UPM posts draft bill to gut conservation act

| 31/12/2024 | 117 Comments
Cayman News Service
Cayman pygmy blue butterfly (courtesy DoE)

(CNS): In a shocking, but not surprising move the minority UPM administration posted a draft amendment bill minutes before noon on New Years Eve that would, if passed, make dramatic changes to one of the country’s most important pieces of legislation when it comes to the future of the Cayman Islands and the type of home the next generation will inherit. The lame duck government had insisted it would bring this legislation to parliament before it is prorogued in February despite no longer having a mandate to make such far reaching changes.

Given that most of the Cayman population was enjoying time with family and friends and preparing for the New Year festivities the bill is likely to slip under the radar until at least next week. In order to meet the 28 day public consultation period the bill needed to be published by 2 January given the premier has set 30 January as the next date for the parliament to meet.

The bill makes some very significant changes which CNS will be reviewing over the coming days and posting more detailed analysis next week. But they include changes that will give Cabinet the power over the environmental protection fund and allow government to dodge environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) on any public project from roads to cruise piers and airports. It removes the National Conservation Council’s ability to delegate issues to the DoE director without asking Cabinet, which currently doesn’t have a single politician in its membership that has any knowledge of environmental science.

The bill also proposes in a roundabout way removing the power of technical experts to properly advise what is proposed to be a more political, rather than a technical council, completely undermining the original purpose of actually having a board that brought together the political appointees with the experts paving the way for uniformed and potentially very damaging, decision making.

It is quite clear that the premier mislead the people of Cayman when answering questions from CNS about the proposed changes last summer when she said that the government would not remove the technical expertise from the council nor would it weaken the act in anyway.

The law’s passage is however, far from guaranteed and at least five of the opposition members will not be supporting the legislation. While the PPM have said they will be waiting to see the bill first in general they are unlikely to support what is considered any contentious legislation before the election given the lack of mandate the current administration has.

The NCC chairman has already pleaded with government not to change the conservation act and make it any less effective as it is already far less powerful than is currently needed to curtail the most egregious type of development that Caymanians fear is already stripping away the islands natural beauty. Given the impact that climate change is already having on the islands, future generations will be facing immense issues unless we begin taking much more effective action to completely stop the loss of wetlands and curtail costal development.

With the public consultation period now open local activists are urging voters to directly lobby their MPs immediately either by phone messaging service, on social media platforms or even in letter to stop this legislation’s passage. The local environment lobby believes that the debate about the conservation law and the need to make it more not less effective should be a central part of the election campaign giving the people the chance to tell their potential representatives what they want rather than allowing the powerful development lobby to get their way before Cayman goes to the polls.

See the proposed amendments to the legislation here and the current law for comparison here.

Check back with CNS for much more about the changes to the law and its chances of passing in the coming days and weeks.

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Comments (117)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If this is not an abuse of power then that is?

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is criminal negligence and maladministration.
    Stop emotions. Constituents can use a variety of remedies against maladministration

  3. Sick of the BS says:

    To hell with UPM. Time to vote them OUT!!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    so one week these criminals are operating behind closed doors to offer Dart 38 million in one f*** up and the next they’re trying to push through a bill to prop up their campaigns that could benefit the overlord even more…

    these people are filthy disgusting, an absolute s*** stain on the fabric of their so called ‘Cayman’

  5. Anonymous says:

    Look no further than the mastermind of corruption himself, self-appointed ‘Father of the House’ the most despicable abusive politician to grace our parliament.

    He should retire off to the Brac with his partner in crime the Premier.

    But a one-way ticket to Northward would be better.

  6. Anonymous says:

    What I want to know is where is the Governor? What is her thoughts?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Follow the money folks, follow the money..it’s always about the money…watch to see who votes for this and how well their campaigns will be financed…

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hahahahahahaha……if you REALLY expected anything different than obscene greed and blatant self interest then you are a prize mug. Cayman for Caymanians…..yeah, sure. Cayman for SOME Caymanians. That once idyllic wee island has truly went to the dogs.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Imagine, spineless creatures bringing a motion to make changes to legislation that protects invertebrates!

