Minister claims to be ‘inclusive’ over changes to NCA

| 17/01/2025 | 82 Comments
Minister Dwayne Seymour answers questions in Parliament (file photo)

(CNS): More than two weeks after the Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency gazetted the National Conservation Amendment Bill and began a public consultation, which will close in less than two weeks, Dwayne Seymour, the minister responsible, has claimed that the process represents “inclusive and transparent governance”.

However, this bill was drafted behind closed doors with no input from the government’s own environmental scientists, the National Conservation Council’s district representatives or any of Cayman’s local environmental non-profit groups.

CNS has asked the sustainability ministry a number of questions about the controversial amendments to the legislation, which will effectively gut the law, but we are still awaiting answers to those questions.

The changes would remove what limited powers the law provided to curtail some of the most egregious development that has taken a terrible toll on Cayman’s natural resources over the last twenty years.

The ministry published a brief release on its website on Wednesday — the first public statement about the controversial legislation. The bill is the result of a false narrative spun for years by powerful lobbyists bent on maximising profits from development, who have enormous influence on many elected officials.

The release invites the public to contact ministry officials with comments and questions on the bill. However, the ministry has not made any attempt to justify these changes or even explain to the people what they actually mean. During this constitutionally required 28-day period, the public can also contact their MPs directly, given that the next step for this bill is, if it makes it to the order paper, a vote in parliament.

Officials gave a very sanitised explanation about the amendment bill, stating that it aims to amend the NCA to reform the powers and composition of the National Conservation Council, provide for the establishment of a Conservation Appeals Tribunal, and incidental and connected purposes.

However, in reality, the changes are far-reaching and transformative. They will render the NCC almost powerless, remove advisory boards, allow the government to avoid environmental impact assessments even on the most damaging projects, and hand control of the Environmental Protection Fund to Cabinet instead of the NCC’s experts.

Seymour has been responsible for the ministry since four members of the administration resigned, partly because of this bill. At that point, the UPM government lost its majority and no longer has a mandate. Nevertheless, even though the amendments were drafted without any genuine consultation with experts and stakeholders, the minister said the government was seeking public feedback.

“We are introducing these proposed amendments for public consultation. This process is both a legal obligation and an essential aspect of fostering an inclusive and transparent governance framework. I encourage all members of the community to engage with the consultation process, review the Bill, and provide feedback through the designated official channels,” he said.

Officials said all comments and feedback received will be reviewed and presented to the Cabinet for consideration. The public should also contact their MPs and lobby them directly regarding the possible vote, given that the bill was scheduled to make the meeting of parliament in just two weeks.

However, the opposition has said it will not support the UPM lame-duck government in any attempt to bring contentious legislation to the House. This means the bill may not even make the order paper, and even if it does, it will not pass as the government does not have the votes.

Nevertheless, local environmental groups have real concerns that this legislation will still form the basis for a new draft bill that will be brought by the next administration. As a result, the upcoming election is a perfect opportunity for the voting public to lobby their current representatives and any new candidates about the proposed amendments.

So far, the only political party that has said it will not amend the NCA to weaken it is the new TCCP, led by Andre Ebanks. The party has told CNS it is committed to preserving the integrity of the legislation, which does not need amending. A PPM-led government or a rehashed UPM will almost certainly introduce amending legislation to weaken the law.

Members of the public can download and review the bill here and email feedback on it directly to

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Category: Land Habitat, Laws, Politics, Science & Nature

Comments (82)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It is clear from reading the Bill that the NCC and the DoE were not consulted on developing the Bill.

    So my question is, who in the Government developed this Bill?

    And what is the excuse for not consulting the NCC or DoE?

    • Anonymous says:

      You presume it was someone in government that ‘developed’ it. Develop being the operative word.

  2. Anonymous says:

    this guy would be an associate at a wal mart anywhere else in the world, and Cayman is like “lets put this guy in charge of things”

  3. Protect our democracy says:

    🛑 👀 The Bill is up for public consultation/input/objections.

    If you do not participate in the process, please do not complain when it gets passed in Parliament. Email your comments to

  4. Tonie Brown says:

    But according to the scriptures it was the donkey who kept the angel from killing Balaam.

