Seaweed bloom could decline next month

| 10/03/2019 | 9 Comments
Cayman News Service

Sargassum on the beach in North Side

(CNS): Following a record-breaking year of prolonged and abundant Sargassum bloom in the Atlantic and Caribbean seas in 2018, the start of 2019 has seen similar levels floating in the ocean and washing up on regional beaches. But experts from the University of South Florida say that by April, the amount of seaweed transported from the Central West Atlantic to the Caribbean Sea could be lower than last year, though because of conditions in the eastern Atlantic, the Caribbean may still experience larger amounts again later in the year.

The bulletin from the University of South Florida Optical Oceanography Lab, “Outlook of 2019 Sargassum blooms in the Caribbean Sea”, is a regional prediction with a low degree of certainty. Current levels remain high but scientists believe that the troublesome seaweed, which can cover beaches and coastal areas with very thick layers, is here to stay.

Ocean researchers have not yet confirmed the cause of the increase in the blooms in this region over the last few years, but many speculate that there is a link to rising sea temperatures and changing sea currents due to climate change.

Nutrients for agricultural fertilisers and wastewater runoff from land could also be fuelling the growth of the red seaweed, which emits a foul odour as it decomposes and covers up the beach, posing a problem for the tourism industry.

Some Caribbean nations are looking at ways to harvest the Sargassum from the beaches and turn it into fertiliser or other products.

See the bulletin in the CNS Library


Category: Marine Environment, Science & Nature

Comments (9)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Using Seaweed To Fertilize the Garden
    (the EASY way)

    google it if you don’t believe me!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Using Seaweed To Fertilize the Garden (the EASY way!)

  3. Anonymous says:

    well,of course we have always had seed weed on our beaches…..its natural. some years not a much as others, I’ll agree.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Need to start dropping diesel on it out at sea.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The amount of garbage found in it is disgusting. Get light offenders to do some public service and clean it up. We look third world to tourists who visit and walk any beach that isn’t smb.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Legalize it.

    • Anonymous says:

      With global warming and warming oceans, seaweed bloom is becoming the new norm every year on Caribbean beaches. And the people who deny climate change will tell you we have always had seaweed blooms on our beaches. Oh Yeh?


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