Archive for March 19th, 2025

Evans family gets $1.2M for claim over mother’s death

Evans family gets $1.2M for claim over mother’s death

| 19/03/2025 | 0 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government has given the Evans family CI$1.226 million to settle a claim made in the years following the tragic disappearance of Anna Evans, who was last seen around lunchtime on 26 January 2011 working at the George Town landfill. The family began pursuing a legal claim against the Department of Environmental […]

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WB condo block faces hundreds of objections

WB condo block faces hundreds of objections

| 19/03/2025 | 9 Comments

(CNS): An application for a luxury condo development in the heart of West Bay has been met with dozens of official objections and widespread opposition throughout the district, documented on a petition with over 200 signatures. The CI$32 million project scheduled to be heard by the CPA today is for twelve apartments, 32 parking spaces, […]

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NDC: Cayman’s kids hitting the booze from 11 years old

NDC: Cayman’s kids hitting the booze from 11 years old

| 19/03/2025 | 17 Comments

(CNS): The average age for children in Cayman to start drinking is now 11 years old, the latest National Drug Council survey found. Alcohol remains the most used drug by young people, and more than 10% of students who took part admitted drinking alcohol within the month before the study, and of those, more than […]

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