    • Anonymous says:

      did that donkey participate in changing or passing laws or fail to pay his employees’ pension contributions or write off expensive saddles paid with tax payers’ money?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Rather than ramble-on via this platform, please download the bill, read it and send your comments per instructions (email feedback on it directly to If you care about the environment you have the opportunity to do something about it – if you don’t care then I guess carry on name-calling on here. For the Bill – scroll up – just above the emojis – click on link! Then, under “Latest Stories” click on ‘Ministry Opens NCA Amendment Bill Consultation Channels’ and download the Amendment – it ends Monday 27th January.

    • Anonymous says:

      Bless your heart – you actually think that a crew that would draft the amendments in secret, without any consultation with their own scientists will give a rats about what comments you may make. Or that those public comments wont disappear never to be seen again – apart from the carefully curated ones supporting the idea.

  6. Anonymous345 says:

    Cayman’s deep state and swamp needs to be rooted out!

    This island is far too small with way too many overpaid and under worked Politicians whose crimes are covered up and never solved.

    When I find an honest Politician who sincerely cares about Cayman and its citizens and not their fat MP salary that annually increases in Parliament, or the latest Chevy Tahoe to hit the market,they will get my vote!

  7. Anonymous says:

    I wouldn’t trust Dwayne Seymour to flip a hamburger let alone manage the Caymsn environment.

  8. Anonymous says:

    “Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency”


    Must be headquartered right next to The Ministry of Truth. (1984)

  9. Anonymous says:

    If you think this Bill is confused look at the Immigration Bill when it comes out.

  10. Do we choose bliss? says:

    Cypher: You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize?
    [Takes a bite of steak]
    Cypher: Ignorance is bliss.

    Is this where we are, as voters? Why is it we don’t talk openly about politics outside of these comments? We need to talk about the cost of gasoline, the 20th-Century high school curriculum, the government revenue vs. our social challenges, or the cost of healthcare for veterans and private sector retirees (CI$60 million), which continues to increase.
    We need to find the root problem to our national issues, and we can only do so if we are willing to discuss them — NOT the MPs — objectively. Until we do, the issues will remain, no matter who gets elected.

  11. Anonymous says:

    So dense, light actually bends around him.

  12. Anonymous says:

    fumb dumb and dummer!

  13. Guido Marsupio says:

    The public consultation period is open. Email your comments to:

  14. BT voter says:

    Dwayne is dumber than a donkey the time is here to vote his ignorant ass out for love of country

  15. Driving me mad says:

    Please do NOT re-elect this man. Stupid is as stupid does. I don’t even have the words! Utter foolishness

  16. Protect our Democracy says:

    Let us do our part. Text, call, e-mail your PM, and tell him/her that we do not want this, or any other major decision bill, being discussed by this administration because they no longer have a mandate from us, the voters.

  17. Anonymous says:

    He looks like someone just asked him to spell ‘unscrupulous.’

  18. Anonymous says:

    Joke Joke. No wonder this country is going down the drain.

  19. Anonymous says:

    This man is way ahead of his time. Shame on you who doubts his greatness. Mark my words, one day a giant statue shall greet all who enter our blessed kingdom here in the caribbean. A statue of Jon Jon, astride the most beautiful donkey you’ve ever seen. One so beautiful, you’ll feel shame when staring at it for too long. And the donkey shall speak in 350 languages, as told to it by Jon Jon, welcoming new visitors and returning residents. And beside it shall be a personal training studio for some reason. Built at least 34 stories tall. In Jon Jon we trust. A lover. A believer. A linguistic over achiever. Follow him wherever he goes for he is truly visionary. we cannot fathom what he says for it is beyond our comprehension. We shall one day understand. And on that day, we shall come to know it as Jon Jon Day and let it mark a week long celebration of all things BTE.

  20. Eh! Must be the money says:

    All of us voters, need to learn to speak NUMBER$, not feelings or expectations. For example:
    According to the ESO, Caymanian unemployment is at 3%. Okay; of that 3%, how many are in farming, tourism, trades, administrative work, etc.? Now, how much work permit revenue are we prepared to lose, to get that 3% working again? Are we willing to take the loss? Then, once they are working again, how much money will they put back into the economy? Will they generate enough ancillary income to offset the loss in WP revenue?
    When all voters start talking to MPs like that, we will be on the road to making the important national decisions, because Cabinet decisions are not based on feelings or ideas, but on how much revenue each Ministry stands to make once the dust settles (or the 💩 hits the fan!) And, we need to vote for those people who understand the numbers, too, so they can give us straight answers.

