US prosecutor confirms Webb’s arrival but no court date set

| 17/07/2015 | 18 Comments
Cayman News Service

Former CONCACAF President Jeff Webb

(CNS): A Brooklyn court heard Friday that Cayman’s former football boss, Jeffrey Webb (50), had arrived in the United States to face criminal charges in the massive FIFA corruption scandal. But In the first official confirmation that the extradited FIFA official is Webb, the US prosecutor overseeing the case, Evan Norris, said he did not know when Webb would make his first appearance in court to face the charges.

According to US media reports, Evans appeared before the court in New York to confirm Webb’s arrival. He was previously reported to have left Switzerland Wednesday night accompanied by three US enforcement officers understood to be from the FBI.

Pundits talking about the case in the American media have suggested that the failure of Webb to appear before a court immediately following extradition indicates that he is very likely to be talking with the US authorities about a plea arrangement in return for information.

Webb, who was the regional CONCACAF and local CIFA president, was arrested in Zürich ahead of the FIFA annual congress on 27 May along with six other football officials as the US Department of Justice, the FBI and other agencies revealed the shocking investigation. The US prosecutors allege that some $150 million in bribes were taken by FIFA officials from sports marketing and broadcast firms over more than 20 years. The probe has seen some eighteen people indicted and convicted so far.

At one point Webb was tipped to be a successor to FIFA President Sepp Blatter, who has not yet been indicted in the probe but who is thought to be a target of the US authorities. Given what is understood to have been a close relationship between Webb and Blatter, the former Cayman banker may be well-placed to provide information to the US in exchange for some clemency if it is proved that he took part in the corruption scandal as alleged.

Webb had in the first instance indicated his intention to fight the extradition from Switzerland but last week it was revealed that he had changed his mind and agreed to cross the Atlantic.

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Category: Courts, Crime, USA, World News

Comments (18)

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  1. Stereotypical says:

    That is not fair to say, I know two or three who do not think like you expect or how Legge portrays the majority.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The DOJ is quite familiar with The Islands’ problems and the facilitators. I’m sure they can do with the added help.

  3. Knot S Smart says:

    Welcome Home Brother!
    We offer you some good music for you to sing and dance…

    • jacky from old Bushside says:

      He smart and a true son of the soil. Whatever the U.S. Could throw, it not stick and now he taking his time, playing it his way.
      Say wha u want but we know wha time it is nah true.

  4. caymanaindonkey says:

    Very smart move from Webb, can I hear bail granted! So he will be able to chill in his 500k swimming pool….

  5. Anonymous says:

    Lock him up and throw away the key.

  6. Anonymous says:

    It will be about 7 – 14 days before Webb appears before a NY court, unless the extradition process indicates a certain time frame to do so. His first appearance will be just a formality.

    I predict Jeff will be making his case with the assistance of his lawyers, to the US authorities and then a plea agreement can be worked out later.

    The US authorities are in no rush at the moment, as Jeff willingly came to them. They just want to get him on video/tape and let the chips fall into place for the rest of the FIFA bunch.

    Jeff is no fool. Every sensible person does foolish and stupid things at different times in their lives. The man/woman who tells you that he/she has “no skeletons of some sort” in their closet is a outright liar.

    Ever ask yourself, “What the hell was I thinking back then” to this or that in your pass lives ??

    • Anonymous says:

      G.D. big skeleton.And it ain’t in his closet. What exactly is your point?

    • Anonymous says:

      I might have to disagree with you on Jeff is no fool. You have to be a fool to think you can take all the money and nobody will ever find out.

    • Anonymous says:

      I often think back on my past life when I systematically participated in illegal activities in a high profile global position for decades.

    • Sharon says:

      great comment…especially the last two paragraphs – extremely well said!

    • Anonymous says:

      He’s a greedy fool and justice will be served.

    • Anonymous says:

      “foolish and stupid” maybe but not criminal. Get real!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Why? Because it’s legal in Cayman to bribe, launder money, commit fraud, evade taxes, etc. without adverse consequence. Once it permiated the U.S. Jurisdiction it became illegal, and handled in accordance with their laws.

        Cayman is upset that he got caught, not that he was doing well under illegal or questionable operations that violated U.S. law.

        The U.S. is a blessing in disguise.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is a big difference between making Sme mistakes in life and actively joining/participating in something that you know is fraudulent and illegal so you can enrich yourself. Seriously, stop defending this man. He is a criminal and should go to jail.

      • Anonymous says:

        True. There are plenty more, like Jeff, on-island that the U.S. needs to frisk! Too many to count but the USDOJ assistance with white collar corruption us badly needed.

    • Anonymous says:

      He’s no fool. It is the way business is conducted in the Cayman Islands, and it will offer counter US laws, including the FCPA. From age 15/16, careers in Corporate Law, Public Service, and Financial Services begin. Hospitality is a subset of the 3 blocs, primarily owned and operated by foreign (direct) investors.

      Jeff’s choices got him rich; but they clearly broke laws that Cayman would consider normal negotiation techniques and money protection mechanisms. To the Cayman population, he was doing well [for himself], with a few partnerships/facilitation needed to keep him profitable. In end, the game was just for the chosen few. That’s not exactly the level playing nor a transparent business.

      He will be pressed about his involvement and specific knowledge of the FIFA Corruption Scandal.

      OAN: Has anyone heard from the Banking/Financial Services Minister?

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