Premier claims Cayman now more resilient in Christmas message

| 24/12/2024 | 55 Comments

(CNS): Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly claimed she had presided over a “remarkable educational journey this year” in her Christmas message to the country claiming that the government had built a stronger more resilient Cayman Islands and she was optimistic about the future for every child to reach their full potential. Meanwhile, the opposition leader Joey Hew pointed to the significant success of Cayman’s athletes who have shown that the country’s success lies with its people.

Alongside the two political leaders, the speaker of the house, the governor, deputy governor and several ministers have also recorded messages which can be found on the CIGTV Youtube channel here.

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  1. The Adeptus Ridiculous of Cayman Islands says:

    The Waaagh! of Cayman: How Ork Logic Explains Everything About the Government

    ’Ere we go, ’ere we go, ’ere we go! The Adeptus Ridiculous has finally uncovered the secret operating manual of the Cayman Islands government—it’s not a five-year plan, nor a policy white paper. Oh no, it’s Ork logic! When viewed through the lens of Orkish wisdom, everything falls into place. From the chaos of infrastructure plans to the eternal tinkering with the National Conservation Act, it’s clear the government has been running its very own Cayman Waaagh!

    1. “Biggest Is Bestest”

    Orks believe the biggest, loudest, and flashiest thing is always the best. Sound familiar? Look no further than the cruise port debacle, a shiny mega-project pushed forward despite environmental concerns, massive public opposition, and questions about its financial viability.

    The government doesn’t need public approval when it’s got a massive, flashy plan. Why build affordable housing or invest in long-term solutions when you can just shout about the “biggest thing ever” and expect everyone to be impressed? After all, size equals success—or so they believe.

    2. “More Dakka!”

    Orks think the solution to any problem is to go faster—more noise, more speed, more chaos.

    When faced with criticism or failure, the government speeds up without thinking. Public dissent about conservation? Announce the changes before anyone notices. Cruise port opposition? Push the timetable faster. When in doubt, hit the gas harder and hope the critics can’t keep up.

    3. “Rules Are Just Finkin’ Suggestions”

    Orks don’t care much for rules—they just wing it. Whether it’s ignoring right-of-way in battle or patching together a war rig, Orks live by the motto: “It’ll work if ya just believe hard enough!”

    From the referendum dodge on the cruise port to drafting policy changes behind closed doors (like gutting the NCA), the government treats rules as optional inconveniences. Transparency and public input? Those are for gitz who ain’t got a Waaagh!

    4. “If It Ain’t Broke, Bash It Anyway!”

    Orks can’t resist tinkering—even if what they’re bashing was working just fine.

    The National Conservation Act, a critical piece of legislation safeguarding Cayman’s environment, worked perfectly well. Naturally, the government has been obsessed with dismantling it under the guise of “improvements.” Why? Because in true Ork fashion, they can’t leave well enough alone.

    5. “WAAAGH! Energy Wins Da Day”

    Orks rely on sheer belief and collective enthusiasm. If the mob shouts loud enough, surely reality will bend to their will!

    The government operates on the same principle. It’s not about evidence or expert advice—it’s about hype, spin, and sheer insistence that their way is the right way. Whether it’s a cruise pier, budget overspending, or ignoring conservationists, they push ahead as though their energy alone will overcome all obstacles.

    6. “Lootin’ and Shootin’”

    Orks love lootin’ resources and causin’ chaos, often leaving destruction in their wake.

    The government’s approach to development often feels like a loot-and-plunder mission: extract resources, greenlight big projects, and hope someone else deals with the environmental and social fallout. Whether it’s coral reefs threatened by the cruise port or mangroves sacrificed for new developments, the lootin’ mindset is clear.

    7. “Who Needs a Plan When You Got a Waaagh!”

    Orks don’t do long-term planning. They charge headfirst into battle with no real strategy, trusting their momentum to carry them through.

    From reactive governance to last-minute spending sprees, the Cayman government charges forward without clear, long-term strategies. The Esterly Tibbetts Highway is clogged? Throw some roadworks at it! Education system underfunded? Toss in a few buzzwords and call it “resilience”!

    For Cayman: Less WAAAGH!, More Brakka, Less Dakka

    The Cayman Waaagh! has been entertaining to watch but disastrous to live through. While Orks thrive on chaos, the people of the Cayman Islands deserve a government that thinks ahead, listens to the public, and prioritizes sustainability over flashiness.

    Let the Adeptus Ridiculous remind them:
    For Cayman, For Justice, For More Thinking, Less WAAAGH!, More Brakka (Break), and Definitely Less Dakka (Speed)!

    Happy New Year—and here’s to a 2025 that’s less Orky and more orderly!

  2. Anonymous says:

    It’s funny the Premiere is just delivering a Christmas message. You negative bloggers either watch it or move on.

    It takes a lot of energy to spit out so much hate from your heart. I can’t believe the hatred that exist on so many people.

    Just move on.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m sorry that you had to watch that Christmas message, Wendy. Hopefully you could run it through a transcription service.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Really JuJu, do you mind elaborating on that “educational Journey” you embarked on? Or was it an educational jolly on the public’s dime? Maybe you really do need to go on a real educational journey, like repeating primary, secondary and tertiary education without focusing on divinity studies. Some mandatory fashion sense education wouldn’t hurt either. Lastly, do us all a big favour and step down and take your fellow UPM deadbeats with you before the New Year is upon us. It’s the right thing to do, really.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The only solution is Constitution Change and reorg government. Like
    Reduce the MPs to 2 per district.
    Enforce RollOver for Civil Servants Hoovers
    Reduce the Civil Service size – the redundancies in HR and Accounts alone would save millions yearly.
    Cap the Salaries and benefits of MPs.
    Contract local Civil servants vs lifetime cubicles with Ltd performance.
    Control wheeling n dealing by civil servants eg breaking apart government contracts to skirt the bids process.
    Let government office workers use Flex Time to ease traffic.
    Put major issues to referendum each year. eg all projects costing over 1million dollars.

