Cayman-UK relations ‘no longer fit for purpose’

| 18/10/2018 | 93 Comments
Cayman News Service

UK and Cayman Islands flags outside Government Administration Building, George Town

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government has taken a very different position from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office over the current balance in the relationship between the UK and Cayman. In its submissions to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee for the review currently underway, the CIG has described the constitutional relationship as insecure and outdated, and accused Britain of taking an ad hoc approach to engagement with Cayman. CIG has also criticized the UK government for continuing to treat Cayman as a subordinate rather than a partner, and described the current document that supports the relationship as “no longer fit for purpose”.

The Cayman Islands submissions state that the 2012 White Paper on the British Overseas Territories, which still underpins the current relationships, has reached the “end of its operational lifespan”. This is in contrast to the claims made by the FCO in its submissions that the document was still central to how the UK relates to and deals with the territories.

From the Cayman Islands’ perspective, however, the relationship with the UK needs to change because officials here believe the British government has not been willing to devolve meaningful power to the territories.

“Over the past two decades, the UK has undertaken significant devolution of powers to sub-national, regional institutions but the status afforded to these new institutions has not been replicated in the UK Government’s treatment of the Cayman Islands, nor has the Overseas Territories Directorate (OTD) ever been staffed with adequate expertise required to represent this new era of decentralized policy making,” officials stated in the submissions.

Aware of the comments the FCO had made about retaining the 2012 White Paper as the guiding document for relations until at least after Brexit, the Cayman government said it was “regrettable” that this decision was made without consultation with the territories. The CIG said it disagreed with that position because it feels that the ambitions of that document were never fulfilled in any case.

Cayman’s submission, which makes it clear that the CIG and the FCO are still some way apart in their view of the relationship, also indicate that the CIG believes the UK does not respect the autonomy of the territories.

“We are often left with the impression there is a view the British Overseas Territories are to be administered, rather than treated with respect as self-governing representative democracies in their own right,” the government wrote in the paper.

The CIG raises a number of complaints about Britain’s failure to properly represent and protect Cayman on the international stage and criticises the OTD within the FCO for its failure to facilitate relationships across Whitehall. Cayman even suggests the lack of awareness among the different British ministries has led to its reputation being damaged.

“[T]his widespread lack of awareness across Whitehall of the UK’s relationship with the Overseas Territories has often led to policy positions and public statements by other UK government agencies that are misinformed and lacking of input from the Overseas Territories,” CIG said in the submission. “These actions often subject Overseas Territory Governments to unwarranted criticism and reputational damage which, with proactive engagement and dialogue, could have been prevented.”

Among the many other concerns raised by the Cayman Islands is the diversity of the British Overseas Territories and what Cayman sees as the continued lumping together of the BOTs when their needs are very different; from the South Atlantic Islands to Gibraltar to the Caribbean Islands, the issues impacting the 14 territories are unique and the Joint Ministerial Council has not served them well.

The CIG submission suggests that leaders here are seeking a radical change in the relationship that looks more like an equal partnership than the current situation, which still resembles the past status of colonizer and colonized.

Cayman sets out a list of detailed recommendations. As well as the idea of establishing a “respect agenda” to protect Cayman from what the government here sees as constitutional overreach by the UK, officials suggest a cross-government audit of international obligations of Whitehall departments.

They also want the UK to provide more international representation and a review of ministerial responsibility in relations to the BOTs, as well as moving the OTD to the Cabinet Office.

See both submissions in the CNS Library

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Category: Politics

Comments (93)

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  1. Daisilyn Ebanks says:

    Bad grammer Waring

    I’m a Caymanian who now lives in America(family business). I really wanna come back because America is sh!t.

    The UK has done so much good stuff for us.

    My time living in the Cayman was really nice and I really love it (Until family stuff happened).
    Just the thought of Cayman becoming Independent just make me wanna cry (I’m sensitive). We don’t even have a army! We have a royal police force(which is all I know becouse I left the country(at 10 yrs old) and move to the UK then to America(at 12yrs old))
    Form my point of view the UK is a really cool country. I have lived there and went school there for 2yrs. The school system is better than America in my opinion. Talk sh!t about the UK all you want it won’t do anything. Plus the local have to choose as well if they want the country to be independent or not.

