Suckoo quits official opposition group

| 22/03/2019 | 131 Comments
Cayman News Service

Alva Suckoo in the Legislative Assembly

(CNS): Alva Suckoo, the member for Newlands, has parted company with the current opposition group and resigned as deputy leader of the official opposition. Suckoo, who has not given a reason for his decision, told CNS, “I remain part of the opposition to the government and will continue to represent my constituents and the people of these islands to the best of my ability and with the same resolve and commitment that I have always given.” Opposition Leader Ezzard Miller told CNS he had regretfully accepted Suckoo’s resignation.

“It is with regret that I have accepted Mr Alva Suckoo’s resignation from his role as deputy leader of the opposition, with immediate effect, following discussions with him this morning,” he said Friday. “Mr Suckoo made it clear, however, he was not resigning from the opposition group. Going forward, the position of deputy leader of the opposition will be addressed by the group.”

Suckoo has a checkered history when it comes to sticking with political parties or groups. He was originally a member of the UDP led by McKeeva Bush, but when he finally ran for office six years ago, he did so on the PPM ticket.

In 2013 he became the fourth elected member for Bodden Town and sat on the government backbenches until early 2016, when he followed Anthony Eden to the opposition benches, ostensibly over the position the government took on immigration issues relating to legally married same-sex couples, though disputes between him and the party leadership were also said to have played a part.

Suckoo served out the remainder of that administration as an independent. He ran in the 2017 election on a joint ticket with Anthony Eden and Gilbert McLean and secured a narrow victory over the former financial services minister, Wayne Panton, in a campaign that put gay rights front and centre, vilifying Panton’s support for the LGBTQ community and opposition to discrimination against them.

After the election, Suckoo joined forces with Ezzard Miller’s official opposition and took on the role of his deputy. Neither of the men have stated why Suckoo has found it necessary to formally sever ties with the official group while remaining on the opposition benches.

CNS asked Suckoo if he had decided to leave because of Miller’s recent public support for same-sex unions, but he declined to comment.

However, other sources have implied that the dispute is less about policy than pecking order and may be as a result of a dispute about who should or should not be leading the opposition benches.

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Comments (131)

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  1. anonymous says:

    That man has no backbone. If he wants to leave, leave – dont hang about still in opposition getting your salary and doing next to nothing. Quit and do something else for goodness sake!

  2. Ender by Heart says:

    EZZARD MILLER is a big bully!! He does not care about the youths of the Cayman Islands!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I live in Newlands and he has done nothing except spread hate about gays. He should resign from politics altogether.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s more reason for him to stay. Why do you hate Suckoo?

      • ANONYMOUSLY says:

        You live in Newlands? and so do I – STOP BEING A HATER Alva Suckoo is Awesome!

        I find no fault in him. He is doing a great job. Ezzard Miller is only a BIG BULLY!

  4. Anonymous says:

    This man has the art of “flip-flopping” down to a tee!!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Alva is a man of integrity, unlike Ezzard.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Yes, he is representing all Caymanians and especially his constituents in Newlands. However that does not mean that he cannot have a mind of his own, which is the ultimate human right. He is guided by a good conscience and the Holy Spirit. he is kind-considerate, smart, educated, intelligent, honest and his integrity is flawless. He is of a quiet nature, and if you want bluster and noise then I am afraid you will have to get that from someone else. He will never be wealthy in monetary terms but he is much loved blessed and highly favoured. No weapons formed against him shall prosper. He has many good friends and his family thinks the world of him. All the bad- mouthing and hate spewed towards him only serve to make him stronger. AL you can do all through Christ who gives you strength.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Ezzard Miller, like his style of frankness, honest, integrity and straight talk or not he has done more to raise the profile and organize the Opposition that McKeeva, Kurt and Alden combined. On the other hand he assigned certain responsibilities to Alva as a shadow minister in July 2017, the question is what if anything has Alva done during the period he was Deputy Leader of the Opposition. Nothing that I can recall, Chris on the other hand has done much and interacted with the media in his role as shadow minister for Finances and Financial services.

    Alva as I recall was shadow minister for Labour, Community Affairs, Health, Environment, Culture and Housing, I invite Alva to remind us what he said publicly about any of these matters.
    It appears to me that Ezzard has tried very hard to manage Alva and make him a productive MLA.

