Officials out in force to handover church shelter in BT

| 20/01/2025 | 55 Comments
Minister Jay Ebanks at the Bodden Town Church of God Multi-Purpose Hall handover

(CNS): What began as a church hurricane shelter project decades ago, which has since been largely funded by the public purse, was handed back to the congregation last week with a ceremony that attracted a huddle of MPs and government officials. Planning Minister Jay Ebanks made the official handover of the newly constructed Bodden Town Church of God Multi-Purpose Hall last week.

The Cayman Islands Government subsidised the funding of the state-of-the-art facility by several million dollars because of the desperate need for more shelter space in the fastest-growing district.

Prior to the completion of this facility, the Bodden Town Primary School was the only shelter in the area. This new hall, which will be used by the church except when it’s needed as a shelter, received around $1 million, its first cash supplement, from the controversial Nation Building Fund in 2010 and 2011.

After that, despite local fundraising efforts, the project stalled for many years. It was relaunched in 2019 but did not get very far until 2021, when the PPM agreed to provide more funding to complete the project because it was seen as a cheaper alternative than building a new centre or attempting to convert the existing civic centre into a shelter. It is understood that the civic centre has many problems as barriers to it being converted.

Since 2021, the church has received at least $2.5 million more from the public purse.

“This building embodies our commitment to building a more resilient and safer future for the people of Bodden Town,” Ebanks said at the handover ceremony. “It is a crucial community asset that will provide vital support during times of crisis.”

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Comments (55)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Also the Brac Hilton on the Brac Bluff has no use. completely waste of tax payers money. And the 8.5 million for the 2 houses for the workers to build the school. Those workers where ever they was living could be living there to build the school. By the way Brackers contractors say they could built those 2 houses for one million. Saving tax payeres 7.5 million.

  2. Anonymous says:

    OMG. This was discussed in detail every time there was a finance committee since before 2021! Are you all seriously saying you do not listen to those meetings on YouTube and on Radio Cayman? This, Juju’s school, Mac’s school coming for WB, everything — everything!— is discussed in dollars and cents in Finance Committee. The people employed by the mental health place; the size of the civil service, Cayman airways; WORC…
    Then we wonder why we do not have quality candidates?! Voters are truly asleep at the &*# wheel! Absentee shareholders for real. It is your money, and you do not mind it. Shame on unnah!

    • Anonymous says:

      If prudent governance iin Cayman is exemplified by sitting in the car, on employer time, passively listening to schemes that circumvent procurement law on Radio Cayman, then no. Nobody should have time to give credence to that.

      • Anonymous 10:46am says:

        11:15 am It is your money. If you don’t care about it, that’s your problem. Btw, Radio Cayman broadcasts them at night. If you work evenings it is understandable.

  3. Anon. says:

    I think we need to conduct a study as to why Caymanians put on at least 50lbs when they win a seat in government. Like seriously, what the heck is that about?

  4. Anonymous says:

    BT needed a shelter, as it has been clearly established that it is GC’s fastest-growing district. As for the many other questions raised by the church/govt arrangement (parking, public events venue, insurance cost, etc.), I wonder as well.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Welcome to the Church of Suicidal
    We’ll have a sermon and a wonderful recital
    But before we go on there’s something I must mention
    An important message I must bring to your attention
    I was in meditation and prayer last night
    I was awakened by a shining bright light
    Overhead, a glorious spirit
    He gave me a message and you all need to hear it

    He said to
    Send me your money
    That’s what he said, he said to
    Send me your money

    Now if you can only send a dollar or two
    There ain’t a hell of a lot I can promise to you
    But if you want to see heaven’s door
    Make out a check for five mil dollars or more

    Send me your money
    Do you hear what I said?
    Send me your money

    Here comes another con hiding behind a collar
    His only god is the almighty dollar
    He ain’t no prophet, he ain’t no healer
    He’s just a two bit goddamn money stealer

    Now how much you give is your own choice
    But to me it’s the difference between a Porsche and a Rolls Royce
    I want you to make it hurt when you dig into your pocket
    Cause it makes me feel so good to watch my profits rocket

    So whose gonna be the next king of the fakers
    Whose gonna take the place of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker?
    See my momma, she didn’t raise no fool
    Cause you can’t put a price on a miracle


  6. Anonymous says:

    Marvel at his tricks, need your Sunday fix
    Blind devotion came, rotting your brain

    Chain, chain, join the endless chain
    Taken by his glamour
    Fame, fame, infection is the game
    Stinking drunk with power, we see

    Time for lust, time for lie
    Time to kiss your life goodbye
    Send me money, send me green, heaven you will meet
    Make a contribution and you’ll get the better seat
    Bow to leper messiah

    Witchery, weakening
    Sees the sheep are gathering
    Set the trap, hypnotize
    Now you follow

  7. Anonymous says:

    Given who paid for it, the handover should have been the other way around.

  8. Anonymous says:

    It is a crucial community asset that will provide vital support during times of crisis – like propping up Dwayne’s vote during the coming election.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Long overdue, Bodden Town had no Cat5 shelters up until now!!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Turn out in force? How about turning out in force to do their job?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Thank God it’s finished. The earth movers for such a project would have been such a magnet for cars in BT to hit!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Did the 2.5million of public money include the parking lot and paving works carried out by the NRA? If not, then the public paid a lot more than 2.5million

    Also, what are the rules for the public in using this “asset”?