    This is coming form a 14yr old

  2. Anonymous says:

    UK must be doing a great job. Because the native caymanians are migrating to the UK. Because UK is taking bettet care of them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nobody want to visit London because of the crime and non-authentic lot from importing criminal-proud cultures. Hope the same does not happen to the US.

      • Daisilyn Ebanks says:

        To be honest, i don’t like London.
        I personally prefer Leeds which in the 4 bestes city in England.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Elephant and Pug by Ivan Krilov (Delusion of Grandeur)

    Along the streets Big Elephant was led,
    To show him off, most likely.
    Since Elephants are not a common thing to see
    A crowd of gapers followed on his heels.
    All of a sudden Pug springs up in front of them.
    And seeing Elephant, it raises a great rumpus,
    It lunges, barks and howls
    And does its best to pick a quarrel.
    “Hey neighbor, stop the fuss,”
    A mutt intones, “You? Deal with Elephant?
    Look at you barking yourself hoarse, and he just strolls
    And doesn’t care one bit about your noise.”
    “Ho ho!” Pug says,
    “That’s just what I enjoy,
    Since I can be a real tough guy
    Without a single blow or bruise.
    That way, the other dogs will say:
    “To bark at Elephant this Pug
    Must be a real strong mug!”

  4. Anonymous says:

    Actually, the relationship with the UK is much more fit for purpose than the CIG is. I would take the UK over what we have, any day.

  5. Mike says:

    I have tread every single post so far, and I am amazed at the lack of understanding of the very basic issues here. Get one fact straight, if you want to puff your chest out and talk about independence, first you have to have the Caymanian ship properly rigged to sail on her own. That means (1) A proper functioning political system. (2) A proper functional governmental administration. (3) The economic strength to sail on alone. (4) The Caymanian people to have confidence in whoever leads the country. Now, I challenge all of you to tick the ones that are “fit for purpose”. Pardon the phrase! LOL.

    • Anonymous says:

      You will also need real security forces to keep the cartels out. Not kidding.

    • Ron Ebanks says:

      Mike , I agree with you , but is some of those politicians seeing it that way. I believe that some of them are just like those that are puffing their chest out and believing that because we have Dart and CHEC , that’s all that is needed for Independence .

      Like I said before, watch them all very closely. You should be able to see what I saying , by rereading the sentence of your comment.

  6. Islander says:

    If you are not for people’s democratic rights on island. You are constantly criticizing the Unity Government – both ppm and opposition together, even when they come with facts on the constant bullying of the FCO and their socialist views, you are not only a coward but a TRAITOR! And if your a Caymanian you should go to the Uk and see how the average person is living there!
    I love Cayman, and I love the leaders I voted in to represent me. They are not perfect, but they deserve to not be rediculed for united standing against a power that feels like it can disregard our democracy!

    • MM says:

      Those same leaders are disregarding our democracy when they come out publicly and beg voters to not sign a petition for transparency on a capital project – in fact… the largest, most expensive, island-changing capital project EVER embarked upon in our entire 500 year old history… democracy at its best.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh for Heaven’s sake! Do you have to bring the Port into EVERY discussion?
        And stop exaggerating. No-one begged anyone not to sign the petition. Government stated its position that signing the petition is tantamount to stopping the project. Your democratic rights have not been affected by them saying so. If you want to sign the petition there’s nothing to prevent you.

        But if you want the piers then you need to understand the implications of what you’re signing. Why? Because financing isn’t indefinite. Heck, even quotes from local businesses are usually only valid for 30 days so why would anyone expect financing for the port to stick around for who knows how long, while we try to organize a referendum in 8,10,12, 20 months IF and when enough signatures are collected to trigger it in the first place?

        Anyways…. back to the topic at hand which happens to be Cayman/UK relations. This port issue has been talked to death. Time to move on.