  8. Anonymous says:

    “CNS asked Suckoo if he had decided to leave because of Miller’s recent public support for same-sex unions, but he declined to comment.”

    The answer is either yes or no

    No comment = yes or at least a partial yes in politics
    If it was no, he would just say no but saying yes has consequences

    A no is often far more informative than a yes

  9. Anonymous says:

    His ego is clearly in the way of being a team player.
    Typical for politicians like him and Eden.

    • Anonymous says:

      A rolling stone gathers no moss.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ezzard may not be without his shortcomings—who is—but none in all the Opposition and few if any on the Government bench can match him for his ethics, hard work, dedication, knowledge and experience. He is in a class by himself. Now it is up to him to manage those assets effectively.

  10. Anonymous says:

    As an observer, it would not surprise me if the real truth be revealed that the “Unification” of the Legislative Assembly has gone too far.

    More and more it appears as if the Unity Government of Mac and Alden have successfully ensnared Ezzard into their orbit of power, position and privilege.

    Divide the opposition, cast doubt on their ability to work together, confuse the electorate, swoop in to gain control – all carefully executed by Dart who uses his money to get the best government money can buy.

    This is all a plan of the real ruler Dart, to use any trick in the book to silence anyone who has a grain of sense behind their eyes and between their ears to understand that all government actions have to be pre approved by Dart the real ruler of the Cayman Islands he will get his 100 plus story “Darticon” thanks to his public relations team of Mac and Alden (and now Ezzard) using Government Information Services and the Compost to convince Caymanians that they need the “Darticon”, it is not a building as such, it will be a new type of structure known by the new word “Darticon”.

    All of the people in the “Darticon” structure will be known as “Dartinites”, rhymes with “termites” a destructive insect devouring the buildings known as being “Caymanian”. .

    The “Darticon” will become the primary physical navigational structure in the Western Caribbean.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Government does not have to work to show that the Opposition cannot work together. They prove this themselves. That’s why they could not form a government. And since then they have not demonstrated any ability or discipline to actually govern or put forward real policy.

      Thank God for the capable Government that we have.

      • CHEC MATE says:

        This government is run by McKeeva Bush, Alden McLaughlin Moses Kirkconnell looking out for dart and the rich. The rest of government are yes men just happy to hold titles. The vast majority of Caymanians are in worse shape than ever before despite a hot economy that benefits developers and expatriates with money that conveniently call themselves Caymanians when it suits their purpose.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:34 am: u sure are a creative conspiracy theorist, I will say that for you.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can rest assured that Ezzard Miller has not joined Dart, he has already spoken out against Darticon . It was him who brought the whole NRA agreement to light and he has consistently said Dart is too big a fish for Cayman

  11. Voter says:

    I believe Suckoo is a Godfearing when it comes to moral issues like Same-sex Marriage. I don’t blame him because if you believed in God and you believe certain behaviors are sinful to your God whom you love, will be be the author behind a law promoting homosexuality?

    Of course not. And it doesn’t matter how much people chirp about “rights.” Perhaps this issue for Suckoo like Eden boils down to their individual conscience and relationship with their God ☝?

    In any event, my deepest respects to Suckoo if that is the case. He proves himself an ultra conservative who will not be influenced by groupings ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Last time I checked an MLA is supposed to represent all Caymanians and constituents not just the christian ones

      If you are looking for a theocracy might I suggest Saudi Arabia

      • Anonymous says:

        Most Caymanians are Christians and are severely under-represented in the legislative assembly by what appears to be a left-leaning PPM and CDP unity government. If Suckoo is concerned by the left’s agenda, we all agree with him: a marriage is between a man and a woman. Thank you Mr Suckoo for your service to your people. And shame on the unity government.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m a Newlands living Caymanian voting atheist and that man will never have my vote.

          • Anonymous says:

            Clearly the rest in Newlands who voted for him, and made him win the election, have different views to your own, likely aligned with his. Good luck on voting next election.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m sorry you think the party that Anthony Eden helped found along with all of the other bible beating theocrats that are and have been in the LA in the past 25 years
          Is left leaning?
          The same PMM that wrote the constitution in an attempt to create a religious state
          The same PPM that spends all day kow-towing to un-elected church officials and basing policy on their doctrines
          The same Government groups that band together to host anti-gay rallies for “family values”

          That is hilarious
          “Left leaning”

          I needed a good laugh today thanks

        • Anonymous says:

          Christians…severely under-represented [by] the left leaning government!!! What actual planet are you on???
          CNS we need the LOL button more than ever!

