Prisoner escapes during medical visit

| 18/09/2023 | 1 Comment
RCIPS detention centre in George Town

(CNS): An unidentified HMP Northward inmate escaped the custody of prison officers last Friday evening after he was taken to the George Town hospital for medical treatment. Police said they soon apprehended and arrested the prisoner for escaping lawful custody and took him to the detention centre. But they did not say how long the man was on the run or whether he had posed a danger to the public.

A comprehensive investigation has been launched to ascertain the details of the escape, the RCIPS said, adding that HM Cayman Islands Prison Service was working closely with the police on the investigation.

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Category: Crime, Police, Prison

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  1. Anonymous says:

    These reports always seem to blame the criminal rather than those tasked with watching them and securing them from the public.

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