        • Anonymous says:

          Truth hurts though doesn’t it.

        • MM says:

          The port will be in all of our pockets for many decades – and when the cruise passenger taxes fail to cover the “financing deal”; the port will only then be in every conversation while you mope and groan.

      • Anonymous says:

        While you have every right to disagree, dont they have a right to their opinion also. Did it ever occur to you (12:55) that they are doing what they think is right for the country

      • Anonymous says:

        I still can’t understand how you think? This island is going to build JGHS and has been proven over and over again the system is broken. We are going to give the people who are failing a raise to CI$ 60,000 a year and will never get back any money and will have to increase another “tax”measure to pay for it. The pier is self financing. WE DON’T PAY ONE CENT. Now I have said it over and over and a new peson comes up with another fake story to change what they say is a lie.

        • MM says:

          Only a truly. truly ignorant person would believe that any individual or entity or country can acquire anything this day and age without paying “one cent”…. freebies do not exist; there is always a catch! And when we are getting in to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of “freebies”, the catch will be much bigger – and much better concealed to those with rose-colored glasses on.

          I ask again – if cruise passenger tax is covering the cruise port side – which tax will be paying for the cargo port side?

          And if anyone says “the cruise passenger tax” then it will become even more obvious the bunch of loonies we have around this place. That is like when someone dips in to the mortgage payment money to pay CUC – something will come up short and will not get covered. Or, better example – when a large corporation has to use Salary money to cover their business insurances – how will that work out?

          Cruise passenger tax income and import duty income are TWO different income line items – one should not be used to finance the operational expenses of the other. (Well, at least not in good business practice).

    • Anonymous says:

      The same leaders who want nothing to do with you until it comes time to vote

      Try getting a meeting with your MLA or try calling in to a talk show with your opinions when one of them is on if you want to be talked down to or attacked in the way that so many of them do

      You want to talk about bullies, we got plenty of them here

    • Ron Ebanks says:

      Dear Islander , can you please tell us how the leader is personally “representing you personally” ? You should think about overall Island and the people before you cast your next vote , and not just for yourself .

  7. Anonymous says:

    It looks like our former man in Beijing is coming here as Governor. I wonder why?
    Could it be that CIG is causing concern with the cruise dock/Chinese problem?

  8. Unison says:

    Sadly, the UK is in the business of undermining our democratic processes, undermining our elected representatives, even talks about legislating laws on us without our consent, and perhaps they may do another TCI move on us whereby setting up a dictatorship Governor. We never know what they FCO is up too. They have proven themselves unpredictable. They are determined by leftist groups to rule over us with an iron fist!

    Caymanians must not get too caught up with mere mother benefits. I suspect the Independence fear-mongering will begin their spin and posting comments like we have no army, no true leaders. Like we never heard that before in the other countries that had to deal with the UK’s leftist policies.

    Some countries propered leaving her like America, Egypt, and India today is booming. Other countries failed like Jamaica, African or black nations. But I disagree with the Independence fear mongering crew. It wasnt because of Independence why their economies are at an all time low. IT WAS BECAUSE OF A LEFTIST, UNDEMOCRATIC, GOVERNMENT CONTROL SYSTEM! Don’t let no one fool you. Independence from UK is not what ruin these nations.

    For the more democratic freedom respecting natural rights of its citizens, is the more properity will grow. If the UK ruins our prospirity with their leftist policies, we will be reduced to a mere colony under her wishes. Don’t let naive people tell you the benefits under a UK dictatorship is greater than freedom and democracy. They don’t know what they are talking about.

    Has the UK ever contributed to our success? Don’t be rediculous. We didn’t see them after Ivan, and they are talking about in Chris wirds “we want to British”! Come on, people grow up and wake up. They are becoming UNPREDICTABLE and DANGEROUS to the little democracy and capital we have here.


    *Ever conservative, ever libertarian, against liberalism, controlled governments, and leftist agendas – all for freedom and morality

    • Anonymous says:

      Ha ha ha, looks like you typing that keyboard too hard, Unison. You don’t worry, you and all your free junkers will be in for a surprise. You are outnumbered!