    I detest these absolute leeches.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps we should have referendum questions on:
    1) whether the NCA should be strengthened, and

    2) whether all the corrupt politicians supporting this Bill should be jailed.

    The result would probably show 90% approval on both counts.

  11. Anonymous says:

    The NCA is incompatible with the constitution in its current form.

    • Anonymous says:

      Grateful if CNS can briefly outline how the proposed changes will “gut” ..need to be educated on this please.

    • Anonymous says:

      The development cabal and the politicians they control are incompatible with a livable future for Caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      The NCA is incompatible with the current level of political corruption in this country. That is the sole reason for this Bill.

    • Anonymous says:

      The recurring failure to investigate, prosecute and jail a certain politician for various misdeeds such as drunk driving and attacking parked heavy equipment with a government vehicle is incompatible with the Constitution. That is what needs to be rectified.

    • Anonymous says:

      in what way?

    • Anonymous says:

      There is no Constitutional issue with the NCA.

      In contrast, corruption is definitely incompatible with our Constitution but that has never been a problem for the development cabal and our corrupt politicians who carry on as if the Constitution does not exist.

    • Anonymous says:

      Says the parrot

    • Anonymous says:

      Why are we surprised The current members of the UPM

      Julie. Educated
      Bernie. Uneducated and joker
      Kenneth uneducated and model
      Jay uneducated and contractor
      Mac. Uneducated and do I say more
      John John uneducated
      Issac unsure

      Why did we believe this group could help us.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Has anyone else noticed that this Bill that will destroy what is left of Cayman Islands is sponsored John-John’s Ministry of ‘Sustainability’.
    Are the votes in that district the lowest cost in Cayman?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep, lowest priced district..mostly Jamaican-Caymanian..John John just needs to bring in another Dj or group from Jamaica and he is in their like flint..

      Just like Trump in the US, he focuses on the uneducated and high school or less people..Easily fooled and that segment of the population makes up most of BTE.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said, completely agreed with you! They care not for the people of the Cayman Islands. Bunch of greedy bastards.

  13. Anonymous says:

    The message here is a big F you to the people. A minority government trying to push through controversial bills is not a government representative of the people, but a dictatorship. I was hopeful that charges of corruption were unfounded, but I am now convinced there is corruption at the centre of this.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Are these people really so unintelligent and lacking in political nous that they could not assess the reaction of the electorate to such an obviously controversial and unjustifiable proposal? It’s like a referendum on a cruise port without a scheme or location to vote on. Corruption is one thing but dimwitted corruption is offensive as well as an insult to voters.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you so stupid that you don’t know that the electorate is not the environmental lobby?

      • Anonymous says:

        Agreed 11:09.

        It is funny how we ignore what really got Cayman under so much environmental stress… uncontrolled population growth. And how did that happened? Money. Everyone who came here came looking that. Now, many who have gotten rich off of development are now on the eco-warrior bandwagon.

    • Anonymous says:

      No doubt the cost of buying sufficient votes in April was factored in and paid for in advance buy the development cabal. What they will make from the ongoing rape of this country is obscene so paying corrupt politicians is not any kind of deterrent.

  15. Anonymous says:

    If you need more proof on how corrupt and dangerous this government is then look no further. Absolutely shameful.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Best government money can buy. They should all be locked up. They are literally destroying Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Them and the special interest groups in the shadows even though we all know who they are pulling the strings, advising them and benefiting directly.

  17. GTN influencer says says:

    Cayman Compass Frank S.
    December 31, 2024 At 9:44 pm
    This is a really good move. The current NCC law was a massive overreach and should’ve never passed and the way that that law was wielded by those in control shows that the people with absolute power were not operating in the best interest of the Country. Too much bureaucracy. Too much environmental overreach. Not enough common sense and care for the people. This is the pushback we all needed as a nation and it’s good for Cayman. I’ve said it before — there are small vocal minority of environmental zealots who have an outsized voice in this country and who don’t work in alignment with the wishes of the majority of the population. I think they’re smarter than everybody else in the room and they think they know what’s best… Well, they don’t. This is the pendulum swing the other way and I’m very happy about it for the country.

