Awareness day alerts public to kidney disease

| 26/03/2015 | 1 Comment
Cayman News Service

Cayman Islands Hospital, George Town

(CNS): With more than 5,000 people diagnosed with diabetes in Cayman in 2014, the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority (HSA) marked World Kidney Day earlier this month with free tests at the hospital to raise awareness and help diagnose possible problems. Cayman remains an island with high levels of kidney disease because of the prevalence of high blood pressure and diabetes, both of which are causes of kidney failure. 

From the 75 people who took advantage of the free testing, 20% were referred to their doctors for a follow-up regarding the health of their kidneys.

“The Cayman Islands has a well-documented issue with increasing obesity, which can cause both diabetes and high blood pressure,” explained Lizzette Yearwood, the hospital CEO.  “The combination of preventative screening, having a healthy diet, exercising regularly and avoiding excessive amounts of alcohol are lifestyle choices the can help to reduce the likelihood of kidney disease. We will continue to focus on fighting the battle with the silent killer and educating the public and our patients, by creating general awareness of the issues linked to kidney disease while providing accessible, preventative health solutions.”

Free blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol tests were offered and Dr Nelson Iheonunekwu, Internist & Nephrologist overseeing the dialysis unit, said he was pleased with the turnout.

“Any time we can prevent even one person from getting chronic kidney disease, the day was worth the effort,” he said.

The dialysis unit was also open to the public, helping people understand ways to prevent the disease, often known as the ‘silent killer’. The new dialysis unit reopened in September 2013 and has provided the much needed flexibility and capacity, officials said, to treat about 50 local kidney dialysis patients throughout the year. The expansion of the dialysis unit was founded upon the premise that prevention is better than cure, as often people have kidney issues without evening knowing, until the condition becomes chronic.

 Visit for more information and services offered at the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

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  1. Sam says:

    That is what low fat diet does to your body.A staggering number for local population of 30,000.

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