Visiting ‘card skimmer’ jailed for over four months

| 11/12/2024 | 11 Comments

(CNS): A Bulgarian national was arrested by Customs and Border Control (CBC) officers last month when he arrived at Owen Roberts International Airport (ORIA) on a flight from Toronto, Canada. During the X-ray of his luggage, officers found suspicious objects concealed inside a laptop that were suspected of being used for skimming debit and credit cards.

When his bags were searched, the officers also found a card scanner machine and 25 blank cards with black magnetic strips on the back. CBC said the discovery averted potential thefts, as the items were designed to be used when inserted into a terminal.

The visiting would-be thief was charged, and he appeared in summary court on Monday, where he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to nineteen weeks for possessing equipment for stealing.

CBC Senior Deputy Director Kevin Walton said this was a significant seizure by officers. “This demonstrates our service’s unwavering commitment and competence in border security and sends a clear message to scammers that the Cayman Islands is not a place you should consider travelling to take advantage of our citizens or visitors,” he added.

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Category: Courts, Crime, Customs

Comments (11)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I hope an order for immediate deportation has been put in place upon release.

    I hope…

  2. Caymanian says:

    Wow. Well done CBC. Seriously. Great job.

  3. Anonymous says:

    bulgarian scammer?????…never!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is so behind. We should all be able to use our phones to pay for things at terminals so we can get rid of cards.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Good to know that one criminal was caught entering this country and received imprisonment and not a slap on the wrist.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Right… this scammer who probably works with organized crime gets only 4 months yet yesterday another CNS article stated that a Cayman judge sentenced a veteran zero prior complaints massage therapist at the Ritz-Carlton for 5 years in prison for an alleged hand swipe too high in the upper thigh.

    These prison sentences should be reversed!!!

    Does anyone know how many people’s lives have been destroyed by fraud scammers of organized crime! It’s a multi trillion dollar business as stated by Palo Alto Cyber Security CEO.

    This is outrageous the judicial system in Cayman total Kangeroo court!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Great effort, but the sentence is not long enough, and we need to find a way to recoup the costs of incarceration from these bastards.


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