    • Anonymous says:

      “sadly, the UK is in the business of undermining our democratic processes”

      – “undermining our democratic process” Using the power reserved to them, that our democratically elected leaders agreed to in 2009 which you conveniently leave out

      “TCI move on us whereby setting up a dictatorship Governor” – Again pretending their wasn’t almost a complete and total breakdown of the government system, wherein the Premier and government was accused of widespread corruption


      This explains why countries like Canada, Switzerland, Norway and Finland are failed states…. oh wait

      Unison you are the King of Bullshit and selective reasoning I’ll give you that, learn to spell and learn what libertarian ideology actually is cause you got it all mixed up buddy
      Your idea of being against “controlled governments” is having the government control ever facet of a person’s private life as long as it lines up with your religious text
      The only type of government you are interested in is a theocracy

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t worry about him, Unison. This person sound like he or she is upset with about your anti-gay law views. Notice he or she used “religious text.” These are the kind that if you don’t see how they see, you must be religious. And hypocritically, they pushing for an agenda.

      • Anonymous says:

        “– “undermining our democratic process” Using the power reserved to them, that our democratically elected leaders agreed to in 2009 which you conveniently leave out” that the FCO shaped before allowing it to go to vote in a referendum. In other words, there was no freedom to agree every point in the constitution as you seem to think.

    • MM says:



      You mean the same type of undemocratic Government control system that encourages voters not to exercise their constitutional, democratic rights like organizing a referendum or signing a petition?

      Egypt: Population 91.5 million
      India: Population 1.32 BILLION
      Jamaica: Population 2.88 million
      Cuba: Population 11.5 million
      Cayman: Population 60,800

      What has the UK done for us? You asked.


      they only made us tax-free;

      gave us a proper, centuries old legal framework that makes our judicial system the envy of the Caribbean,

      once provided us with excellent education framework to get us started,

      protected us during world war II and

      helped establish our men as world-renown sailors and ship builders.

      The Queen came here and gave our little dot a face and encouraged the world to trust a country that was not even yet visible on most maps through acknowledging our existence.

      Anything Cayman asked the UK for it was usually much obliged to hand it down – from our national symbol of identity and global recognition (the Coat of Arms) to the opportunity to become a UK Citizen and enjoy those privileges by simply applying for a darn passport!

      You are whining like an ungrateful teenager who still cannot figure out why their parents do not want them out late at night drinking with friends.

      The UK is over there standing by watching our leaders rape this country and brainwash its citizens and is powerless because fools like you actually believe their crap.

      What will happen if Cayman goes for independence? Several things:

      Our dollar value will drop to $h!t (like Jamaica);

      We will STILL be forced to team up with some other larger nation for military protection and to have a stronger political voice on anything that affects us in the West (the USA is prob out of the question because they are not teaming with a tax-haven and we are pretty insignificant to them AND we are entertaining the idea of a Chinese port big enough to dock military ships) – we could try running back crying to Jamaica to hug us again…. perhaps Cuba? Honduras? Nicaragua?

      Our any of the other countries that our people love to down-talk, degrade and laugh at because of the high and mighty status our relationship with THE UK gave us… go for independence and make sure you are ready to run with your tail between your legs and beg these countries to mother us again.

      • Unison says:

        You miss out one thing. We made Cayman tax free. And “We” built up Cayman. Made it the financial center it is today – without Uk helping us.


        Do you want to challenge me on facts?

        • Anonymous says:

          The UK set us up as tax haven and gave us the foundation to be what we are now, They didn’t realize how big we would get.

        • Anonymous says:

          Unfortunately that was only possible because Cayman had the safety net ( in the eyes of investors) of the UK standing behind things. Seriously, you are very naive if you think otherwise.
          If Cayman is so good then go independent. Then you would have nothing to worry about. Simple.

        • MM says:

          Who is the “we”? Is the “we” you are referring to us Caymanians??

