Fire crews rescue workers stuck in cherry picker

| 17/02/2025 | 21 Comments
Workers rescued from cherry picker lift (from social media)

(CNS): The police, fire officers and emergency services were dispatched to Fort Street in George Town around 6pm Saturday after reports that two people working at the location were trapped in a cherry picker lift. Using one of the workers’ extended ladders, they were able to rescue them. The RCIPS said that as the fire service attempted to rescue the workers, police officers cleared the area of pedestrians and motorists.

Emergency medical services remained on standby to assist where needed. The two people were removed from the lift without injury.

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Category: Local News

Comments (21)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    A certain Minister has plenty experience, could have helped but not dark enough.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Comments by people who know. Did these particular workers know what not to do or how to undo? Obviously not!

    $6 per hour wages biting the public again!

    Could have been worse, glad it wasn’t.

    • Anonymous says:

      Were these workers checked to see if they had valid work permits for the work they were performing?
      Who is their employer?

      • Anonymous says:

        The one sure thing is that their employer is a Caymanian

        • Anonymous says:


          • Veritas says:

            I am truly curious. I have seen in many posts you put Caymanian in quotes. Why? Your response adds nothing to the discussion, but must have significance to you. Please share what you want to convey. Thanks for your response.

      • Anonymous says:

        None of your dam business as they are doing work that locals won’t do. Praises to them. More busy buddies sticking their nose where it does not belong

        • Anonymous says:

          “as they are doing work that locals won’t do for unlivable wages” FTFY

        • Anonymous says:

          Doing it, but qualified to do it?

        • Anonymous says:

          Everbody’s ‘dam’ or ‘damn’ business, in a public place, perhaps you were lucky nothing worse happened, ‘buddie’.

          Bit hot under your own collar ‘buddie’, are they as qualified as you!

        • Anonymous says:

          Are you paying for the fire rescue service Mr Bossman! Public service, our business without the ‘dam’.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Alternative headline: People Do Their Jobs, are compensated as such.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Must have been a big cherry tree. Glad they made it down alright. Well done to the emergency services.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Should have left them for a while. Overextended the boom…

  6. Anonymous says:

    Of course opening the pressure relief valve would have worked but no let’s do it the hard way

    • Anonymous says:

      You cannot fully control the hydraulics, even opening slowly; you risk sudden and catastrophic failure. I’m fairly sure that was what they did after the workers were rescued. It might have even lowered easily, however it isn’t worth the risk.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you really think anyone qualified was operating this piece of machinery? Most likely threw away the manual too.

    • Anonymous says:

      So the workers should have had a knowledgeable coworker on the ground for safety.

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