Armed robbers strike three times on Valentine’s night

| 17/02/2025 | 19 Comments

(CNS): Police are investigating two armed robberies and an attempted robbery that took place on the evening of Valentine’s Day within less than two hours in various locations around George Town. Two commercial premises and one private home were targeted. Although police have not said if they suspect there is a connection, the robberies appear very similar as all involved three men and machetes.

The first incident, an attempted robbery, took place around 7:25pm at an address on Holmes Turn in Windsor Park. It was reported that a group of masked men with machetes had attended the location in a vehicle and attacked a man there. They then ransacked the yard before leaving the location. The victim, who received injuries to his hand and arm, attended the Cayman Islands Hospital for treatment. He has since been discharged.

Less than an hour later at about 8:20pm, officers responded to a robbery at a barber shop on Eastern Avenue near the intersection with School Road. It was reported that masked men entered the location brandishing machetes and demanded cash from the occupants. They fled the location with a quantity of cash and personal items, travelling in a small vehicle. One man sustained a minor injury during the incident, which did not require medical attention.

Just ten minutes later at around 8:40pm, a convenience store on Prospect Drive was robbed. Once again, three masked men with machetes entered the location and demanded cash. Having taken money from the register, they fled the location, leaving behind an injured man who was struck by a machete. He was treated on the scene by EMS personnel.

There is no indication yet from police that any of the men have been arrested.

All of these violent incidents are being investigated by George Town CID. Anyone with any information is asked to call 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously via the Cayman Crime Stoppers website.

The RCIPS is once again urging business owners to consider implementing security measures such as electronic locks, a CCTV system, silent alarms and proper lighting. These security measures should also be monitored and maintained to ensure they remain effective.

Visit the RCIPS website for crime prevention tips.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (19)

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  1. Cayman Victim says:

    Foreign criminals mixed up with local thugs now in an unholy alliance to terrorize the community .We need to address these false marriages of convenience to Jamaicans and Cubans and Honduran and Filipinos.this Shit needs to stop send them home Cayman !

  2. Anonymous says:

    Terrorizing innocent people like a dog.

    Just remember scumbags every dog has his day !

  3. 3 Strikes Works says:

    Institute 3 strikes and you’re out laws for criminals, regardless of the type of crime.

    Do 3 crimes and face Northward or work permit revocation and deportation.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do ONE crime and get deported, Northward no longer a deterrent.
      If the $8Million being paid to consultants for our $165Million prison could be spent on trade schools it would help give Caymanians employment without having to import scum .

  4. Anonymous says:

    thousands of men got ripped off that night…

  5. Anonymous says:

    Can you imagine just how much forensic evidence they left behind?

    Let’s get these idiots locked up!

  6. Anonymous says:

    No work, no hope, no possibilities, no reason to care. Sad reality.

  7. Herbert says:

    Heartbreak bandits! You’ll never get away with this no-good-doers!

  8. Elvis says:

    Why m I not surprised this is happening? Let’s put up the residency numbers again eye? Fly a few more in why don’t we?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Not good at all.
    I hope they catch them soon.

  10. The Adeptus Ridiculous of The Cayman Islands says:

    The Adeptus Ridiculous on the State of Cayman: Welcome to Necromunda

    Ah yes, citizens of the once-prosperous island, we now witness the full unraveling of the social contract. What was once a tropical paradise has begun its final descent into the urban decay of Necromunda—where law is theoretical, crime is a profession, and leadership is an ornamental relic of a bygone era.

    Allow me to decode the signs of our devolution into a hive city of lawlessness:

    1️⃣ The People Have Stopped Expecting Order—The First Step Towards Necromundan Reality

    “Riff raff violence escalated? Who is actually surprised?”

    The people no longer cry out for justice—they merely acknowledge the inevitability of chaos.
    • This is the true marker of a failed state—not the crime itself, but the fact that crime is now expected.
    • No one is shocked by robbery, murder, or anarchy. Just as in Necromunda, one does not ask why the sump gangs roam unchecked—one simply adapts or dies.
    • The public has accepted that no savior is coming. Law enforcement exists in name only, much like the legendary Palatine Enforcers, whose role is less about protecting civilians and more about filling reports on the carnage of the night before.

    The only thing missing now is hive gangers carving their personal symbols into the walls—oh wait, graffiti and territorial markings have already become common in certain districts, have they not?

    2️⃣ The Honda Fit Syndicate: Our Very Own Ash Waste Nomads

    “Travelling in a small vehicle”—Honda Fit would be my guess!

