Alden to talk to British lords about Cayman

| 06/01/2015 | 11 Comments
Cayman News Service

Cayman Islands Premier Alden McLaughlin in the Legislative Assembly (Photo by Dennie Warren Jr)

(CNS): The Cayman Islands premier is the latest regional leader to be invited to talk to the British peerage as well as business leader and members of the UK government at the Caribbean Council’s Annual Reception at the House of Lords in London. Alden McLaughlin said this was an “amazing opportunity” to promote Cayman on another international stage.

McLaughlin will deliver the keynote message at the event, which is scheduled to take place on 24 March. Officials said that more than 300 people will be attending, including MPs and peers, members of the diplomatic corps, business leaders and senior officials from the British government. Following McLaughlin, the UK’s overseas territories minister, James Dudderidge, will be the second speaker.

“This gives us yet another opportunity to appear on the world stage to tell of the amazing opportunities available to those who would consider investing in the Cayman Islands,” McLaughlin said. “I look forward to addressing the Progressives-led administration’s vision for the Cayman Islands as well as the opportunities that exist for new public or private investment.”

The invitation came from the President of the Caribbean Council, Labour peer Lord Foulkes (George Foulkes). The Labour party stalwart and staunch supporter of Scottish devolution is best known for his enforced resignation as spokesperson of the Shadow Defence Ministry in 1993 after he was convicted of being drunk and disorderly during an incident in which he punched a police officer.

The Caribbean Council has held its annual reception for 12 years and it has become a key event in the UK for companies and investors interested in the Caribbean. Recent speakers have included the premier of the British Virgin Islands, the prime minister of St Lucia, the foreign minister of the Dominican Republic, and cabinet level British ministers, such as the deputy prime minister.

The Caribbean Council is a not-for-profit business organisation which supports Caribbean and Caribbean interests in Europe, including encouraging investment and greater trade links.

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  1. PhilC says:

    But he would promise not to mention the Nation building Fund, the tendering process for the new dock, government credit cards, gambling, cronyism and the rest.

  2. thinker says:

    Alden No regular people want to invest in Cayman the govt changes the rules every day and cant stick to a contract why would anyone want to invest in cayman when it is clear to anyone that can read that cayman is dysfunctional. Perhaps you should discuss how nice our beaches are? Instead of trying to sell a shit investment.

  3. NeverGivingUp says:

    The 4th paragraph says it all again! Why do these people have the positions that they hold?

  4. Unison says:

    I won’t be surprised that a “quiet bottle of bubbly” occurs before Alden arrives there. They may attempt to pour him coolaid to have him drink it. I worry.

  5. Whodatis Kman says:

    Wigged and legitimised corruption.

  6. Michel says:

    I see this as a great opportunity for Our Cayman Islands represented by our Premier Alden McLaughlin to promote our islands. The Cayman Islands are still a very desired place not only to visit but to invest as well. We need to continue creating work for Caymanians and each of us to be proud Ambassadors.

  7. Romero says:

    Or the tension between racists both in the expat and local Caymanian community.

    • Jessica says:

      Or the post office, driveways in the Brac, month long jollies to conferences in South Africa and the list goes on and on.

  8. Romero says:

    Just don’t mention the driftwood word! Shhhhhhhhh

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