Parchment sacked by NRA board

| 01/11/2018 | 65 Comments
Cayman News Service

Paul Parchment

(CNS): Paul Parchment, who was suspended from his job as managing director of the National Roads Authority in April, has been fired. The chairman of the board of directors released a statement on Thursday stating that Parchment had been terminated on Wednesday, but he gave few details of his alleged misconduct. Donovan Ebanks said the board had completed its investigation into possible misuse of NRA resources and as a result of the findings, Parchment had been sacked.

He said that NRA Deputy Managing Director Edward Howard, who has been standing in for Parchment, had been formally appointed as acting director.

The board said it was grateful for Howard’s response to the situation and he would continue to perform the duties and responsibilities of the MD until a substantive appointment is made.

No other details about Parchment’s reported wrongdoing was released, though it is widely understood the director was caught on camera using NRA heavy equipment and other resources for his own private work. A former employee of the NRA is said to have filmed rock belonging to the authority being taken to a property owned by Parchment in North Side.

That footage made its way to the board, leading to the suspension of Parchment and a six-month investigation. It is not clear if a criminal investigation will follow, as CNS has learned that the Anti-Corruption Commission declined to open an inquiry into the allegations because its members believe it is a matter for the RCIPS.

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Comments (65)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Was the independent inwestigation actually done in-house?

    If so, how is that independent?

  2. Braclady says:

    Whoever the watch dogs are, please keep an eye on who is truly profiting from a new port!

    • Anonymous says:

      C’mon Braclady; Even Stevie Wonder could see who is profiting, and it ain’t you or I or any of the rest of the common folk on this island.

    • Anonymous says:

      It has nothing to do with the Port. Read the article again..

    • Anonymous says:

      12:20 They have already been profitting. That is why they are desperate now to push the Port through, grasping at straws.

  3. Anonymous says:

    And yet Juliana remains in office! Paving private property for votes is just as bad as paving your own private property, if not worse.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is disgracefull how she was never held accountable. But then again, to be expected XXXX, some will get away with it and others won’t.

      • Anonymous says:

        Everyone will get there own comeuppance. Those who preach the gospel ( yes Iam a Christian) will be judged harsher than those who don’t, because they know better.

    • anonymous says:

      Remember she also holds the Cayman Islands record for the highest expenses on a single “business” trip with her male “associate”, which included a New York shopping stopover.

  4. Anonymous says:

    In regards to CINICO and the revelations that have been made there, can or will the powers to be insist that ANYONE who received medical coverage for whatever reason such as the breast surgery for which they were NOT entitled to, fully repay the cost amd be held accountable. This is deceptive behaviour and these individuals knew damn well that they were not entitled to such medical priviledges. Same goes for the fill referenced in this article.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not just repay but be held accountable. If a government employee can go to jail for stealing cash (and rightfully so) then why cant we ensure accountability on receiving medical procedures that is not covered under insurance. Breast augmentation is I am sure about 10-12,000.00 so this is less money for those who are fighting heart issues, cancer etc. Totally unacceptable.

      • Anonymous says:

        I had to go through hell and brimstone to get approval for a urgent and required oral procedure. Now I wanna know the following?

        1- Was the breast implants approved by the CEO himself or did it require approval from overseas? If the answer is the former then the government MUST collect the funds paid by CINICO at once and in ONE lump sum payment.

        2- Was the other procedure approved by the CEO himself or did it require additional approval from overseas? If the answer is the former then like above, the government MUST collect the funds paid by CINICO and a ONE time payment too.

        3- In regards to the fill and use of NRA equipment, has the Board or Government conducted any audit to try and get a fair market value for these goods so that the money can be paid back??

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said and so true

    • Anonymous says:

      Time to bring back Carol to head CINICO.

  5. Anonymous says:

    so what happened to the previous managing director?

    • Anonymous says:

      … and what happened to the very first MD?

      • nw pointer says:

        put in an foi request to see why the NRA Board paid out half a million dollars to the previous MD, against the express and direct advice of their lawyers, who said he had no case but someone insisted it be paid anyway, and it was done

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes and these comments are all so true. Tried to keep it hush hush as always but it came out. Now they gonna get the same shit done again. Instead of them saving the money that he tried to save to give his staff members a raise that they so desperately need they took it and allowed this new HR and all the scandals to spend it. They better had try save it because I pray he sues them for more than the previous MD. These people for get where they came from. But as the saying goes every dog has their day…

  6. Anonymous says:

    I feel sorry for honest, qualified Caymanians who don’t stand a chance at being appointed to any of these cushy jobs, yet they suffer the consequences just by being Caymanian when the chosen few fall from grace.