    Can the public use it for public meetings and community engagement events?

    Or will the public only be able to see it when they have to run from their homes in severe bad weather?

    • Diogenes of Cayman says:

      The current existing Church near Guard House Hill is already used for public meetings so one would assume that the same arrangement would continue (the most recent that comes to mind were the meetings on the Cargo port proposals last summer)

      The issue is – you need the approval from the Church for those meetings and they can simply say no despite the Government contributing millions to the project – they should have only done so once securing guarantees that public interests and events given priority

      Cayman is already inundated with Churches we need community spaces, local events and ways to tie us together not more pulpits and pews

      • Anonymous says:

        That huge monstrosity of a church on the Anton Bodden bypass should never have been allowed unless they offered it as a hurricane shelter. Where do these various Church of Gods get all their money from?

      • Anonymous says:

        I hope to see it available, at No Cost, for various community activities, even Pirates Week!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Why is the parking lot of this Church/hurricane shelter so small? Anyone?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Separation of church and state? Anyone?
    (Cue the sound of crickets… or chickens crossing the road, hoping for an Orochi convoy to show the way—because who better to lead than a corporation infamous for orchestrating major catastrophes across a multitude of locales and offering their field agents a retirement plan that looks suspiciously like a body bag!)

    • Where Oh Where has My Old Cayman Gone says:

      That is what is wrong with the Cayman Islands now!!
      We need more prayer, higher moral standards and to slow down and in some instances stop this thing called PROGRESS. We may have more concrete and cars but we have lost our Christian Values. Our National Anthem speaks of the “Creators Glory and the Bible is still used in our Court of Law. No there should be NO separation of Church and State.

  15. Jammaster Jay says:

    You mean the Nation Building Fraud that absolutely no one was held accountable for which was run by Bababushka and his cohorts ? The fleecing still ongoing it seems, now it appears to have been milked for everything it could give, so they have handed the mess back to church who are going to clean up the site no doubt ! Election photo op the last act of this indecent Con plan !

  16. Anonymous says:

    “The God I know isn’t exactly short of cash”

  17. Anonymous says:

    $2.5million parking lot.

  18. Anonymous says:

    A school with no pupils in the Brac, and a ‘hurricane shelter’ run by the church with utterly insufficient capacity for the population of BT. Things that make you go, hmmmmmm?

  19. Anonymous says:

    Will the church be responsible to upkeep the building and pay for insurance?Insurance over that sized building will be at least $40k if not more.

  20. Anonymous says:


    “This building embodies our commitment to ever more vote buying involving the people of Bodden Town,”

    • Anonymous says:

      He needs the Lord that’s for sure. He lies with such ease and is so lacking in integrity. He needs to now build a gym and attend one.

  21. Anon says:

    Can Government build me a building? Great deal if you can get it. Guess you can buy your way to heaven! 🙂

  22. Anonymous says:

    GOVERNOR!!!!jesus christ.

    • Anonymous says:

      …the brits will do nothing…….

      • Anonymous says:

        Why should they 10:09? We’re in charge. We’ve been bitching about it for years and calling them limeys and blaming them for everything. So our politicians changed the constitution and got more powers given to us to run things. Fair enough. But how is it working out for us? No use us complaining now.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Hard to call it a ‘community asset’ when the Church of God holds the deed.

    Owned by the church, funded by the public purse, and open to all… but only when the weather turns biblical. Sounds more like a public-funded private upgrade than a true shelter for all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Church of God Ministries is a USA Megachurch mission based out of Anderson Indiana. “Our mission is to make disciples of all nations.”

      Cayman’s five CHOG Chapels boast a membership of just 1000 parishioners.

      Why are we giving this billion dollar global right wing enterprise a nickel of our government money, considering the means their cult has available?

      • Anonymous says:

        I went to a good old friend’s funeral at that church, and the preacher spent 90% of it castigating people who smoke and drink (both of which the old man did) as sinners, and about 5 mins discussing the deceased. It was inappropriate and disrespectful to the deceased and I will never go near them again, even in a storm. And only God knows how they will deign to allocate spaces in a storm. What will we do to avoid ‘favourable’ treatment at such times? I mean, there certainly isn’t anywhere near enough room for the population of BT.

      • Anonymous says:

        Because that’s a 1000 obedient votes in a country where a handful of votes in each constituency makes the difference between loss and getting to manage a billion dollar budget with ample room for give away’s, to say nothing of the additional income opportunities from “political donations”.

        • Anonymous says:

          Are they though? How many Triple C high school finishing alumni are there? Surely that number alone ought to sum to more than 1000? CHOG have a serious retention problem if they can’t even retain their high school graduates.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Value for Money? What a disgrace.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Good the shelter has double doors as Jay would otherwise not make it through.

  26. Anonymous says:

    the gospel cant be bought with man’s money!

  27. Anonymous says:

    A shelter of Souls. Regardless

  28. Anonymous says:

    should have been a community shelter owned by government which can be rented to community groups looking to use it for church, recreation, banquets etc


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