Ministers offer support for gender justice

| 07/03/2017 | 29 Comments

(CNS): Gender Affairs Minister Tara Rivers and Community Affairs Minister Osbourne Bodden have offered their support for the International Women’s Day theme this year, “Be Bold for Change”, because, they said, it called for “courageous and urgent action… to build a gender-inclusive world”. But while the two Cabinet members spoke about standing up for justice for those who cannot speak for themselves, they made no mention of rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people.

In their joint speech the ministers spoke enthusiastically about gender issues and said, “We must unite to achieve gender equality because gender equality benefits everyone.”

But Rivers has refused to accept that her affairs ministry covers LGBT issues, leaving them without a government champion. Bodden has offered little open support for people in that community but he did warn his fellow MLAs in a recent parliamentary debate about a referendum on gay marriage that parliament was in danger of looking “like a bunch of old fogies” as the next generation was more tolerant and liberal towards LGBT issues.

Although lesbians, transgender women or intersex people have not been highlighted in the International Women’s Day Celebration in Cayman, Dr Jackson Katz, a renowned anti-sexism educator and activist whose pioneering work in the field of gender relations reflects this year’s theme, will be visiting as the keynote speaker at an event at the Marriott Hotel Wednesday evening. The ministers said they were both keen to see how his work could be harnessed to actively promote men’s participation in gender equity in the Cayman community.

“Let us continue to engage in confronting and addressing the corrosive effects of inequality: in our homes, classrooms — in our boardrooms through the courtroom. To enlighten our citizens on the positive economic and social potential that will be unleashed once gender equality is fully realised, we must not only win over new converts but re-inspire each other to continue to strive for what is right,” the ministers said in their message.

For more information about what is happening to mark International Women’s Day visit the Family Resource Centre Facebook page.

See the full message from the ministers here.

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Category: Community, Local News

Comments (29)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Was she a good lawyer? Surely a good lawyer would be competent enough to ensure the Education Bill was fit for purpose.

  2. Anonymous says:

    People of the 21st Century, how the f**k do you think civilization survived up until now without you?
    Read the stories about Roman, Jewish and Egyptian culture and you will see that women were incredibly influential.
    I wish you equal rights zealots would stop your bullshit. Men and women complement each other. We always have and always will.
    Stop fixing shit that wasn’t broken. If you support women’s equality, then what about the pain inflicted on women in Saudi Arabia and other sh*tholes that treat women like dirt?
    Failing that some of you ladies can apply for the men’s rugby team and some of you men can try and make your fortune as catwalk models. No one would pay to watch either debacle, so embrace who and what you are, love one another and be kind and most importantly, “Tell the truth.”

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ev’rybody gotta have somebody to look down on. Right, Mr. Preacher and Ms. Politician?

  4. Anonymous says:

    we know that he UDP only see women as their sacred vessels, from their great support of Dwayne Seymours defense,

    Actions speak louder than words

  5. Anonymous says:

    and I cannot believe that she “was a good lawyer” else why does she fail to grab hold of complex issues.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Whats the difference between a feminist and a gun?

    A gun only has one trigger.

  7. Blitz says:

    “Let us continue to engage in confronting and addressing the corrosive effects of inequality: in our homes, classrooms — in our boardrooms through the courtroom.

    You forgot to include religion as it is the spear head of and I quote “corrosive effects of inequality”, mainly christianity in Grand Cayman.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Ozzie, on women? Presumably not Driftwood women though. They definitely aren’t equal.

  9. Anonymous says:

    You’d think Tara would be more liberal than most politicians and an exemplary Christian… but she is far from it.

    How can she refuse to acknowledge a clearly marginalised segment of society? Oh, I know why – it’ll cost her votes.

    Pathetically selfish and grossly unchristian is how I view her.

    • Driftwood Voter says:

      This coming from a man whose vitriolic spew referred to Jennifer Ahern as a ****ing piece of Driftwood and a woman who didn’t even mutter a peep of objection. Neither are fit to be in office or any level of government.

      • Anonymous says:

        So she should of lost her job by shouting him down? No…much better it came out in public and we all know exactly what he is now…can think of a few more that needs to happen too…

        • Anonymous says:

          The shame of it is that it did come out but he suffered no consequences. Only going to prove that a native born Caymanian can trump driftwood any day.

    • Anonymous says:

      Backward ideals (shared by others declared) will prove costly with the sophisticated voters of West Bay South. Anyone with a forward-looking contemporary stance on human rights, and a compelling, achievable, and responsible action plan will have a chance at surviving to the next coalition government. It’s time to get with the times. Know your audience. Drop the BS and empty platitudes.

    • Whistle blower says:

      Seems pretty christian like if you ask me.

  10. Anonymous says:

    There is a War on men.

  11. Anonymous says:

    When is anyone going to address the war on boys, men and Fathers?

    • Anonymous says:

      Allowing additional respect does not diminish those currently paid. It’s not pie.

    • Anon says:

      Well said 9:19am. We have politicians who are fathers and husbands that do the following regularly:

      1. Abuse their wives physically & emotionally.
      2. Drink alcohol like it’s water, when anyone with a grain of sense will tell you alcohol has zero health benefits, period.
      3. Lie to the general public routinely.
      4. Prevent fair opportunity across the board for all residents of these islands; everyone living here should be able to afford themselves food, water, light/shelter and be able to make it to the next month’s pay without borrowing money or taking on a third job to cover expenses etc.

      Not everyone wants a mansion on the beach or canal; people just want to be comfortable, pay their bills in full each month, and feed their families!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Tara you don’t get it do you ? Your ministry is gender affairs… including LGBT. Makes no difference now. 2 months 15 1/2 days to go for you left. Hope you go back to London to…. study ! Oh and thanks for nothing.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Wearing red today to support #DayWithoutAWoman.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Tara continues to blow her opportunities to demonstrate competency and leadership.

    • Anonymous says:

      Arguable those qualities must exist in order to be demonstrated. I don’t think she would intentional appear incompetent and void of leadership ability. I think she made a mistake a lot of lawyers make – she assumed being a good lawyer meant being a good everything. She needed to be mentored and she needed more growth. I do not have faith in her abilities and I do not believe she will be returned in the next election.

    • Anonymous says:

      I completely disagree. I believe she has proven herself to be quite competent and accomplished in her job. She has managed to steer in difficult and long overdue changes needed – educational reform, pensions and labour law changes – which most others in Government over the years have just talked about for years. Just because you don’t agree with her views, or are so easily swayed by the views of the author of the article, doesn’t equate to lack of competency or leadership – it is your bias, pure and simple. Don’t get it confused with anything else.

      As for getting reelected, the voters (not a few vitriolic posters on this blog) will decide. I for one will be casting my one vote for her again this year!

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