as if they are always trying to prove something and honestly the gay men are the worse. The females have a bit more respect for others.”

      So girl on girl action is ok?

    • anon says:

      barnyard epithet

    • Chutney Ferret says:

      oh dear…even Austin Powers in the 60’s was more liberated than you. Untie those bonds 8.21! You will feel so much more liberated and become the good Christian you profess to be. It is not up to you to judge, and that is the problem here, self proclaimed Christians believe they can judge other people, just as long as no-one sees their dual standards.

    • sam says:

      They say what you resist, persist. Try to change focus and gay people would never cross your path again.

    • Anonymous says:

      I can’t exactly put myself in your vision. Could you please describe more precisely the “gay” snogging scenario? Was it two guys? Two gals? Pls. explain in detail.
      A Fan.

  36. Cayman Mon says:

    Funny how many want to come to the Cayman Islands because of our way of life and they want to get away from the problems in their own homelands but as soon as they get here they want to change our way of life and beliefs. I say send them back to their homelands!

  37. Anonymous says:

    Alden lead! Do it! It is the right thing to do, and it is time!

  38. Anonymous says:

    The difference in quality between Mr Austin-Smith’s letter and the Honourable Premier’s is deeply embarrassing. Alden’s trying to weasel out of this issue because Eden is a key member of his team and he is fearful of losing the Old Testament obsessed church going vote has led him to produce a pathetic response.

  39. Warner says:

    For a small country and God fearing people not certain how this work. It’s like telling the people of this country that we should open our borders to every Syrian refugee. There’s only so much this country can take and only so much resources are available.

    • Anonymous says:

      oh my goodness, this is the most stunningly stupid comment I have read in quite some time. How on earth does allowing gay people the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts affect this country’s resources? When it comes to basic equality, gender, race, religious affiliation, sexual orientation and socio economic standing should have no bearing on such rights. Keep religion….all religion out of civic life.

    • Anonymous says:

      7.56 Warner, did you specialize in Complete Bollocks at University? This is about international law, of which Cayman is a part. If you and your Christian Brethren can’t get far enough out your cave to see that, it’s your problem. Your reference and general labeling of Syrians shows what a racist bigot you are. Disgrace, now apologise you complete waste of space.

  40. Anonymous says:

    alden must be forced to address edens homophobic comments….only then can cayman move forward….

  41. Anonymous says:

    Thank you HRC and Minister Panton!….history will surely see you as doing what is right here!
    I too call for the Premier and the Governor to step up and lead!….though I will not hold my breath.

  42. Anonymous says:

    typical spineless response from alden….. has not got the guts to condemn edens idiotic statements……but hey this is cayman where there is no such thing as accountability or responsibility…..

  43. Anonymous says:

    Would Jesus discriminate?

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