    • Anonymous says:

      You appreciate his ultra conservative positions for now because they line up with your own bigotry but as soon as they inconvenience you in the slightest you will be the first calling for his head (metaphorically speaking)

      Always better to stand behind the oppressors and laugh than be oppressed yourself I suppose

  12. Anonymous says:

    All theee comments and the man has not stayed his reasons for stepping down as Deputy Leader perhaps you should wait to hear it from him before you go spreading rumors. If it’s the same sex unions more power to him for being consistent and standing his ground. At least he has principles.

    • Flip Flop Al says:

      It matters nothing the reason why, the simple facts are that this MLA has been as loyal as a fish when it comes to politics. He simply is extremely unreliable & untrustworthy, these are the facts, plain as day

      • Anonymous says:

        Loyal to who ? Alden, Mac and Ezzard ? Hardly think that’s something anyone should be proud of being!

    • Anonymous says:

      The title on this story is misleading. He resigned as the deputy leader of the opposition which is not the same. I guess the title used would stir more controversy.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s just about the only issue that Anthony Eden and Alva Suckoo really care about

      Anthony Eden straight up said he was running again to protect Christianity (after saying previously that he was going to bow out after 2013-17

      It might not be the only issue they had but its certainly one of the issues

    • Anonymous says:

      As principled as Strom Thurmond a man who stood for 24 hours filibustering against an early civil rights act in the US Senate

      Let me make something perfectly clear
      Having convictions doesn’t automatically make those convictions correct

    • Anonymous says:

      If he is a man and not just s puppy, then he would say the reason why he resigned from the deputy position.

      • Anonymous says:

        Either he or the Leader of the Opposition owes it to the country to explain why he resigned. No sugar coating it either.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Suckoo needs to decide what he stands for and clearly state those positions. It might also be best that he remains unaffiliated with any group as it is not a good look for him to be jumping back and forth giving the impression that he is unstable and does not know what he is doing.

    • Anonymous says:

      What is Arden McLean’s role in the dysfunction within the Opposition ranks? He had his chance and blew it big time in 2017.

      • anonymous says:

        1:13 pm — good question. his deep unhappiness and discontent is pervasive. it has to play a role.

      • Anonymous says:

        Is Arden the fly in the ointment? Just asking.

      • Anonymous says:

        Arden “The Non-action Man” is as desperate to be Premier as anyone else. What needs to be asked is what went on behind the scenes and the real reason why Suckoo resigned from the deputy leader’s post like a petulant child.

        Ask what ultimatum was given to the current leader and who then would have been leader if the current leader had capitulated.

      • Anonymous says:

        We in Troy, saw the Trojan horse, JM Jr. wont be a factor in making Arden win any election in East End again.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yeah, whats up with him?? Ever since the elections, he is like a rare sighting, an endangered species even.

          I’ve been told that if you want to see him go to Brazley’s

    • Anonymous says:

      No one calls a spade a spade anymore and they wonder why our Premier has them beat before they even open their eyes. If memory serves me correctly Mr. Suckoo was going to be Leader of the Opposition because it was going to be a roto system. But then again so was the NothSide MLA seat to the younger politicians if I only got 2 terms.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are so right sir. Plus other persons in the opposition who are jockeying to oust the current leader because they are jealous of his traction.

    • Anonymous says:

      You might not know what his plans but I think he does

    • Anonymous says:

      Just happy to take his fact cheque every month

      • Anonymous says:

        You are probably one who always trying to track him down so you can beg and you away the pay cheque and you probably not even in his constituency.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Note from Cause List that verdict on judicial review on same-sex is due next Friday, during Royals tour. Headlines one way or another, let’s hope it is positive news for these brave women.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Suckoo join the PPM you might stand a chance at relection.

    • Anonymous says:

      He’s burnt that bridge with PPM but anything is possible now that Alden and Big Mac are happily working together leading the Govt.

  16. Anonymous says:

    He serves at the will of the people. He should explain his actions to his constituents.

    • Anonymous says:

      He needs to really explain his actions in a hurry. But he may have to get daddy Eden’s approval

  17. Anonymous says:

    Ezzard has turned the corner and is really trying to be a statesman. That can’t be a bad thing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ezzard seems reborn it’s shocking!
      He and Chris Saunders are the only Opposition members doing anything and raising issues. The rest are in lame duck mode.

