Dart plans ‘health hub’ in Camana Bay

| 28/08/2024 | 33 Comments
Dart’s Centre of Health and Wellness location

(CNS): Dart is seeking planning permission for a new Centre of Health and Wellness on the edge of Camana Bay next door to the new Health City Cayman Islands hospital with the intention of creating a “hub of medical facilities in the community’s south end”, according to a release on the developer’s website. The project, which will cost almost $50 million, will be considered by the CPA today and is part of Dart’s wider Camana Bay project.

Wednesday’s CPA agenda shows that the proposal is for a five-storey building adjacent to the new Heath City campus, though the press release referred to just three storeys. The project includes an office block, restaurant, retail units, two generators and parking. Dart said the centre will be located in an area that aims to provide a convenient environment for health and wellness clients and improve accessibility to healthcare services by bringing a variety of experts and practitioners together under one roof. 

As the company continues its relentless development, it implied in the release that this project would support rather than compete with HCCI, which, despite holding a pre-opening celebratory event in July, is not expected to open until later this year. Dart said it continues to work with HCCI to provide programme and construction management services for the new hospital.

Meanwhile, Dart Vice President of Leasing and Business Development Kristy Rivers said several discussions were held with public and private-sector stakeholders before embarking on the project.

“We’ve paid acute attention to the demands of the local healthcare community as we thoughtfully reshape the landscape to expand offerings for the benefit of our resident and tourist populations,” she said.

“For us, this was the obvious next step in catering to the needs of a blossoming community. Health and wellness has been a core feature of what we have been developing at Camana Bay over the years and the timing is right to help improve the accessibility of healthcare services … in a convenient location close to George Town and Seven Mile Beach,” she added.

The Centre for Health and Wellness, scheduled to open in 2026, will be built between the Airport Connector Road and the Esterley Tibbetts Highway, within walking distance of the Camana Bay Town Centre.  

Details provided by the Department of Environment to the CPA for today’s hearing point out that the site consists of mangrove forests, although it has been impacted over time by development in the area. Despite being a protected species, once the new health centre is granted planning permission, Dart will be at liberty to remove all of these critically important trees.

However, at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon event in July 2022, the president of business development at Dart, Jackie Doak, pledged that going forward, the company would conserve one acre of natural habitat for every acre it develops in the future. She also said that Dart would not begin any new projects until the government completes the revised National Development Plan.

But with no sign of the development plan, the developer appears ready to start pouring concrete again regardless, though it has not said anything about setting aside an equivalent-sized plot to the one it is proposing to develop for preservation purposes. What it will be doing, however, is laying concrete for parking for over 393 cars.

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Category: development, Health, Local News, Medical Health

Comments (33)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    And why isn’t the eco groups up in arms over this application to destroy MORE mangroves???? I find it very duplicitous that only certain mangroves are worth screaming about on this island.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The SHIC Insurance Plan is a not realistic. $400 a year for prescription drugs and doctors’ visits is a difficult pill to take when you need regular medication. This needs to be reviewed and quickly.

  3. Anon Profit says:

    HSA has excellent Ortho.Surgeons ,Physiotherapists for adults and kids. And even a wonderful Prosthetic Clinic. Get out of your negative mindset, and research your Healthcare provider.
    Insurance companies are making the profit!

  4. Anonymous says:

    How many medical facilities, and therefore doctors, does this tiny island need!!!!??? GTH, CTMH, Two HCCI hospitals, and myriad private medical clincs on an island 26 x 7 miles. Cayman is already saturated with doctors and allied medical, para-medical professionals and voodoo-health practitioners: some properly credentialled by the Health Practice Board and unfortunately too many NOT. If you do not know about the Primary List and Institutional List of medical practioners look into it! HCCI as a medical tourism facility (that would not encroach on the specialities of esteemed and respected phycicians who have served the country for decades) was a sham from the beginning. Soon, we’ll have more doctors than accountants and lawyers! Should CIG act to cap the number of doctors in Cayman?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why is it that the medical profession does not give out scholarships for medical students. Caymanian medical students are either funded by CIG or funded by their family.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Nothing says health and wellness like being within half a mile of the country’s dump!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Medical waste Hub? Where is going to be?

  8. Anonymous says:

    great news. in dart i trust.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I’d be interested to see if the proportion of mega-homes and wealth among medical practitioners (dentists, doctors, physio’s, “wellness” advisors, etc) in our little country is similar to anywhere else in the world?

    the cost of basic medical(incl dental/vision/etc) care here is simply jaw dropping and wholly unaffordable for most, probably 90%+ of the population. there is no reason for the high costs – the profit margins are there to allow every single procedure, visit, etc to be massively reduced.

    the issue is the lack of genuine oversight and enforcement, and greed. as usual, complete greed. If your doc or physio or pharmacist has a lovely watch and gets out of a new model german auto, just back from yet another vacation, maybe take a beat and wonder why.