    • Anonymous says:

      yes, please talk numbers to them. In detail. Exhaustive detail. Push them to be specific on the numbers. Not on what they expect or feel will happen. Then tell us all how that went.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Leave all the $$$$$ decisions for the next administration. *We do not trust you*
    Just dissolve parliament, and go about unnah business. We’re done with you.

  22. Anonymous says:

    so what is the outcome of the blood test investigation? lol

  23. Anonymous says:

    Even if you do not care about the environment, or if you think that the National Conservation Act should be amended, you should be paying attention to the way the current government is going about making the changes and you should be deeply concerned.

    The changes that are being proposed are unconstitutional and the way the amendments are being pushed through is undemocratic.

    1. The timing of the publication was deliberate and calculated to avoid public notice.

    Despite rumours that the government was trying to avoid the constitutional requirement for 28 days of public consultation on the Bill, the Amendment Bill was gazetted on the 31st December 2024. In theory, this is because the UPM wants the Bill to go to Parliament at the end of January. It is also a time when people in our community are enjoying the holidays and focused more on their families and loved ones than the legislation page of the government website. It was published deliberately over the holidays in the hopes that the public would not notice that the public consultation period had begun.

    2. The government has released too little, too late.

    For weeks after the legislation was gazette, no information was released about how the public was meant to provide feedback on the legislation. Finally, with less than 2 weeks of public consultation left, a flimsy press release has been issued that contains no information on why the amendments are being proposed or what they are supposed to achieve. There has been no press conference, no public meetings, no stakeholder consultation. This is because they do not actually want to get feedback from the community and they have no good answers as to why the amendments would benefit the Caymanian people other than a select few developers.

    3. The amendments were drafted by the losing ‘London lawyers’.

    The government reportedly (CNS) paid Blackstone Chambers in London £8,400 to redraft the National Conservation Act. This is the same firm which lost 2 court cases against the NCC and unsuccessfully tried to take the matter to the Privy Court. Rather than directing the CPA to follow the law, the government’s solution is to hire the same losing lawyers to redraft the law. Perhaps that is why the proposed amendments (at best) make no sense and turn the law into a tangled web of confused and contradictory circuitous processes that are in no way intended to benefit the Caymanian people.

    4. There is deliberately no time for the Bill to be amended before Parliament.

    If Parliament is being held at the end of January and the public consultation period for the Bill ends on the 27th or 28th of January, what time is there for feedback to be incorporated into the Bill before it goes to the House? The “public consultation” is a farce.

    5. Removing Cabinet from the definition of ‘entity’ is unconstitutional.

    According to our constitution: “Government shall, in all its decisions, have due regard to the need to foster and protect an environment that is not harmful to the health or well-being of present and future generations, while promoting justifiable economic and social development.” By removing Cabinet from the definition of ‘entity’, the amendments effectively absolve Cabinet from its constitutional responsibilities. If it can be done in regards to the environment, it can be done in regards to the right to non-discrimination, the right to personal liberty, the protection of children or the right to be treated fairly.

    If Cabinet is removed from the definition of ‘entity’ as proposed, it stands to reason that no one will be able to initiate a judicial review against Cabinet.

    6. What is the point of protected areas?

    Protected areas ensure that we Caymanians have something left that hasn’t been covered by condos we cannot afford. Somewhere we can show our children and grandchildren what an ironwood or a silver thatch looks like. Somewhere our children and grandchildren can see a blue iguana or a land crab that isn’t in a cage. The people of the Cayman Islands nominate these areas for protection and our public money is used to purchase them. If the NCC cannot direct the government – including the almighty CPA – on what cannot be done in a protected area, then what is the point of having them?

    7. A greenlight to raid the EPF.

    Right now, the government continues to pillage the Environmental Protection Fund for anything other than what it was meant to do which was to buy land for protected areas. The amendments now propose that land will be bought for “conservation and similar purposes”. What does “similar purposes” mean? The answer is – whatever the government of the day wants.

    8. No more EIAs.

    Environmental Impact Assessments are tools for making decisions on major development projects – they do not make the decision but they make decision-makers aware of all the risks. If you read the amendments in totality, you will see that the NCC is no longer able to make ‘decisions’ – just ‘recommendations. And government agencies will be able to determine whether they think something should go to the NCC or not. So, if the government wants to build a billion-dollar road that could flood the residents of Bodden Town and does not want to be told beforehand of these inconvenient risks, all they have to do is determine that they don’t see a negative impact and bypass the Council. No EIA, no problem… until there is and the people affected cannot sue the government because they can claim ignorance. EIAs are one of the few ways the people of these islands can actually give our feedback on major development projects through public consultation – this is a blatant attempt to silence us and absolve government of any fault when making bad decisions.