    • Anonymous says:

      So correct, lets build build build, to hell with these tree huggers. Developers rule as you have the money

    • Anonymous says:

      The only people commenting against the NCL are the minority who couldn’t care less about Cayman and its destruction. The development is out of control and is benefiting but a handful of our population and once there is nowhere left to develop, they will all be gone.

      GTN influencer, STFU.

    • Anonymous says:

      Perhaps you have chosen to ignore the fact that the NCC law was passed by elected politicians.

      Every once in a while there are politicians who recognize that the country needs to be protected from politicians, and they pass laws for the good of the country.

      And far too often there are politicians who let their true colours show by undoing laws that were passed in the best interest of the country, egged on (and probably compensated) by a$$holes like yourself.

    • G says:

      Go to effin H3LL.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just your ‘name’ says it all, influence your brain for a change! oh what…what is a brain?

    • Anonymous says:

      Which ‘country’?

    • Anonymous says:

      funny how the NCA is some how this all powerful thing that’s overreaching and stifling development… yet we are in the biggest development boom in the nations history and no one has been seriously prosecuted under the NCA for braking ANY of its statutes

    • Anonymous says:

      Frank Schilling perhaps, a wannabe developer?

    • Anonymous says:

      Just your ‘name’ says it all! Go ‘influence’ your brain, if you can find it!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Kenny and the Cronies dont even try to hide it anymore.

  19. Anonymous says:

    UPM should not be allowed to pass ANY legislation. They are a placeholder government, simply allowed to carry own because those in power are too cowardly to hold needed elections.

    When it is this clear they do not represent the will of the people or their best interest they should not be allowed to push through legislation that will have any affect beyond their remaining time in office.

  20. Anonymous says:

    This Bill is an outrage. Its only potential positive feature is that when it comes to a vote in Parliament it will allow voters to clearly see which politicians are obviously owned by the development cabal.

  21. Anonymous says:

    This is truly shameful. We need all new members of Parliament. Let’s vote this corrupt group out.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Kick Their Big Fat Greasy Bums Out At The General Election.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Juju needs to be locked up. And all of UPM voted out.

  24. Anonymous says:

    There has to be big money behind these proposed changes. Is it not time to identify and expose who it is that actually runs this country?

    • Anonymous says:

      Government appointed boards give out status to undesirables. The good thing is can granted status can be repealed. Not sure about the offspring.

      Time to do some weeding!

    • Anonymous says:

      Those in our population who don’t know this already have the mentality of a newt and unfortunately, they also vote for the morons who bend over for said “special interest groups”, then complain and moan and wonder what can be done about it.

  25. Anonymous says:

    It is about getting campaign funds from developers for the election….

  26. Anonymous says:

    How much did the UPM sell Cayman for?

  27. Anonymous says:

    Would it be out of place to suggest a revised title for this article:

    “UPM removes any doubt that they are all in the pockets of the development cabal”

  28. Anonymous says:

    For all the Caymanians saying that expats will destroy Cayman. This is your Caymanian elected government looking to destroy our home, wake up and vote!

    • Anonymous says:

      Both Caymanians and expat are to blamed. Don’t forget that some pass the laws and the other side buy up the properties with no concern of the destruction that it causes, just because those said expats can afford to spend the money. Real Caymanians, AKA those who care about all of us on the Beloved Rock Cayman whether generational or newbie feel differently.

    • Anonymous says:

      Backed by expat developers!

  29. Anonymous says:

    Corruption is the only explanation for this Bill.

  30. Anonymous says:

    The politicians backing this Bill will no doubt get vast sums as ‘campaign contributions’ or just cash for selling out Cayman to corrupting developers. We need to make it clear that no such politician is ever elected in Cayman any time in the future.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Registered voters must petition the governor to dissolve parliament.

    • Anonymous says:

      This governor will never do anything

      • Anonymous says:

        She’s not supposed to 10:19. We Caymanians have been bitching for years to have control of internal affairs and finally by and large we have it thanks to constitutional changes WE demanded. So governors are supposed to leave us to make the mess but we still like to try to blame it on “the limeys”.

      • Anonymous says:

        The brits will never do anything.