    Insurance policies are scandalous. infact, the entire concept of insurance is scandalous, based on the contract that as long as you dont use it, we’ll charge you more anyhow. But if you do use it, we’ll make it completely unaffordable.

    Seriously, what is wrong with us that we allow clear robbery and corruption to operate to our detriment? What are we afraid of? if 90% of us simply say no to health/auto/home insurance., etc….the industry collapses…not us. They have to act.

    No doubt the next election we’ll see massive change….ffs

    • Anonymous says:

      The issue of the cost of medical care in Cayman is more nuanced than you suggest. Facts: 1) The Health Insurance Commisson in Cayman has published what is considered “reasonable and customary” fees to be charged by medical practitoners. Visit: https://www.gov.ky/dhrs/hic. Go to Resources and look at Standard Health Insurance Fees. 2) It is not illegal or unethical for doctors to charge more than standard health insurance fees. 3) However, health insurance companies will only reimburse based on Standard fees. If the doctor charges more, the patient pays the difference as part of their copay. 4) THE STANDARD FEE STRUCTURE WAS ESTABLISHED OVER 20-YEARS AGO AND HAS NOT CHANGED SINCE THEN, WHICH MEANS DOCTORS HAVE NOT HAD A PAY RISE FROM THE INSURANCE COMPANIES FOR DECADES, which is the reason some (most?) doctors feel it necessary to charge above Standard fees. . . 5) and yet insurance premiums have risen over 400% during the 20-year period. 6) So, if doctors charge more than standard fees but the health insurance companies reimburse based on the Standard fee schedule, the patients pay the uplift — so the doctors can afford to pay their rent, utilities, malpractice insurance, clinical useable, etc., and can take a holiday, and 7) The bottom line is, the insurance companies are making out like bandits! Finally, try not to get your panties in a bunch over a medical practitioner with a Rolex and a Mercedes. Be grateful that someone has completed 10-years of medical training that may one day save the life of your mother or child.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Concrete parking? Sure about that?

  11. Anonymous says:

    ALT getting ready to bulldoze half of the central mangrove and you focused on a few parking spaces?

    • Anon says:

      @ 29/08/2024 at 6:34 am – where/what/how is ALT doing?

    • Anonymous says:

      We need a new town and a cargo dock. This is the best place for it to be. We don’t need mangroves in the middle of the island we need it on the coast. It serves no purpose, go drive back there and count how many birds or crocodiles. Just mosquitoes. The road going east is overdue by 50 years. We need cheaper land to build low cost housing. Central mangrove is being sold from 6000-9000 per acre.

    • Anonymous says:

      No reporting on how the CPA red flagged multiple adverse effects from the National Conservation Act, adjourned and sent this application back to the National Conservation Council but yet DoE/NCC just ignored them and gave them the green light. If it had been the other way around, the environmental impacts of this application would’ve been headline news.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Dart gets what Dart wants. No questions asked. Just promise the vacuous CIG a new road and hey presto!

    • Anonymous says:

      Dart might only play one tune, but they quite often fail to get what they (or he) wants and we should be very thankful for that. Cayman has a handful of lawyers and citizens out there, fighting the good fight on their own dime, and we should applaud them for this.

    • Anonymous says:

      you’d be surprised

  13. Anonymous says:

    Burning dump smoke healing and thermal brown lagoon waste baths.

  14. Anonymous says:

    There is a plan
    For a Cayman
    Size of which is untold
    Construction dictates
    We open the gates
    Let anyone into the fold
    Mega edifice
    A tunnel that goes nowhere
    Gangster politics
    Developers tricks
    Its all up for sale- no one cares

  15. Anonymous says:

    Only CNS readers would complain about having additional health facilities.

    If you prefer flying to Miami and staying in a hotel, versus staying comfortably in Cayman, then continue your complaining.

    • Anonymous says:

      Must be a booming business, but I’d rather have quality over quantity. The further sprawl with fancy new facilities is not necessarily indicative of quality. Case in point, quality is not what it used to be at Health City. And there are just a handful of what I would call real doctors practicing in these islands, the rest are just in it for the money.

  16. Anonymous says:

    None of this would be happening if it were not for the fact that we follow the dreadful US model of “for profit health insurance” which rips off its patients…those who can afford it, the others are left to Government/tax payers to fund… and pays gazillions to doctors and medical facilities. Shameful profiteering.

    • Anonymous says:

      But that is the Cayman way mate!

      • Anonymous says:

        A half dozen Indian-trained doctors with capped malpractice requirements is far cheaper than a single USA-qualified entry level doctor. These are businesses.


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