    The attack on the National Conservation Act is an attack on our democracy. And if the party of the day can do it to this law, future governments can do it to other laws.

    Every Caymanian should be shocked by this despicable attack on our democracy and insulted by the way the UPM has tried to silence our voices, subvert our constitution and undermine our rights.

    Enough is enough.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Wouldn’t it be something to see the Honourable Ministers school report cards 🃏

    • Anonymous says:

      with real estate development so profitable it’s a no-brainer to simply corrupt a small government run by a cadre of potentates. What’s the difference between a drug cartel and exploiters of nature? One risks harming lives the other risks devastation forever.

      • Anonymous says:

        100%, – but whats the difference between those that are ignorant in an electorate and those that can see, the ones that can see should know better…

  25. Anonymous says:

    Do you know that one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas.

    • Money. It’s all about money says:

      The flip of the coin is that we do not care enough about the numbers.
      The ESO says Caymanian unemployment is at 3%. Okay; of that 3%, how many are in farming, tourism, trades, administrative work, etc.?
      Okay. How much $$$ in work permit revenue are we prepared to give up, to get that 3% working? And once they are working, will the money they put back into the economy be enough to offset the loss we made in revenue? When all voters start talking to MPs like that, we will be on the road to making the important decisions, because Cabinet decisions are not based on feelings or ideas. It’s all about how much revenue their Ministry is expected to contribute to the national budget.

      • Anonymous says:

        They are not trying to solve our problems, they are trying to solve their own problems, which are getting elected, and re-elected

  26. Anonymous says:

    Time to get n your friggin donkey Jon Jon and ride ride out of town on the next full moon, lest anyone get crazy ideas and believe anything you say.

    • Anonymous says:

      And who is going to replace him in BT East, 3:21? His support from people who are just like him, not well learned and big into the baser aspects of Jamaican culture is huge.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ozzy is a marginally better choice, albeit it wouldn’t be out of the question wether he is beholden to people like Dart. After all he was all in favour of moving the dump to BT.
        Agree, there is no viable competition for the BT East seat. This sad predicament is why OMOV needs to be abolished!

  27. Anonymous says:

    The PPM still cant be trusted to not support Julianna and them when they decide if it goes on the order paper.

    Dart will dangle all kinds of shiney trinkets in front of Joey’s eyes and convince him to support this amendment bill

  28. Claptrap’s Romantic Interest says:

    A Message from Claptrap’s Romantic Interest: A Voice of Terrified Reason

    “Alright, let me level with you: if absurdity and ridicule were rocket fuel, this island would already be cruising past Saturn, powered by a non-toxic variant of hydrazine—because, let’s face it, if it were the conventional kind, we’d all be dead from catastrophic self-combustion.

    But don’t relax just yet, because even with this so-called ‘safe’ fuel, the trajectory we’re on is no less terrifying.

    We’re not just ascending into the stars here, oh no—this is an interstellar carnival of chaos, fueled by relentless absurdity, feasting on madness, and enshrining the outer limits of bigotry.

    And let me tell you, if you’ve ever been on a date with Claptrap, you know this kind of energy never ends well.

    The colony we’re leaving behind boasts some truly… unique ‘accomplishments’:

    • Inventing the first governance model powered entirely by contradiction.

    • Marketing bigotry as a cultural export and calling it ‘tradition.’

    • Managing to weaponize nonsense in ways that would make even Claptrap’s grenade juggling look tame.

    And let’s not even talk about Earth’s reaction. If they catch a whiff of us trying to come back, they’ll unleash a planetary defense system so ferocious that even the Klingons would stand, applaud, and take notes !

    Picture this: every returning spaceship scanned for signs of madness. If even a speck of absurdity is found? Boom! Instant vaporization.

    You think Klingons are scary in battle? They’d be impressed by the efficiency with which Earth shuts that lot down. Absurdity has no place in the Empire—or on Earth.

    But it gets worse. Word is, nearby star systems are dimming their lights, as though the entire universe is trying to ghost us. Space-time itself is rippling with pockets of pure nonsense—places where reason goes to die, and bigotry thrives like mold in an abandoned fridge.

