Tourist dies after snorkelling trip in East End

| 18/12/2017 | 6 Comments

(CNS) UPDATED: The police have confirmed that the 59-year-old man from the United States who died on Friday afternoon following a snorkelling trip was James Howard Huber from California. According to a release from the RCIPS, the man became unwell around 2:30pm while he was riding a wave runner off Austin Connolly Drive in East End after he and another man had been snorkelling. Police, fire, and emergency personnel were dispatched to where the victim had been brought ashore by his friend. CPR was administered by the emergency staff but he was unresponsive. He was taken by ambulance to the Cayman Islands Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.


Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Exactly 3.31am thank you. I was not talking about oceans, lakes and ponds on this island or any other island. This terrible incident happened in CAYMAN in the SEA! Where quite a lot of deaths have unfortunately happened, and taken not only the lives of tourists but indeed our very own here also……….some people are so petty and write uncalled for ridiculous comments about such a sad loss. You need a proper job 11.58am. You clearly got too much time on your hands.

  2. Anonymous says:

    He unfortunately died on a wave runner, this was nothing to do with snorkeling.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Another victim to Cayman’s seas yet again! So sad. May he rest in peace and condolences to his family.


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