  7. Anonymous says:

    We asked for accountability in the public service and boy have we got it. So happy to see the Authorities following the civil service lead – zero tolerance on corruption.

    • Anonymous says:

      10:50pm boi you foo-too!

      When is the last time that a Cayman Islands Civil Servant (AT THIS LEVEL) was fired?

      In the last 2 weeks alone, there has been 2 Cayman Islands Public Servants (at this level from the Statutory Authorities/Companies) fired AND, at least 1 remains on suspension.

      Come on Deputy Governor, find this numbnut at 10:50pm and fire it first!

      • Anonymous says:

        9:22. You must live in another planet.

        Firing people is not something to brag about.

        The civil service has worked hard to appoint capable people and not always will that person be a Caymanian.

        The public sector needs to follow that lead as well.

        • Anonymous says:

          12:07pm, so true.

          The Cayman Islands Civil Service is filled with competent, hard-working and loyal people, thanks to its vigorous recruitment and training procedures!

          Happy to be a Civil Servant.

          • Anonymous says:

            Need a LMAO button for that one!

            Such PR gibberish 1:38pm – welcome back Franz – kinda missed your high-fives to yourself.

          • Say it like it is says:

            12.07pm At least you admitted you are a Civil Servant as only civil servants would make such a fanciful comment.

          • Anonymous says:

            Say what which world are you living in. The mistreatment of Civil Servants is rife.

    • Anonymous says:

      …wtf are you talking about…we paid this guy for 6 months because the NRA didn’t want to, or couldn’t be bothered to watch the same 15 second video that everyone else watched!

  8. BELONGER says:

    Under the circumstances…….it’s not really an incident for the Anti Corruption Commission to investigate but a matter that should be handled by CID as an alleged Theft.

    • Anonymous says:

      Remember Bernie wants Caymaians hired at all costs. Thank goodness the civil service is standing up to him and his nonsense.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry to hear this. Paul take a deep breath reflect on your actions. Make the needed changes and you will overcome this.

      Above all don’t listen to Bernie.

  9. Anonymous says:

    How many caymanians this is now That we have trusted and put in high places because they were caymanians?? ( TOO MANY ) Now we back to square one Who To Trust Now?? But I will say this much whoever is digging keep digging lets get into that government building where so many being paid and they don’t do squat diddley all day..

  10. nw pointer says:

    For clarity, the video did not capture Mr. Parchment on his property using NRA equipment, the video captured NRA workers dropping ‘ road spoils’ on the property as they were using it as a staging area, according to their written evidence. The property is actually located in East End, and the work in question was paid for personally by Mr. Parchment in 2016. But If I was the Chairman I would be grateful to the newly appointed acting MD as well, because he happens to be the same person who the Board appointed to the first investigative team(wonder how that works when you stand to personally benefit from what your investigating?) Any one wondering why the Board did not go through the Office of the Auditor General, to conduct their ‘unbiased investigation, and then turn their findings over to the Board for a decision like other authorities do? From the Chairman, to Board Members, to Politicians, to NRA employees, they all did exactly what they accused Paul of doing, but when he no longer condoned their personal and political bidding, it was time to move him for someone who ‘follows instructions’. Like I said before the OfReg Board has nothing on this board.

    • anonymous says:

      3.28pm Exactly how are you related to Mr Parchment?. What nonsense you spout, he would hardly have been fired if what you say is true. The only truth in your comment is that this type of dishonest behaviour exists everywhere in government service and has always been considered the norm until now that corruption is finally being identified and punshed.
      I trust that WORC will take note in it’s efforts to promote Caymanians to top jobs, we already have disasters in Immigration and the Port Authority and no doubt many more are yet to be uncovered.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t forget CINICO.