    Meanwhile, the donkey—our poor, unsuspecting jackass—is floating among the stars, probably wondering, ‘What in the void did I get myself into?’ And honestly, I feel for the poor animal. If I had a dime for every time I ended up in a cosmic mess thanks to someone else’s stupidity, I’d own half of the Andromeda Galaxy.

    So here’s my advice: stop feeding this chaos machine. Because while absurdity may burn clean, the aftermath is anything but. And when the galaxy finally decides it’s had enough, don’t expect a graceful descent back to reason. No thrusters or retro rockets,just a long, lonely drift into the void.

    Trust me on this one. I’ve dated Claptrap—I know a bad trajectory when I see one.”

  29. Anonymous says:

    mr. above the law…where is the blood test?

  30. vote him out! says:

    im so sick of this damn fool! jon jon, you really have no shame or what?

  31. Anonymous says:

    Dense as a whale omlette

  32. Anonymous says:

    Minister of Culture.
    Enough said.

  33. Anonymous says:

    ‘inclusive’…looks like jon-jon has learnt a new buzzword!
    praise the lord…we are saved!

  34. BTE Plea says:

    Can someone please come forward to run against him in BTE? He does not represent our interests or concerns, and is unwilling to accept feedback. We deserve better.

    And to all MPs and candidates, do not gut the NCA. Not now and not after the election.

    A young Caymanian who’s registered to vote

    • Anonymous says:

      This is so refreshing to see. We need the young people to stand up and hold MPs accountable. Our people should be asking individuals the tough questions, especially on the environment and sustainability.

    • Anonymous says:

      someone please run and save us

  35. Anonymous says:

    Inclusive means he had a heart to heart with a 4 legged jackass.

  36. Lafonda says:

    I be hearing in me yard that Dwayne the Rock Seymour is like the Cayman Elon Musk
    My brethren this is what is needed the britest leeding the way forward Thanks Rock!

    • Anonymous says:

      We love you always Mr Jon Jon. You will make us part of Jamaica. You is so smart.

      • Anonymous says:

        Saunders can help him in their quest to turn us into Jamaica.
        Saunder’s father was after all, a Jamaican politician who steered Jamaica’s downfall and doing the same to Cayman is in Saunder’s DNA.

    • Anonymous says:

      Certainly!He is our local Elon Musk ! Well at least to the donkeys ! 🤣🤣🤣

    • Anonymous says:

      Ha, ha, ha….that’s a good one! Thanks for a little levity.

    • Anonymous says:

      10:21am. Elon Musk running down Jon Jon to borrow money to pay his workers salaries and pension. The poor jackass is backing up. He haww, he haww.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Dwayne Seymour, McKeeva Bush, Kenneth Bryan, Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, Joey Hew, David White, Miss Barbara are all useless that are in politics for the paycheck from the highest bidders because no else would hire them in their businesses. All are overpaid and unfit for the responsibilities of leading these islands.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Minister Seymour’s idea of governance: ignore the experts, shut out stakeholders, and call it ‘transparent.’ At this rate, the only thing he’s conserving is his reputation for sheer incompetence.

  39. Anonymous says:

    What a clown vote his ignorant ass out!

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately , it is Bodden Town “ignorant asses” who vote for him and Saunders.
      The rest vote for Mac and Kenneth .
      The downward spiral to the third world is safe in their hands, and our only salvation is if they are kept in the minority by competent educated MPs in other districts.

      • Anonymous says:

        You run, then. People chose from the options they are given. Give people better options! Ah, but wait. People do not want to run for office.

        • Anonymous says:

          No point in running in Bodden Town unless you’re Jamaican.
          Let’s face it, Bodden Town voters will never consider anyone who doesn’t look like, talk like, drive like and generally behave like a Jamaican.

      • Anonymous says:

        11:43am. You got it wrong. The Jamaicans are who voted for Jon Jon. When you feed them you tame them, so you are guaranteed their vote.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not before I get my gas & grocery store cards

  40. Anonymous says:

    He is clueless and a disgrace as a minister. Another one of those mla’s bought by dart and developers like his party leader joey hew.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Jon Jon is really a dumb dumb and doesn’t not know the truth if it fell out the sky and hit him in the head.

    • Anonymous says:

      Be careful or you might make him cry….

      • Anonymous says:

        Dumb, foolish, stupid voters that votes for Jon Jon, KB, MB and Saunders , should be ashamed of themselves. but they don’t have the sense to be ashamed.


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