  32. Anonymous says:

    What could be clearer evidence of corrupt politicians selling out Cayman?

    • Anonymous says:

      it doesn’t matter if they got a picture of Ju-Ju being handed a check by Dart in an envelope labeled “money I’m paying CIG for gutting the NCA”. There is no law governing how these members operate.

      • Anonymous says:

        Check the balance and deposits into McKeeva’s “Foundation” and you would probably see some recent action.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Where is the annual CNS Gong headline. ??

    CNS Note: It’s there just scroll down… we would not want you to miss it...

    • Diogenes of Cayman says:

      The biannual* CNS Gong headline

      CNS also covers the Monarch’s Birthday honours in June as well so we usually get two gongs per year


  34. Anonymous says:

    Any politician backing this Bill will get no votes from anyone in my family – and there are a lot of votes.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone doubt that the development cartel is demanding payment in the form of this Bill? They require proof of loyalty – or there will be no more thick brown envelopes.

  36. Secretary pf the Ambassador of Absurdistan says:

    From the Desk of the Secretary to the Ambassador of Absurdistan: A Spicy Critique of Honorable Joey Hew’s New Year Address

    Dear Esteemed Residents of the Cayman Islands,

    On behalf of the Ambassador of Absurdistan, I bring greetings laced with curiosity and bewilderment over Honorable Joey Hew’s bold proclamation of “action—not empty promises.” This stirring message, while poetic, seems curiously at odds with the historical narrative of Mr. Hew’s career—both in politics and his tenure at Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC). Let us explore this curious case with the precision of a scalpel and the enthusiasm of a Tyranid Hive Mind.

    CUC: A High-Wattage Legacy of Inaction?

    Before ascending to the political stage, Mr. Hew graced the energy sector with his presence at CUC. While one might hope his tenure there was marked by innovation and service improvements, the reality suggests otherwise.
    1. Rates That Soar Like Flocks of Pterodactyls:
    During his time at CUC, consumers endured the persistent sting of rising electricity rates, often justified by opaque cost structures and fuel surcharges. In Absurdistan, we call this “Monetary Evasion 101.” Did Mr. Hew’s efforts ever focus on alleviating this burden? If so, the results appear to be filed under “fictional outcomes.”
    2. A Renewable Future Postponed:
    While the world pivoted to renewable energy solutions, CUC under Mr. Hew’s tenure moved with all the urgency of a glacier in the tropics. Bold claims of future investments in renewables emerged, yet tangible progress remained elusive. One might wonder: was this delay due to bureaucratic inertia, or was the focus elsewhere entirely?
    3. Community or Bottom Line?
    Despite being a monopoly service provider, CUC’s relationship with the public has often been perceived as profit over people. Did Mr. Hew, during his tenure, champion affordability or advocate for consumers? Evidence suggests otherwise.

    The Political Pivot: From Power to Promises

    Following his tenure at CUC, Mr. Hew transitioned seamlessly into politics—a move we in Absurdistan call “the Great Career Escape.” However, the patterns from his time at CUC have echoed through his political life:
    1. Promises Without Power:
    Much like the unfulfilled renewable energy goals at CUC, Mr. Hew’s promises for George Town revitalization and housing reform have fizzled without impact. Are these mere coincidences, or evidence of a consistent theme?
    2. Unplugged Leadership:
    Whether managing electricity grids or public policy, Mr. Hew’s leadership seems to thrive on maintaining the status quo. Bold action and transformative change remain as absent as affordable utility bills during his tenure.

    A New Year’s Resolution: Accountability First

    As Mr. Hew stands before the public promising “action,” the Ambassador of Absurdistan urges him to begin by addressing these lingering questions:
    1. What Lessons Were Learned at CUC?
    How has Mr. Hew’s experience in the private sector shaped his approach to public service, particularly when it comes to affordability and sustainability?
    2. Where Are the Results?
    Bold promises have been made in the past—from renewable energy to George Town’s revitalization. What tangible outcomes can the public point to as evidence of these commitments?
    3. Why the Resistance to Public Opinion?
    From the cruise port referendum to environmental protections, Mr. Hew’s track record suggests a preference for circumventing public input. Will this trend continue under his leadership?