      • Anonymous says:

        That is because they use up all the oxygen on the airways. While they are out there huffing and puffing suckoo is busy with issues that effects his constituents,

      • Anonymous says:

        You sir are right in your assessment. After we voted for Mr. Mclean we expected a different direction from him and guess what we got..?? Absolutely nothing except beef, turkey and ham at Christmas. We hardly see the man. My dad told them to take it and shove it. I made a mistake last election. It won’t happen again.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sure took him a mighty long time

  18. Anonymous says:

    All about egos I suspect.

  19. Annonymous says:

    Something has to give as Cayman cannot continue with child’s games that these politician tends to play whilst the people and country suffers. A good point and case this week when minister Hew had to take a helicopter ride just to see how defunct the $7M road system in Savannah/George Town is (couldn’t he just drove)? Then in his opinion by extended the Savannah bypass and a little tweaking at the current round abouts this will alleviate the now congestion’s – SMH. I ask if this was your own personal money, would your really extend the road to north side when you know the bottle neck is at Lantern Point, Hurley’s and at the Bobby Thompson road. How can the north side road fix the problem? Minister Hew our way of lives are diminishing and the stress of the weeks traffic is causing havocs in person’s personal and work life. Extending the road to north side will not fix the congestion at the round abouts mentioned before. Save the people’s money and make the adjustments to the current road system and pass the necessary laws to reduce the importations of vehicles to the island. Then again you can’t do either of them because both consists of wasting money, making money and keeping the campaign contributors happy.

    • ppm Distress Signal says:

      Joey Hew has as much education or qualifications as McKeeva Bush i.e. NONE
      The ppm frequently criticized Bush as not being fit for office or any leadership role. No difference between him and Hew with their allegations of vote buying and lack of qualifications.

      • Hancock says:

        Never seen Joey gambling with government credit cards.

        I do need my lawn cut. Does Bush still do that work?

        • POLITRICKS 101 says:

          No he’s now co-leader of the Unity government and Hon. Speaker of the House responsible for keeping Alden McLaughlin in his position as Premier.

          That was his reward for making peace with McLaughlin and PPM proving everything and everyone has their price in Cayman politics.

        • Anonymous says:

          Juju will sort your driveway!

      • Anonymous says:

        You are a liar. Big Mac never evrnfinished high school and Joey Hew has a college education.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh dear, the best way Mr. Hew could assess the traffic jams was to use the helicopter. How exactly could he see the full picture if he jumped in his car and drove bumper to bumper for two or three hours. Unless one has to do that I do not think anyone would even try to. It would only mean another unnecessary vehicle on the road. I think though, if this government has a chance on making a real long term remedy to the chaos on the road they will have to restrict the number of cars. I suggest banning the import of vehicles by anyone other than dealerships, no more wore out Japanese imports, that ends up parked on the side of the road or in the landfill within two years. Encourage a reputable company/ person to operate a good bus service throughout the district – not those crazy people racing around in those busses being used on the road now, driving up on sidewalks, passing on the wrong side of the road, driving down the turning lane then pushing their way in front of another car to get ahead etc.etc.

      • Anonymous says:

        I would rather minister Hew to get up close and personal with the traffic congestion they created by sitting by the wheel in his own car. Then again you probably like the idea that once again the people’s money having to be wasted on helicopter rides?

    • Infoforu says:

      Lantern Point to Hurley’s soon to be 3 lanes, cylcle lane and sidewalk. ?

  20. Anonymous says:

    the opposition….? .. .a rag tag bunch of backward small minded fools elected by a few hundred poorly educated locals.
    cayman democracy is one big sad joke.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Its about time. The younger politicians new to start their own path. Be strong Alva, lead your own way.

    • Anonymous says:

      EXACTLY- don’t think I can take another term of the northeast bluster! “Suckoo Show up, pay attention pick and speak your words with truth and Do not be attached yo the outcome”

    • Anonymous says:

      …back to the 17th Century.

    • Anonymous says:

      I long for the day that the younger generation who understands that 70s laws are outdated and that the war on cannabis is stupid replaces these fossils.

      • Anon says:

        Hello 6 22. Please get someone to show you how to construct a sentence. You have too many ideas jumbled up together.

