Minister unaware of Kaaboo’s ‘satanic connection’

| 08/04/2019 | 87 Comments
Cayman News Service

Kaaboo Cayman festival

(CNS): Tourism Minister Moses Kirkconnell told Anthony Eden, the independent member for Savannah, he was “unaware” of the claim that the music festival Kaaboo, held in Cayman earlier this year, had a satanic connection. But in a strange exchange during parliamentary questions, Kirkconnell, who is also the deputy premier, thanked the member for the information. The tourism minister had been asked a number of questions by members about how much government had given organisers of the event. He revealed that $50,000 had been given to Kaaboo as sponsorship from the public purse and explained the expenditure.

Kirkconnell stated that overnight guests can spend an average of $1,500 per week, so if an additional 33 or more people came to visit because of Kaaboo, the cost was covered. He said it was on the basis of the headcount spent by stay-over visitors that the ministry judges where to invest its promotional budget.

“Kaaboo was a very successful event and it raised the profile of the Cayman Islands globally,” Kirkconnell said, as he justified the spending

But Eden seemed more concerned about other issues rather than the $50,000 of public cash spent on a private profit-making enterprise. “I’m wondering if he is aware that it has been reported that Kaaboo has come from Satanic origins?” the Savannah member asked the minister, who responded, “No Sir, I am not aware, but thank you for the information.”

Eden did not explain where he had learned about this claimed connection nor did the minister say what he was going to do with the information.

Google searches regarding Kaaboo have not revealed any connections to Satan though some performers at the festival appear to have had the word ‘Satan’ in some of their songs. CNS contacted the organisers to see if they can answer why they were being associated with Satan and we are awaiting a response.

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Category: Politics

Comments (87)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Has Anthony been wearing his tin foil hat in the sun again?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Kaaboo satanic? Well, that certainly explains the Silver Thatch VIP bar setup. It was hell getting those 10 ‘free’ drinks.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Let’s have a big old gay satanic cooler fete down Pedro Castle road this Sunday!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Make Cayman Straight Again…
    Poor eden lost the plot…..

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why is government funds being donated to a private money making venture?

  6. Anonymous says:

    I’m not the hugest fan of the Deputy Premier, but his response was perfect

  7. Satan calls says:

    WTF.. Man Anthony is smoking some serious .. . At his log home in savannah.
    I usually love reading the comments but I think I’d laugh till I sh.. Myself…
    Blood fire and seed!

  8. Dulani says:

    Sigh!! Caymanians are really in a bubble…Didn’t Tesla say it best…its all frequency and vibration…The Forum may have been inappropriate still…But whether you choose to acknowledge the fact or not…There is ‘another world’ operating alongside our own, it is a world that thrives on, and feeds off, the energy created at various physical events taking place, on Earth, using occult symbolism and displaying it at the said event. In our five sense reality we cannot see the true purpose behind the symbolism and we are also blind to the true consequences of ignoring it. Energies and thoughts can only be abused by powers that know how to do it and those that don’t know the powers even exist cannot see that they are being abused and exploited. …Even our beloved carnival celebrations have been infiltrated, what once was a celebration of freedom and joyously mocking the colonialists has now been influenced by the Roman Culture ,farewell to the flesh etc etc…its in plain sight for those who can see- The god ( yes common g) Bacchus—> that where we get Bacchanal ( funny enough he is even depicted as a devil – god of wine and music)….hmmm…But Kaboo wasn’t forced on anyone…stay in your lane and stay woke ye sons of Jacob.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stay woke ye sons of Jacob! Love it, coz the Israelites were the most “woke” people you can imagine. Especially when they sold their brother into slavery.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Anthony Eden, the gift that keeps on giving.

    • Anonymous says:

      Satanic or not, what really is a SIN here is giving $50,000 public money to people who don’t need or deserve it !

      • Anonymous says:

        Still a better use of funds than that court case the government wasted so much money defending, and now appealing.

      • Anonymous says:

        Who ya mean bobo, MLA’s? They get twice as much as that and do s### for it except spout stupid nonsense. Clear them all out.
        At least KAABOO generated tourism dollars, they just generate hateful, bigoted and hypocritical hot air.

  10. Bertie : B says:

    Lets refer to the next concert as Edenoo

    • Jen Taylor says:

      There could be a gay conversion therapy stage (don’t worry homophobes, it isn’t what you think it sounds like), a stage with a straight line on the ground that you can walk on to show how straight you are, and a ‘stage for rage’ (for fans of homophones, as they could be the work of the devil).

  11. Tom says:

    Who f@#king care what Mr Eden said from his mouth! He is an idiot anyway. Did he know Kaaboo have help to put Cayman islands on the map for arrange the Kaaboo event also our local band is playing for Kaaboo California in September which they will even help more to get people go Cayman Islands for vacations.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Lol. I see the Bible bashing WhatsApp message went out this morning. Thumbs away!

