Veteran radio host gets royal gong in NY list

| 31/12/2024 | 24 Comments

(CNS): Loxley E M, Banks, the former Director of Broadcasting at Radio Cayman who still in his retirement continues to produce and host his own shows on the local station was awarded an MBE in the king’s New Year honour’s list. Banks was the only Caymanian to receive that royal gong for 2024. However, Frances McConvey the Head of Music at John Gray High School, received a British Empire Medal (BEM) for her services to both music and education.

Loxley Banks

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Category: Local News

Comments (24)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Congrats to both. However there appears to be a pattern developing that only Civil Servants are being considered. Even last time around there were no persons from private sector.

    • Anonymous says:

      The awards require nominations and our civil service are world class professionals at self-congratulation and quid pro quos.

      • Anonymous says:

        Or you can invite the Governor to black tie events at your house, at someone else’s expense….which has happened.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Regarding comment at 31/12, 1:15 pm: I think the story said Banks was the only Caymanian to receive “that” royalty gong in 2024—that is, the MBE.

    But just my opinion—I believe the MBE is higher than BEM. Why was not McConvey granted an MBE also? I can guarantee you that her initiatives and energy was just as or more deserving.

    Time for teachers, the guardians of the soul and minds of our communities be given just recognition and reward.

    • Anonymous says:

      The teachers who teach and are worthy of such and honour. She has dedicated her life to teaching music to our children. Well deserved.

  3. WBW Czar. says:

    More backslapping

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cool both!
    Now can you both lobby for less trash music on RC and more local content of quality?!
    or..Sell it!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    CNS can you please tell us of the awards given over the past 5yrs how many was given to Cayman Islands Government employees?

  6. Anonymous says:

    I feel like most of the people getting these awards works with the Cayman Government…Can someone please explain how these awards are granted

  7. Michel Lemay says:

    Congratulations Mr. Loxley. Much deserved. Happy New Year!🎉🎊

  8. Anonymous says:

    Congrats to both recipients. Mrs. McConvey for her own skills and dedication in imparting those skills to generations of school kids. Mr. Banks not so much for his skills as a DJ/broadcaster but…..his dedication and for his work with the Veterans, I suppose!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Mrs McConvey retired from JGHS this year. STD has fostered Caymanian children for years and has played piano for the National Orchestra & choir.
    A little respect for her achievements please!

    • Anonymous says:

      Ah, yes, the quality students coming out of JGHS. I had one turn up for a job interview the other week.
      I told him to come back when he was dressed. He never came back.

      • Anonymous says:

        8.48 you can blame the Jamaican teachers and parents for failing to instill social standards and good manners.
        You crave “Caribbeanisation” and da wa ya get.

    • Anonymous says:

      I respect her work but “Fostering Cayman Kids” and bragging is getting to be on a par with walking Humane dogs..done for the STATUS POINTS
      Be honest now.

      • Anonymous says:

        Fran is not the one who mentioned fostering Cayman kids. She has NEVER “bragged “.
        Fostering is giving from the heart, a most selfless act , and shame on 6.37 for belittling Fran’s long term acts of kindness.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Loxley and Frances for your modest and quiet service to us.
    So glad to see recognition when it has not been sought through self promotion.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Fran is caymanian!


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