    Absurdistan’s Diplomatic Reminder

    Honorable Joey Hew, while your poetic declarations may electrify campaign rallies, the citizens of the Cayman Islands deserve substance over style. As your tenure at CUC demonstrates, words without results are as useful as a blackout during a storm. Let your New Year’s resolution be one of clarity, accountability, and tangible progress.

    For the Cayman Islands, we hope 2025 is marked by action that speaks louder than campaign slogans.

    The Secretary to the Ambassador of Absurdistan

  37. Anonymous says:

    And you all are saying PPM are bad? This existing government has done nothing for the last 4 years and now wants to pass a bill to give themselves authority over the conservation act. Not one single member of the sitting government including the ones that jumped ship recently have the brains to tie a shoelace.

  38. The Adeptus Ridiculous of Cayman Islands says:

    By the Authority of the Ordo Ridiculus: UPM’s New Year’s Eve Gambit to Undermine Environmental Protections

    As the clock ticked toward midnight on December 31, 2024, while the citizens of the Cayman Islands prepared to usher in the New Year, the Unity People’s Movement (UPM) government executed a clandestine maneuver that threatens the very fabric of the nation’s environmental safeguards. In a move that can only be described as both shocking and unsurprising, the UPM published a draft amendment bill aimed at gutting the National Conservation Act (NCA)—a cornerstone of Cayman’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage.

    A Calculated Assault on Conservation

    The timing of this publication—minutes before noon on New Year’s Eve—was undoubtedly strategic, designed to slip under the public radar during a period of widespread celebration and distraction. This tactic not only undermines the principles of transparency and public engagement but also reflects a blatant disregard for the democratic process.

    Key provisions of the proposed amendments include:
    • Centralization of Power: Granting Cabinet unilateral control over the Environmental Protection Fund, effectively sidelining the National Conservation Council (NCC) and diminishing the role of environmental experts in decision-making processes.
    • Evasion of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs): Allowing government-led projects, such as roads, cruise piers, and airports, to proceed without mandatory EIAs, thereby eliminating critical assessments that safeguard against environmental degradation.
    • Politicization of the NCC: Restructuring the NCC to increase political influence while reducing the input of technical experts, compromising the integrity and objectivity of environmental governance.

    These proposed changes represent a significant regression in environmental policy, prioritizing short-term development interests over the long-term sustainability and ecological health of the Cayman Islands.

    A Legacy of Deception

    This latest maneuver is consistent with the UPM’s historical pattern of undermining environmental protections. Despite previous assurances from Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly that the government would not weaken the NCA or remove scientific expertise from the NCC, these proposed amendments reveal a stark contradiction between the administration’s words and actions. 

    The Premier’s earlier statements now appear to be deliberate misrepresentations, intended to placate public concern while covertly advancing an agenda that favors unchecked development. This duplicity not only erodes public trust but also jeopardizes the environmental legacy that future generations of Caymanians stand to inherit.

    A Call to Action

    In light of this egregious attempt to dismantle environmental protections, it is imperative for the citizens of the Cayman Islands to mobilize and voice their opposition. The public consultation period is now open, and concerned individuals are urged to:
    • Engage with Elected Representatives: Contact Members of Parliament through phone, messaging services, social media platforms, or formal letters to express dissent against the proposed amendments.
    • Participate in Public Discourse: Utilize community forums, town hall meetings, and media outlets to raise awareness and foster dialogue on the implications of weakening the NCA.
    • Advocate for Environmental Integrity: Support local environmental organizations and initiatives that champion the preservation of Cayman’s natural resources.

    The forthcoming election presents a critical opportunity to hold policymakers accountable and to ensure that environmental conservation remains a central issue in the national discourse. By standing united against these regressive policies, the people of the Cayman Islands can safeguard their natural heritage and promote a sustainable future.

    For Cayman. For Conservation. For Future Generations.

    The Adeptus Ridiculous stands in unwavering opposition to any actions that threaten the environmental sanctity of the Cayman Islands. We call upon all citizens to remain vigilant, informed, and proactive in the defense of their natural environment. Let this New Year be marked not by the erosion of conservation laws, but by a renewed commitment to ecological stewardship and responsible governance.