          Quick Cayman Islands recent history 101 – the laws and legal framework and brain-storming that it took to first enact the Bank laws and company formation laws back in the early 60s of which the financial industry has been built on was not started by indigenous Caymanians.

          These laws and legal procedures were drafted and championed by expatriate attorneys and other white-collar professionals who worked along with our Government and brought THEIR ideas to the table and then went on a marketing spree to encourage the world to bank here… who is the “we”?

      • Unison says:

        Typical fear mongering over Independence issue. You spin it well with your version of history. There is such thing as innovation, and supporting a free market system. How you think we got where we are? Is there any documented proof you have that the UK built our industry the way it is now?

        Big fear mongering on your part, MM. Yes, I don’t agree with an immature move to Independence, but I not making up stories about UK is our Savior! If we have to make a responsible move, we are obliged to always to put DEMOCRACY first. We should always cut away from any form of dictatorship and injustice. :/

        • MM says:

          The fear-mongers are usual the ones who enjoy throwing around this term in reference to other persons commentary.

          I am simply stating history, and there is no spin on it – it is what it is – take it or leave it.

    • Unison says:

      Excuse my grammatical errors. But I think manu understand my position quite clearly. In sum, they are about “control” not democracy.


    • Anonymous says:

      “Sadly, the UK is in the business of undermining our democratic processes, ” Nope, CIG is doing a good job of that themselves, they don’t need any outside assistance.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Unity Government is set on taking Cayman independent. These are the initial “writings on the wall”. God help Cayman Islands!!

    • Traitor says:

      If they are Unity, then you must be for Divide and conquor.

    • Ron Ebanks says:

      Anonymous 9 :14 am , you got one wish come through , that’s the new Governor which would be arriving at the end of this month with his wife and maybe his two sons . Keep praying for the Cayman Islands. .

      • Anonymous says:

        Ron Ron honey pie. The article write up alludes that he might not be the permanent Gov. Wa say you?

  10. The Watcher says:

    I think it would be in the interest of the U.K. Government to put as much distance from the Cayman Islands as possible. Once the govt bullet loans and pension / healthcare deficit come to light … Independence may not be a choice.

    • Caymanian T says:

      Silly. You don’t get it. The Uk government was never meshed with Cayman in the first place! The distance don’t mean nothing because they never had a good relationship with us!

      • MM says:

        Speak for your damn self!

        If you think that the Cayman Islands can rule itself; or better yet DEFEND itself – then you are a true fool. Our indigenous population is faaar below 100,000 Caymanians worldwide and only about 1/3 actual remain in the territory. Every freedom and privilege we have enjoyed is based upon our UK relationship! From our currency, to our global respect that we can hold a Cayman passport and travel this world freely without hindrance! Our tax-free lifestyle, our laws and strong judicial benches – and when we followed a more strict UK education system our students were much more successful!

        Our Governments of the past 20 years have messed up on every capital project one after the other from the Gov building, to Clifton Hunter, to John Gray, to the fricking South Sound boardwalk!!!

        The UK has done a grand list of things for this small, ungrateful country! The same way we want to spit at Jamaica now when before we could not even pull a tooth without going to Jamaica! If they had remained under UK rule then perhaps that country would not have some of the issues they face today (like a currency that is the laughing stalk of the planet!)

        Our more recent generations are a shame and an embarrassment to our ancestors – we walk around with chest out like there is so much to be proud of while we are so greedy that we will sell our granny just to flash something fancy!

        Go spend one hour at the Cayman Islands Archives and educate yourself on some real, true Caymanian history and our UK relationship before you waste the internet’s terabytes spreading baseless trash!

  11. Anonymous says:

    And hopefully we will no longer have to swallow their leftist liberal sewage

    • Ron Ebanks says:

      See what I said in previous comment on this subject . And who are all these anonymous commenters . Are they Caymanians , Russians or Chinese ? Watch them and government too .