  22. Anonymous says:

    So sad that Suckoo defeated Wayne Panton, who contributed so much to Cayman political, social and financial life. Panton paid a political price for speaking the truth ALWAYS. He paid a huge political price for speaking the truth. Wish Caymanians would wake up. Panton was part of the best and the brightest produced by Caymanian schools while Suckoo could never carry Panton’s lunch pail intellectually.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have not seen anything significant from Suckoo in the last year as deputy leader of the opposition. I don’t see a lot of energy or leadership potential or initiative. So not sure that this move will have much impact one way or the other.

      • Anonymous says:

        Suckoo not ready for the big time….

      • Anonymous says:

        You have not seen nor has he done anything of substance….yet he was pushed to challenge for the Leader of Opposition….in essence they tried a coup with Arden as the ring leader

    • Anonymous says:

      Alva could not find a job after Walkers. Like many others in the LA now politics was the only option so how can he think he would be a good opposition leader?

      • Anonymous says:

        He couldn’t find s job just as some of us can’t find one. The cartel is against. It has nothing to do with his abilities. He was the wrong colour to be in the boardroom. Be careful it could happen to you. Instead of vilifying him we should all be fighting to change it. There are many of us in the same position.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ever wonder why? Wasn’t Wayne Panton Managing Partner when they pushed him out ? Why Alva ran with him in BT in 2013 is beyond me but I remember Wayne and Ossie bragging about how brilliant he was. Did he suddenly lose his education and brilliance when he left the PPm?

    • anonymous says:

      I hope that Wayne will run again and beat the dickens out of Suckoo. Wayne has my vote, a genuinely nice, talented person who has a good future in politics.

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re lucky there are candidates to choose from. We need to change the grandparent requirements to open up a bigger pond of candidates, or we’ll never leave the opaque backwaters of governance.

        • Anonymous says:

          4.22pm In other words, you prefer your candidate imported rather than homegrown. Bigot

          • Anonymous says:

            You obviously do not understand what a bigot is and wish to remain in the opaque backwaters of governance in Newlands. As another real bigot would say, SAD.

      • Anonymous says:

        I live in newlands and finally became a registered voter. You have my vote Mr Panton hoping you run in next election.

    • BORN FREE says:


      CNS: I almost always allow criticism of politicians, but really! Get a grip.

      This person has asked me to remove the whole comment which I have done, but I am going to add a note to explain what the issue here is because there’s a point to be made. The original comment posted accused Alva Suckoo of being a traitor, which is utterly ridiculous, and contained no reasoning for that conclusion, though in the phone conversation we had, apparently the fact that “liberals” call Trump a traitor is some sort of justification. It is a dangerous road for a country to travel if we start calling people traitors because we disagree with them politically. As I said, get a grip.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wayne’s arrogance and blind loyalty to Alden cost him his seat in Newlands. Alva was seen as the lesser of two evils.
      The irony today is Wayne has one foot door out of the PPM after Alden partnered with McKeeva to form the Government of National Unity.

      • Anonymous says:

        11:50 Perhaps you were not aware or did not follow the fact that Wayne Panton went head to head with Alden and a few other Cabinet members on a range of environmental issues. Certainly not blind loyalty for a Cabinet Minister to Alden.

        Wayne spoke the truth to the people in Cayman. That is not arrogance but political character which so few politicians have here.

    • Anonymous says:

      For your information Suckoo is much more educated and intellectual than Wayne Panton, and you got that right, he would never be the one to carry his nor anyone else’s lunch pail. He got elected over Wayne because the constituents in Newlands voted for him. It does not matter that it was a narrow win even it was only by one vote, he still is the elected representative.

      • Anonymous says:

        Too bad that a large majority of people who have lived in Newlands for 10 years or more, and make significant contributions to their community, do not have the right to vote.

        • Anonymous says:

          Would be interesting to know what percentage of people who live in Newlands actually have the right to vote.
          Does anybody know?

  23. ROFLOL says:

    Can anyone imagine Hew and Suckoo leading the new coalition and changing of the guard after 2021 elections? ROFLOL

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Neither have a track record of success in anything. Both are unfit for leadership positions yet both see themselves as candidates for Premier. Would you hire them run your business? Only in the Caymans.

      • Anonymous says:

        Neither has said they want to be Premier ?? Please state facts

        • POLITRICKS 101 says:

          Ask Alden McLaughlin Tara Rivers Roy McTaggart if Joey Hew wants to be leader of PPM or ask their executive committee members.