  13. Anonymous says:

    LGBTQ+ Cruise Vacations
    At Celebrity, as we strive to make every one of our guests feel welcome, we value the importance of diversity among all our guests and crew. That’s why we’ve been awarded LGBTQ+ Friendly Travel Company of the year for 2016 at the TTG Travel Awards, and we’ve won the title of Best Large Ship Cruise Line for LGBTQ+ Passengers at the Cruizie Awards for four years running.

    Not only that, but we are proud to announce that as of 2017 same-sex marriages performed onboard our ships by the Captain are legally recognized. Whether you join us onboard for a vacation, your honeymoon, or even your wedding, you’ll see why we’re the best cruise line for gay, lesbian and all LGBTQ+ guests.

    Time to shut down KABOO, the cruise lines, everything! Screw it all! 🙂

  14. Anonymous says:

    Doesn’t Eden realise his religious doctrine is of Satanic origin? SMH

  15. Anonymous says:

    I’m sure Anthony Eden has done ok things (if not great things) over the years in parliament. At this juncture, however, he needs to leave parliament and stop bringing his position into disrepute.

  16. Anonymous says:

    When I want to get my satan on, oftentimes I’ll spin my Bryan Adams and Duran Duran LP’s backwards.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Eden probably came across it XXXXX. And the sarcasm in Kirkconnell’s response is dripping wet.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I think Kirkconnell deserves a little credit for his deadpan response.

  19. Anonymous says:

    The eye on the girls shirt, in that stupid painting on the containers said it all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, I couldn’t sleep the night I first saw that! Satan’s work for sure! Or maybe the artist was just stoned? Or maybe… the artist was stoned in some sort of Satanic ritual! They probably sacrificed 40 green iguanas in their evil rite! Thank you Anthony Eden – I know where your last name is coming from! The end times are nigh, right Tony?

  20. Anonymous says:

    Shame on all of you to mock our leader who stand up for his beliefs and for this country. Most of you came to our shores and fell in love with what this man and many other before him built. Now for the prentense of progress you all want to make like the other world that is crumbling from within. Shame on you all!

    • Anonymous says:

      This man requires no assistance in making a mockery of himself.

    • Ironside says:

      I was born on these shores. Is it OK that I stand up and be counted as mocking Eden, I sure hope so. Oh, he didn’t help build anything worthwhile or long lasting that I can recall. Locally bottled water perhaps, but that didn’t last long. Idk otherwise.

    • Anonymous says:

      And would you believe some of us who are mocking him are actually Caymanian BoBo?

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘For the pretense of progress” these Islands have been crumbling under the mutiple governments that people like Anthony Eden and Mckeeva Bush have been in
      Being a longserving member of the legislature is not laudable when the only thing these islands have done in the last 30 years is regress there are more people who barely make it through the month on their salaries than ever before, more people seeking public assistance more people being put out of their homes

      The only shame that needs to be called down is on people like Mckeeva Bush and Anthony Eden who sit on high horses destroying the country and acting like saint

    • Anonymous says:

      Xenophobic much ?

  21. Anonymous says:

    I missed out this year and didn’t get to go to KAABOO, but now I’m being told it’s satanic, I’m definitely going next year to see what the buzz is about.

    Cheers, Eden!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Don’t know about satanic, but the line up was truly abominable.

  23. Anonymous says:

    This is embarrassing for all caymanians.
    Eden , maybe use your 25k monthly income to help the poor instead of buying properties all over the island to enrich yourself.
    Absolutely disgusting.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Wait!! The MoT is clueless. What a shock.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Sign this man up for the 2020 comedy lineup. Shit would sell out in minutes.

  26. Anonymous says:

    The whole bunch of them are so mentally challenged they couldn’t find their arse with both hands, an instruction manual and their PA showing them how to do it! We’ve got the cast of Looney Tunes running these islands.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Our leaders need to be told. April Fools’ jokes are only to be played on April 1. Didn’t Juliana, Mac, Alden and Anthony E know ? But a week beyond April 1, these buffoons are still trying to fool the rest of us with their un-news-worthy jokes about religion. The MLAs should hand back their salary and pension if that’s the best they can come up with.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Satanic reference side, the entire exchange was meant to highlight the $50,000 spent on Kaaboo in such an efficient manner but the alleged CI$5,000 per district for Pirates Week has no available auditable information. The minister doesnt know if the $ was given to each district, if each district got the same amount of $, how it was given (eg cheque or draw down).

  29. Anonymous says:

    Me see Mancow on Eden Lane once upon a time.

  30. Gordon says:

    If Satan is so bad, why is he the one that punishes bad people?

    • Anonymous says:

      *Plot Twist*

    • Preacherman says:

      Satan is a fictitious character used to frighten people who practice Christianity.

    • Anonymous says:

      And his twin brother ‘Santa’ rewards good people!

