Tennessee governor legalises use of cannabis oil

| 05/05/2015 | 8 Comments

(CNS): Tennessee has become the latest state in the US to relax laws relating to the medical use of ganja. It’s now legal to use cannabis oil there for limited medical purposes after Governor Bill Haslam gave final approval Monday to what many believe is a step to further legalisation of the plant for wider medicinal use. This law is restricted to patients who suffer from seizures or epilepsy and who have received a recommendation from a doctor to use cannabis oil.

Speaking to the local state media yesterday, the governor said he was going to trust people like the commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Health to manage the situation and ensure it is used to help patients in very specific situations without generating fear about broader legalisation.

Cayman News ServiceThe law takes effect immediately and the oil must contain less than 0.9% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and be administered as part of a treatment study or regime. The oil must be supervised by a physician practicing at a hospital or associated clinic affiliated with a university or that has a college or school of medicine.

People possessing the oil must have proof of the legal order or recommendation that the person of family member has been diagnosed with intractable seizures or epilepsy by a doctor, otherwise possession will still be a Class C misdemeanor. The new law provides for a regulated dispensary by the department of health and a 13-member medical cannabis advisory committee.

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Category: Health, Medical Health, USA, World News

Comments (8)

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  1. Caymanian says:

    Hey, I got an idea, since we legalizing ganja then I think it’s only fair that we allow law abiding citizens the opportunity to deal with personal matters on their own. Such as when someone lies I can go beat the truth out of them. Go back to the bible days, eye for an eye. Since we all for human rights then where are my rights. This is my country, get out and go back to your own country.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow, you should seek help for that enormous chip on your shoulder. Nobody is talking about “legalising ganja”.

      We are talking about medical cannabis. The THC found in cannabis is a potent inducer of apoptosis (death of cells, namely cancer cells), even at 50% inhibitory concentration and as early as 6 hours after exposure to medical cannabis. In other words, medical cannabis eradicates cancer.

      Have you ever had anyone in your family die from cancer? If you had, don’t you wish you could have done something more to save them?

      Eye for an eye eh? Must be the CaymanKind in you shining through.

    • Anonymous says:

      where in the bible does it mention ganga? back to bible class for you

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s like the good book said. Let he who is without sin throw-eth the first rock, and I shall smoke it

        Oh no wait that’s crack…wrong thread.

  2. Disgusted! says:

    You ever seen our governing politicians looking forward?? No, if they are looking it’s downwards – into their pockets, but usually their heads are buried in the sand or up their cronies arses!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is sitting on a regional medical goldmine, but there is no forward thinking here. Jamaica will scoop it up and Cayman will continue to play catch up to third world countries. Cultivating regulated medical cannabis oil is turning into a major medical industry.

    “Currently in the United States, legal medical cannabis is a reality in 21 states and the District of Columbia; an additional 14 states, including Florida, have legislation or ballot measures pending to legalize medical marijuana.”

    • Anonymous says:

      There is no competitive agricultural opportunity in the Cayman Islands. We have nothing like the arable land, fresh water, or menial labour pool.

      • Anonymous says:

        You don’t need arable land or this or that. Ever heard of Hydroponics? Which is all you need to create a competitive agriculture opportunity in order to process regulated cannabis oil for medical purposes.

        So sure in your misinformation, you are typical of the mindset on this island with your absence of knowledge and lack of forward thinking.

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