          Do you think Alva Suckoo with the help of Arden McLean allegedly attempted to remove Ezzard Miller as Opposition leader because he does not have aspirations for the top job?

          Hence, the Party or group leader with majority support to form government will become Premier in the 2021 coalition government as neither party or group will have a clear majority.

          • Anonymous says:

            You said: “Do you think Alva Suckoo with the help of Arden McLean allegedly attempted to remove Ezzard Miller as Opposition leader because he does not have aspirations for the top job?”

            Ezzard has publicly said that he wants to be Premier.

            You are right on the Alva and Arden thing. Who would have thought that you’d see Arden stabbing Ezzard in the back?

            • Ender By Heart says:

              Arden Mclean or Suckoo should become the Opposition Leader!!
              Ezzard Miller is not for the youths of the Cayman Islands! Ezzard Miller is just a Big Bully!! He truly needs to step down from being the Leader.

              He is not fit. I say give Arden Mclean the Job. He will be a great Leader. Arden Mclean cares for the people of the Cayman Islands.youths and Elderly he is very loved in East End and the Cayman Islands. Keep up the good works Arden xoxoxo

    • Anonymous says:

      Two donkeys

    • Anonymous says:

      Can anyone imagine Ezzard for Premier. No wonder the present Premier said that succession planning keeps him awake at

  24. Anonymous says:

    Daddy Mac’s phone must be burning up as he plots for 2021 with Kenneth Bryan and Alva Suckoo desperately in need to find air support.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Suckoo seems unable to stick with any group he joins. Is it the groups he joins and its leadership that upsets him or is it him? Seems very shifty.

    • Anonymous says:

      5:29 pm, I don’t know the man, but I wonder if he is one of those persons who is always trying to find someone or organisation to blame for his inadequacies and lack of progress.

      I too agree that this is largely to do with him and the way he deals with the world.

    • Anonymous says:

      He must be tired of hearing ezzzard as most of us are, and we don’t work with him!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Suckoo is always fighting for his people!

  26. Anonymous says:

    Probably had something to do with Ezzard’s comments on Civil Unions

    Don’t expect Bigot in Chief Anthony Eden to stick around for much longer either

    All Alden and Mckeeva have to do is say they will fight the UK on Gay issues and both Eden and Suckoo will come back running

    The only disagreement they had while a part of the PPM was how much discrimination was too much

    • Anonymous says:

      Or he’s petulant and moody

      • anonymous says:

        5:32 pm: that is likely true. Another possibility is that he is always looking to hitching a ride to what he perceives will win for him, without much effort on this part.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yea like they all don’t do that …please !!! Rolls eyes

          • Anonymous says:

            11:11 pm: hope your eyes didn’t roll back entirely. Yes, they are all tying their lanyards to winners, but they do try to do so with an ounce of loyalty and resolution. This recurring shifting from pillow post bodes no good for anyone.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Love thy neighbor” only applies to those that pay offering.

    • Anonymous says:

      AL Suckoo has always said that he believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman as the vast majority of the people in the world believe, including the Cayman Islands. He is not out there bashing gays. It appears that some people’s mind has been programmed to only comment on gay issues. There are other issues besides that. If anyone wants to know how many people agree or disagree just call for a referendum on it.

      • Just saying says:

        We should have referendums on ethical issues like Same-sex marriage, as well as, on ABORTION and MARAJUANA

        • Anonymous says:

          Just Sayin you have a very stupid idea. Look what happened in the UK with the BREXIT referendum. That referendum has torn the UK apart and will probably result in the break up of the UK. Say no to referendums.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yet gay marriage is the only issue that actually caused an internal break in party politics since Mckeeva’s arrest and since the soft coup in the early 2000s

      • Anonymous says:

        He also sits idly by as his mentor in the house does it for him
        He doesn’t have to dirty his hands with bashing the gays personally when someone like Anthony Eden is doing it for himself plus the other 18 members of the LA

        In this day and age it is not enough to simply not be saying the hateful things
        If you are not standing up and fighting the rhetoric then you are helping to propagate it even if involuntarily

        The man who sits back and watches the offense happen is just as guilty as the man committing it
        There is no middle ground on these issues
        Either you are spreading the hate or you are fighting it


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