    For the Emperor!

  39. Anonymous says:

    In a way they are right. There is no point in having conservation experts now that everything has already been destroyed

  40. Anonymous says:

    Regarding airports EIA is definitely a requirement due to proximity of shooting range that has been laying down tons of lead for decades right next to North Sound. Oh that can be an issue can it? This UPM government is predominantly comprised of Neanderthals or specifically something akin to their ancestors.

  41. Anonymous says:

    John 10:1

  42. Anonymous says:

    Thought the changes will benefit developers more. These changes directly benefit the government. Developer cartel headed by ALT will get what they want in the end.

    • Anonymous says:

      Honestly, I think they gazetted it just to end chatter about what the changes might be (and these proposed revisions are nowhere near as bad as they were made out to be). It won’t pass, for obvious reasons, but it takes some wind out of the sails of speculation that was persisting.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Good. Finally

  44. Anonymous says:

    This combined with the Premier’s desire to shake of the chains of constraint don’t bode well for those of us that are so far from the gravy train, we can’t even hear it’s mournful whistle.

  45. Anonymous says:


  46. Caymanian As Can Be says:

    I urge our Governor to do what’s best in the interest of the Caymanian people; and, if the People are dissatisfied or not fully aware of the implications of this proposed Bill, that her Excellency the Governor uses her powers wisely and veto this Bill if it comes up to Cabinet until after the next election. Our Governor has the right and the powers to do what they believe is in the best interest of Caymanians and our future generations; and this includes protecting us from our own Government and their folly politics, corruption, mismanagement and misdirection of the Caymanian People.

    • Anonymous says:

      Go straight to the King, he would take more notice of the environment! Joey who think he King with what he thinks is his speech to the ‘country’. Their self inflated ego full of wind will soon burst with one little pop of a pin like a the f***s they are!

  47. Anonymous says:

    Good. No one individual should ever have more authority than the elected government.

    CNS Note: We do not have either the time or inclination to go into detail but this false narrative that the director of the environment has some unholy amount of power is a lie.
    A complete and utter falsehood spread deliberately by those who wish to profit from development and believe there should be no restrictions on making money from land. If the current director of the DoE had even an iota of the power this disingenuous, duplicitous, selfish, greedy group of profiteers who are destroying our natural world suggest Cayman would be the most beautiful natural haven on earth.
    But she doesn’t so that’s why we are losing our beach, trees, mangroves and all the rest of the once beautiful flora and fauna that was here.

  48. Caymanian As Can Be says:

    I urge our Govornor to do whats best in the interest of the Caymanian people; and, if the People are dissatisfied or not fully aware of the implications of this proposed Bill, that her Excellency the Governor uses her powers wisely and veto this Bill if it comes up to Cabinet until after the next election. Our Govornor has the right and the powers to do what they believe is in the best interest of Caymanians and our future generations; and this includes protecting us from our own Government and their folly politics, corruption, mismanagement and misdirection of the Caymanian People.

  49. Disband Government NOW says:


  50. Anonymous says:

    Time to vote out every UPM member and PPM currently elected. They are all on the take and not fit to hold office!

    • Anonymous says:

      The PPM will need to cross the aisle to pass this Bill, and they have a golden opportunity to do just that on Jan 30. They seek to steal the EPF!

    • Anonymous says:

      And replace them with who, 4:41? The talent pool is very small, especially if you take out those bright, educated Caymanians who are doing very well and would not deign to waste their time in the vipers nest of self serving ignoramuses which is our Parliament. There are plenty of Bernies, Kenneths and Duhwaynes out there, all just dying to get such an easy job as MP with all its benefits including, it seems, immunity from prosecution when you are drunk driving.

      • Anonymous says:

        Everything are the peoples fault. they vote them in and don’t march on corruption, traffic, Dump, drunk Driving without having to take any test, etc, etc etc, etc. Caymanians are too afraid to do or say anything. The Churches are only against Gays and Lesbans. they don’t give a hoot about crime/corruption etc for that supplies some of what they want MONEY AND MORE MONEY.


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