Potential storm rolling across Atlantic

| 18/10/2023 | 10 Comments

(CNS): Showers and thunderstorms associated with a broad area of low pressure located about 850 miles east of the Windward Islands continue to show signs of organisation, the National Hurricane Center in Miami has said. While forecasters are not clear if the system has a well-defined surface circulation yet, conditions suggest a tropical depression is likely to form during the next day or so.

There have been 17 named storms already this year, including six hurricanes, in what has proved a difficult season for weather experts to predict because of the conflicting El Niño conditions, with record high temperatures across the Atlantic. But so far, Cayman has escaped any impact from the unpredictable season.

This current system is moving westward to west-northwestward, and the NHC says those in the Lesser Antilles should monitor its progress. But if the storm forms, it is still too early to say whether or not it will be heading in our direction.

Meanwhile, Cayman was enjoying some cooler weather this week, which the CI National Weather Service said will stick around for the next 24 hours. But a high-pressure system behind this cold front will drift toward the northeast, leading to a reduction of winds and wave heights through the weekend.

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather

Comments (10)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Watch Mr.Weatherman on YouTube – he gives really good weather coverage for the Caribbean – a really fantastic meteorologist!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Tomorrow we can expect either partly sunny or partly cloudy skies, perhaps even a bit of both.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Potential sunny day ahead.

  4. Anonymous says:

    its another chicken storm…that ain’t got the stones to take on the caribbean!

  5. Anonymous says:

    The storm will develop within the next two days. The storm will not come in our direction. End of story.


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