Gunmen take cash, valuables in West Bay home invasion

| 17/02/2025 | 6 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): The RCIPS is investigating an aggravated burglary that took place at an address on Powery Road in West Bay at around 11pm on Saturday. During a busy weekend for police officers, they responded to a report that three masked men, one carrying a firearm, had entered the residence. They stole cash and valuables from the occupants and then fled the location.

No shots were fired, and no one was physically hurt during the incident. The suspects are described as being short with dark complexions and dark clothing.

The matter is currently under investigation by West Bay CID, anyone with any information is asked to contact 949-3999.

Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously via the Cayman Crime Stoppers website.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (6)

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  1. West Bay Gal says:

    Too many criminals here now in Cayman no turning back too many fake marriages Keeping them here now !

  2. Anonymous says:

    when are they going to build that west bay police station? why does everything take so damn long?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Sounds lke the description of the perps from earlier

  4. Webb road Boyz says:

    Call DCR they always lying for these little Angels!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I agree that this is terrible but … home invasion on Powery Drive? What activity taking place at the location enticed that?

  6. Anonymous says:

    This island has truly gone to the dogs lmao, the little perfect paradise we once knew is no more. At some point it will finally go to hell whilst all we can do then, is reminisce on the good old days.


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