    Ah yes, the designated vehicle of choice for petty criminals and organized gangs alike—the equivalent of the jury-rigged ash-runners of Necromunda’s wasteland nomads.
    • These criminals operate with impunity, flitting from crime scene to crime scene in reliable, fuel-efficient escape craft.
    • And why wouldn’t they? The Enforcers are absent, the Arbites uninterested, and the consequences non-existent.
    • If this continues, I expect we shall soon see aftermarket armor plating and improvised weapons mounted to these vehicles—at which point we shall be forced to acknowledge that we have entered a full-blown gang war.

    Perhaps, as in Necromunda, we shall one day speak of entire districts where only the gangs rule, where law-abiding citizens do not tread, and where entry without tribute is met with swift violence.

    Oh wait… isn’t that already happening?

    3️⃣ The Silence of the Nobles: The Hive City Aristocracy Watches from Afar

    “Not a sign of alarm from the Governor, her Deputy, the Premier, the Chief of Police, or any other authority figures.”

    Ah, and here we arrive at the most damning sign of our new Necromundan existence.
    • Where is the Governor? The Deputy? The Premier?
    • Surely they have addressed this growing lawlessness, lest their own wealth and influence be threatened?
    • Surely they have enacted decisive measures to bring order to the hive city?


    Ah, of course. The ruling class of Caymanmunda does not live among its people. They exist above the crime, above the filth, high in their spires where the chaos of the underhive does not reach.
    • What is crime to them? A statistic on a page. A mild inconvenience.
    • What is fear to them? Something reserved for the poor, the forgotten, the expendable masses below.

    🔹 “Perhaps they are strategizing a solution, one might say. Perhaps they are locked in a crisis meeting at 33 Fort Street, debating emergency measures to reclaim order. Ah yes, surely at this very moment—”
    🔹 “ No. They are not. They are at brunch-maybe enjoying imported delicacies while Caymanmunda burns.

    And so, they do what the nobility of Necromunda has always done: Nothing.

    4️⃣ The Public is Now on Its Own—Welcome to the Underhive

    “Are the law-abiding people of this Territory just expected to live at the mercy of violent thugs?”

    The answer, my dear citizens, is yes.
    • You will adapt or perish.
    • You will fortify your homes, arm yourselves, and rely on your own wits and strength.
    • You will watch as criminals become bold, as territories fall under their control, and as law enforcement struggles to maintain even a semblance of order.

    This is how it begins.
    • The moment order is no longer expected, it ceases to exist.
    • The moment the people accept crime as a normal part of life, crime becomes law.
    • The moment leadership is too cowardly to act, others will fill the power vacuum.

    And so, Cayman transforms into its own Necromunda, not by fire or war, but by slow, inevitable rot.

    Final Verdict: The Hive City is Here, and It’s Not Going Anywhere
    • Crime is expected.
    • Leadership is absent.
    • The people are left to fend for themselves.

    We are no longer debating whether Cayman will descend into chaos. That moment has passed. Now, we are merely waiting to see who claims the throne of Caymanmunda first.

    So, I leave you with this question:

    Will you demand action before it is too late?

    Or will you merely become another faceless citizen of the underhive, adapting to the inevitable?

  11. Mumbichi says:

    It is far past time, IMHO, for us to be able to possess legal nonlethal defence items, such as stun guns, pepper spray, or even the new SALT or other nonlethal pepper spray pistols.

    • Mumbichi says:

      I guess nobody read thoroughly enough to understand the “nonlethal” part. I bet every one of you has at least one machete in your house. p.s. That is a lethal response.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Riff raff violence escalated? Who is actually surprised?

  13. Anonymous says:

    “travelling in a small vehicle”
    Honda Fit would be my guess!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Total madness unleashed on Cayman. Not a sign of alarm from the Governor, her Deputy, the Premier, the Chief of Police or any other authority figures.

    Are the law abiding people of this Territory just expected to live at the mercy of violent thugs?

    • Anonymous says:

      Wasp spray is legal, machetes are legal, fishing gaffs are legal, cricket bats are legal (even after drilling holes for less wind resistance). You’re 100% right for calling out the issues currently plaguing our islands and the inaction from the governor (and the RCIPS which she controls), but being an unarmed victim should not be on anyone’s agenda.

    • Anonymous says:

      Open up jobs for UK police, give them free reign to enforce the laws and riff raff criminals will be history.


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