  12. Anonymous says:

    We soon will be out of the grasp of the UK because once the CHEC & Decco get the dock going China will make Cayman a new home port for their navy and then they can get the airport expanded so military planes can land; we can be a satellite of the very powerful Chinese. The Dart group & our leaders know what they are doing so no one has to worry at all. There will be a huge influx of Chinese tourists also.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Cayman can stick or stick it and go independent. There are many flights leaving daily flying to independence. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Just stop the bleating and bellyaching and go independent. But of course Cayman as usual wants its cake and to eat it too. The UK owes Cayman nothing and gains absolutely zip but headaches from the relationship. In truth it would love to get rid of Cayman and the other Carib OT.
    It really is simple; if you don’t like the rules in your parents’ house then go and get your own place and then you can set your own rules.
    This “we’re not ready yet” excuse is pathetic. The bottom line is that Cayman just hasn’t the confidence or nerve to go it’s own way.

    • Anonymous says:

      You know, it occurred to me last night, where have I heard this argument about the pros and cons of integration and separation before…of course! Brexit! I guess the UK is lacking in confidence and nerve too, and is not ready (pathetic excuses all).

      • MM says:

        Pulllll-eeeezze, stop comparing our dot in the ocean to Europe -Caymanians have lost their minds! This “world’s best beaches”, “top financial institutions” thing has got some of us crazy!

        Size still matters people – this is why the USA made it so easy to migrate there when they were first developing – they knew they needed citizens to protect, build and work for the country!

        We do not even have the square miles to encourage too much of a population! Can you imagine 1 million people living here if we cannot even properly accommodate the less than 70,000 we have?

        Some of our people (including some of our leaders) are stark-raving mad and so full of themselves from the little bit of shine Cayman got ON THE BACKS OF FOREIGN ENTITIES AND COUNTRIES that they have the nerve to puff chest in front of the UK!!! Wow!

        When our premier gets invited to the White House or to dine with Chinese and Saudi royalty then perhaps we may have finally been elevated to a higher, more recognized political rank – until then the world still sees us and our leaders as a bunch of amateur, insignificant puny politicians who cannot properly negotiate long-term contracts in the interest of their own country and its people!

        • Anonymous says:

          One of the largest city in USA is NYC and they are 22 sq miles. 4 million people are in and out in a day. 100,000 people went in and out at the trade ccenter per day. We don’t have the people that want to be efficient. Just look at how long it takes to build a couple miles of highway or Crewe road for God’s sake. Its a crying shame. But its also selective hiring who fix their friend and family up with a career in Government.

      • Anonymous says:

        What a silly and ignorant boy you are. It’s completely different. But in truth it’s showing you what Cayman should do- go out on its own . Stop moaning and GO. NOW.

    • Anonymous says:

      caymanians have not got the stones to go independent.
      cig is fully aware of the limitations of the local population.

    • Anonymous says:

      Our government can’t even arrange proper garbage collection and your smart idea is to go independent
      I’ll never understand you people

      Every fact points to us not being ready for independence and you still call for it

  15. Anonymous says:

    thank god for the uk!…saved us from bankruptcy in recent times
    cig can’t even run a car parking ticketing machine….

  16. Anonymous says:

    I agree

  17. Anonymous says:

    I think the respect is sorely lacking in the other direction as a very Dependent Territory. For anyone who’s wondering “what the UK does for us”, they literally finance the show and keep the lights on by guaranteeing this colossal, and mostly PPM-era loan that we can’t pay back even half of next year – loaning us, merely by association and backstop, their preferential AA credit rate:

    USD$312,000,000 5.95% 24NOV2019 Government of the Cayman Islands
    ISIN USG1986TAA37

    If it weren’t for that, we’d be joining Bahamas and others at Baa3 or lower with 7%+ coupons and unworkable service ratios. We had better do what they ask us to do. As in: pretty please with sugar on top. Especially when there are thought to be over a Billion more dollars in unfunded Pension and Healthcare liabilities, not yet reflected as liabilities on the balance sheet.

    • Anonymous says:

      The UK does not literally finance the show. And no, we will not be obsequious as you suggest.

      • Anonymous says:

        Another fake caymanian who has investments and property off the islands who has been living high off the hog. Time to pay the piper.