      • nw pointer says:

        4:46 the truth will come out and the evidence of these long standing practices, right or wrong, who’s been doing what and for whom will also be evidenced. there are many ppl not related to Paul who have the evidence. hopefully his family will now reveal what they know. Your penchant against qualified Caymanians being put in places of responsibility they deserve to be in, is noted! and since your the global authority of work place professionalism, maybe you can tell us why the NRA Board has suppressed the recent sexual harassment complaint against a senior manager over there

        • Pitt says:

          Well as they always do cover up for who is their friend or in their friend circle. That woman should have taken it outside of NRA but I guess she thought something would have come out of it but she was so wrong. That tight nit clan seems to be on a rampage for sure. Firing the MD for something they do them selves.

        • Anonymous says:

          As always COVERED UP its who you know not who cares about you.

    • Anonymous says:

      This makes no sense. If they were using his land simply as a staging area for the rocks why would he pay for it?

  11. Anonymous says:

    another glorious day for the civil service….

    • Anonymous says:

      Doh ! The Civil Service does not include Statutory Authorities like the NRA. The Deputy Governor has no responsibility for or control over those entities. That’s why there is a Board.

      • Anonymous says:

        anybody not in the private sector is cig/civil service.

        • Anonymous says:

          Uh… What you mean to say I think is that the “Public Sector” includes the statutory authorities as well as the Civil Service ????????
          Cabinet appoints the Board and Chairman. The DG who heads the Civil Service has no role.
          Come on now, keep up !

  12. Anonymous says:


  13. Anonymous says:

    Six months paid leave…to watch a 15 second video telling it all.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Caymanians were not always like this … this habit was all Mckeeva’s doing from the day he gave up mowing people yards and started singing and talking like a total idiot West Bayers voted him in. As they are as stupid feel entitled as he is to be honest ! Look at what his campaign manager and relative did at the Turtle Farm sealing it out … He had a bill of over $40,000 alone in airfares at Cayman Airways giving tickets away which was never collected. As people never stopped this fool from getting away with anything he wanted. Succession of politicians would never set him right as he has the votes and instead of isolating him they rewarded and continue to his rotten behaviour. I have been around in ‘high place’ for some time and can tell you this culture we are seeing now in the civil service and authorities all came from the habits of McKeeva and those he forced into positions of authority. Easy to fall in that trap .. well if he can get away with it so can I as the addiction of entitlement takes hold. Go on a trip with him and you will see …. it enough to make anyone vomit … how he acts and his feeling of entitlement and the Caymanian people foot the bill. I have been around a restaurant table with 10 people where the bill was over $5,000 billed to CIG.

  15. Anonymous says:

    6 months to investigate? So he got away with extra fill for his land AND paid leave for half a year. Seriously, how do I get a job in civil service?

  16. Anonymous says:

    Why do all these Caymanians, when given a position of power, do their utmost to abuse it? and you wonder why we get treated like shit? Sick of unna now.

    • Anonymous says:

      The fill came off Paul’s property at Parkway Drive off West Bay Road across from 7 Mile Shops.

  17. Bertie : B says:

    I have used equipment from my jobs in the past for personal use , this was Not a problem because I asked if I could .

    • Anonymous says:

      You really think that makes it OK?

    • Anonymous says:

      What kid of equipment? The kind that loads up fill that you should be paying for and then dumps it on your land? I don’t see anything wrong with him using the equipment as much as I do allegedly stealing something that can’t be given back.

      • Anonymous says:

        That material came from a property already owned by Parchment stored and then Taken to his new property in east end not north side as stated in this article And it WAS NOT STOLEN so get that straight. Talk what you know not what you assume.

  18. Anonymous says:

    “Six month investigation”. Glory, glory Public Sector…

  19. Anonymous says:

    If the police do not act with appropriate haste might the anti corruption commission act? We have been here before. Anyone remember Streeter? Police acted quickly then. I expect they will again.

  20. LOL says:

    Poor Paul. He only did what the NRA board members, senior ministry staff and elected politicians have been doing for decades. It is part of CI government culture and politics in this country. Now it’s wrong but happens every year especially during election campaigns. LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      I would still like to know, where is the oversight in all these cases?? Don’t the accountants, board members and other managers, ever question any of these crazy ass spending and foolishness goings on? Look how long it took for them to do anything about Lonnie!!

      • Say it like it is says:

        3.56pm You are very naive- they can hardly investigate when they are all at it themselves.


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