      • Anonymous says:

        Wow! I never realised that “Santa” is “Satan” scrambled before! But is Santa really the good twin, or a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Think about it: Santa is based on a lie that ultimately deflates the spirits of children when they learn the lie. I think Santa is actually pretty evil, dressed in his devilish red suit. Ho, ho, ho… what does that really mean? In Old English, it meant sorrow. So Santa, aka Satan, is bringing sorrow.
        I’ll bet that if I play “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” backwards on my record player, I’ll hear satanic verses.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh shit!!

    • Anonymous says:

      The pitchfork paradox: how does one earn the slightly better cruelty-related jobs in Hell for eternity? Are they awarded for good behavior or bad?!? Taunting and jabbing for eternity would surely damn one’s soul more than say, the apparent misdemeanor of judging and failing to treat your gay neighbor as you would yourself. Does the murderer get to spear the gay hater, or the other way around?

  31. Anonymous says:

    Has the site been tested for goat blood post event? Better get on it quick Tony, before rainy season.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Can someone please take him for a wellness check? He is looking, sounding and acting crazier by the day. I am serious!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      He’s a voice in the desert.

      • David Holmed says:

        Unfortunately, there are a lot more voices like his. Many are banging tombourines and praising the word of the Lord!

      • Anonymous says:

        In the desert of lost souls. Could someone lead him out. His flip flops must need changing by now. Dear God, I hope no one thinks he’s a typical Caymanian.

  33. Anonymous says:

    I think Satan has been visiting Eden in his dreams every night! Why’s he bringing up Kaaboo 2 months after the fact? Was the success of the festival too much for him to deal with so he had to come up with this crap?

  34. Anonymous says:

    I think I’ve met some kaaboo at rackums.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Folks, he is entitled to his opinion no matter how absurd it may seem to the rest of us. Maybe he is insane, maybe he needs to retire, but he is still allowed to express his view. human rights are not one sided.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is not the opinion of a rational person. He is seeing the boogeyman around every corner. We need better access to mental health I’m Cayman and this is living, walking proof.

    • David Holmed says:

      Is he paid from the public purse for the time to utter these absurd comments?

    • Anonymous says:

      The opinion of someone paid CI$10,000+ a month as a lawmaker should at least be founded on facts, logic and rational thought not inane drivel.

    • Anonymous says:

      He is entitled to his opinion, and we are entitled to respond. I didn’t see anyone arguing otherwise…

    • Anonymous says:

      When his opinion is essentially defaming an international brand he’s putting us all at risk of having to pay for a liability suit filed against him.

  36. Anonymous says:

    The devil went down to Cayman. He was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind because he was way behind so he was willing to make a deal. When he came upon this young man setting up a festival that looked pretty hot and the Devil jumped up on a sea grape stump and said “C3 let me tell you what: I guess you didn’t know it but I’m a festival goer too, and it you’d care to take a dare, I’ll give you the rights to KAABOO.”

    • Anonymous says:

      LOL!! You win the internet today, bravo <3

    • Rolando's Guitar 🎸🎶🎶 says:

      Now you spit a pretty good lyric swap, boy,
      but give Anthony his due. I’ll bet fifty thousand worth of gold against your KAABOO ’cause he thinks he’s better than you.

      (straight to the chorus)

      (Fire on Mount Trashmore! Run, boys, run!
      Devil’s in the House of the L.A., son
      Chicken in the parking lot picking on a mango,
      McKeeva, does your dog bite? No, child, no).

  37. Anonymous says:

    Goatwhore for KAABOO 2020!

  38. Anonymous says:

    Praise you Minister Eden, we need to get these type of people off of our island NOW!

  39. Anonymous says:

    Mental Health Facility opens when again??

  40. Anonymous says:

    there were some performances among those in attendance that may have looked satanic as the days went late, but……..

  41. Anonymous says:

    Oh for Heaven’s sake.This crap needs to stop now. Satanic? Really??

  42. Anonymous says:

    This is a joke – right?

  43. Really Savannah? says:

    The sooner this lunatic retires the better

    The people of Savannah need to have their heads checked

  44. Anonymous says:

    SMH, Eden’s REALLY got to retire in all sincerity…

    • Sick of it says:

      Seriously Mr. Eden?? That’s the best you can do? If you have no meaningful contribution it’s quite ok to say nothing. And by the way, if you know your Bible, you should know that Satan is loose on this earth and will remain so until Christ returns. There is no way for the Cayman Islands to be insulated or isolated from this.

      • Anonymous says:

        What I don’t understand is the cognitive dissonance, many religious people like him hold. They preach sermons and sing songs waiting for the Lord to return. Jesus is said to return when the whole world goes to hell (pun intended). Yet the religious don’t want the “world to go to hell” (figuratively speaking). So my question to Mr. Eden is as follows: “how do you expect the Lord to come if you keep preventing things that would hasten his coming?” Makes no sense to me at all…


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