      • Anonymous says:

        Be as proud as you want, will make the fall that much harder.

      • Anonymous says:

        Without the protection of their credit backstop, we would not have been able to borrow at the rates we have in the past – even then, failing to repay!

        • Your Joking Right? :)) says:

          lol … and thats all they did. Puffff… well then Cayman, its time to sever from her!

          • Anonymous says:

            Just that one small aspect of our ambilical relationship has saved us >$60MM in interest payments over last 9 yrs. A polite person would actually send a fruit basket and some rum cakes, and a nice handwritten thank you card.

    • Anonymous says:

      They don’t finance the show by guaranteeing our debts. We finance the show by never needing their guarantee. You got that?

      • Anonymous says:

        Well, you’re wrong. If we default, the Cayman Islands, as a dependent territory of the UK, slides it’s bill across the table to mother. That’s why there is an FCO which prescribes CIG cash coverage and demands more transparency and disclosure, understanding their prudent role as sovereign backstop.

      • Jotnar says:

        What a grasp of finance you have. Without a guarantee, you either cannot borrow money, or have to borrow it at considerably higher interest rates that we cannot afford to pay. Whether the guarantee is called or not doesn’t stop the fact that the guarantor is taking and risk and indirectly financing the loan.

        • Anonymous says:

          What a grasp of politics you have. Before the UK got anywhere near having to actually pay anything they straightjacketed our government to stop it from ever happening. The UK wants to hold the guarantee over us as a means to deny greater autonomy while keeping enough power to intervene in our affairs that our finances never reach the stage we need money anyway. And that’s as a permanent state of affairs: “because we may, some day in the future if our own direct oversight fails to avert this, have to pay what to us are insignificant sums to bail Cayman out, every day of Cayman’s existence, it will have less autonomy than its people want”. That’s a contemptible position, in my view, and not sustainable in the long term. What is the point in a relationship where the chief benefit is a better credit rating when you are not allowed to borrow without approval?

    • Anonymous says:

      This is exactly the type of fake news and half truth’s that has gotten us to where we are today in regards to the UK and Cayman relationship.

      Yes, the liabilities are as you state, but No the UK has not and does not accept the liabilities. This falls directly on the Cayman Islands Government and that is a fact!

      The Cayman Islands has never received any funding from the UK Government. WE even pay for the FCO staff that work here.

      We have a lot to be proud of in our own right.

      As we continue to grow as a country with devolved administration, it is only natural that we seek to enhance how the relationship is managed by “Mother England”. To not do so merits the title of colony, which we are not.

      • Anonymous says:

        The pride before the fall -classic.

        • Anonymous says:

          Folks, DONT FEED THE TROLL

        • MM says:

          Indeed…. I am a 5th generation Caymanian and I am in absolute awe at the ignorance and poorly educated comments of our people… a good majority of us could not even hold a 5 minute conversation about the French Revolution or how such historical events have shaped our own country… the fastest way to hide the ignorance is for them to say “it is not relevant to Cayman” LOL!!! God help us.

          Yes… pride before the fall.

          I can’t watch.

      • Anonymous says:

        First, you should examine how the relationship and interests of our people is being managed BY YOUR ELECTED POLITICIANS!

      • Anonymous says:

        Our relationship with the UK has saved us >205bps, or tens of millions in interest payments, in just the last nine years, versus had we been a typical Caribbean independent risk. This is just one aspect of the many benefits of being a UK Territory. You either get it or you don’t, key fact remains that the bond rating services, and professional bond market participants do get it…and that keeps the lights on.

    • Anonymous says:

      The down voters have sucked up into their minds. Time for a reality check.

    • Anonymous says:

      The sub-investment grade assumption of Bahamas is perhaps too generous an example…Jamaica is B3, just a hair above junk, borrowing at 8% That 205bps difference saves the people of the Cayman Islands USD$63,960,000 over the ten year term…which MUST be re-newed at NEW terms next November.

  18. Anonymous says:

    What is going on here….


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