    • Anonymous says:

      When the people who might make those changes are in charge, what would you guess will happen? Our government is HUGE! The primary reason that health insurance is so very expensive is that the private sector are funding civil service. Oh yeah.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The Cayman Islands has forfeited hundreds of millions of dollars in the single year she has named herself Premier. A year in which she also rolled back Cabinet accountability, legal liability, reengaged in corrupt backroom dealing, and wavered her own responsibilities and duties as self-appointed leader. That makes Cayman significantly LESS resilient as a territory, and sets us on a collision course with more damaging negative headlines and costs. The people of the Cayman Islands need her and her kind out of politics on a permanent basis, and as soon as possible.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Heap of BS, from a so called Christian my @$$! She needs to go very badly.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The repercussions of 3000 status grants has brought Jamaican ‘bad man’ culture into our schools with theft and bullying rampant and out of control. My kid has to focus on defence, so tell me how has this brought new opportunities?

  9. The Game of Pawns & proxies says:

    She has got it right they are as resilient as cockroaches and so Corruption prone they no longer even try to hide it from the general public and whilst the UK sleeps in its willful blindness the Canadian juggernaut continues to wreak havoc on our little island destroying everything Cayman has left to offer! Those are the real culprits who are propagate this immigration population expansion scheme which is destroying Cayman. Whilst distracting us with their Filipino proxies and Jamaican pawns.

  10. Cheese Face says:

    I’d rather eat nothing but brussel sprouts for Christmas dinner than listen to any of these speeches. Go sit done you clowns, no one cares.

  11. Anonymous says:

    This government blocks domestic vertical container farmers from connecting solar power to generate cheap locally grown organic produce. They should be subsidizing it.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Stop forcing your stupid god down the throats of little vulnerable children.
    They have to mandatory pray in the morning, lunch and at the end of the day.
    Not to mention the good news club, that traumatises young children with burning in hell.

    Teach them the tools they need to understand the world.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Anybody is better than Juju as Premier.
    Brackers must do better and vote her out!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Juliana is the WORST Education Minister and Premier in Cayman’s history. She is a disaster and horrible person mocking God with so much hate in her heart.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Cayman athletes are thriving DESPITE it’s governemnt.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Not one person in the existing government should get back in. That also goes for the ones who jumped ship before the next election in order to seperate themselves from the sh*t show remaining.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I would laugh but then again she’s the one laughing all the way to the bank with our money.

  18. Anonymous says:


  19. Anonymous says:

    Any government with Kenneth Bryan in it should be dissolved immediately and erased from history

  20. Anonymous says:

    “Remarkable educational journey”??? SOME schools went a notch from “Satisfactory” to “Good” rating and that’s remarkable??!!

    Can we please stop praising and rewarding mediocrity in this island!!!

    “Heroes” and Pioneers on every corner, Franzi awards for Civil Circus simply doing their jobs, backslapping overload!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      9:05. How about the private sector getting its act together. Look at what’s happening on our roads and at the public beach.

      Thankfully we have a world class civil service or this country would be out of control.

      Thank you Premier and our DG.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Leading the most corrupt bunch of trough-feeding scum we’ve ever seen but yeah, great job.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Kakistocracy: Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.

    It is comforting that, since the word has been around since Roman times, ours was not the first.

  23. Anonymous says:

    I have to agree with her that we are resilient. That comes from having to put up with her for so many years.

  24. Anonymous says:

    my BIGGest worry since this month is:
    How could ALL the government MPs meet and discuss all manner of stuff, yet keep us voters in the Dark about swapping the Dump for Barkers
    aka the New Dart Sweetheart Deal!!??

    • Anonymous says:

      Because us voters are veiwed as dumb and inferior to his greatness Dart and the government. So just accept it.

  25. Anonymous says:

    I was not able to provide any gifts to my children this year. I have not changed or add any additional costs to my life yet my bills have increased and I live in a deficit each month. How can she sit there and state we are more resilient. You are the highest paid politician in the world with a population of 88,000. I guess from your view, you can afford to make these comments.

    I am now having to face the reality that I will have to sell my home just to get by.

    How is this being resilient Ms. Premier?

  26. Anonymous says:

    Tablecloths indeed.

    I see that Hew has now perfected the ‘excellent’ pose, beloved of Mr Burns from The Simpsons.

  27. Anonymous says:

    It’s remarkable that with all the money put into education it has been a failed journey under her stewardship. But I guess with the low bar she has set it’s easy to claim success.

  28. Anonymous says:

    That’s the biggest doily I’ve ever seen.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Hold heap of BS she talking
    Thank God she not running again well we got to wait and see that first. I will take a full page add out in a newspaper saying what a liar she is.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Bwaaahaaahaaaa!!! She is bankrupting this country faster than you can say boo!

  31. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      The Christmas fairy climbed down from the top of the tree to make a speech I am too afraid to listen to lest I puke over my elf shoes.

  32. Anonymous says:

    The one person most responsible for keeping the youth of Cayman Islands “third world” edumacated has had a “remarkable educational journey this year”. Perfect!

  33. Anonymous says:

    Caymanians need to petition the Governor to dissolve Parliament until after the election.

  34. Kurt Christian says:

    “Worst Premier in Cayman HISTORY ! Julianna -O’Conner -con ally.

    VoteNo !

  35. Anonymous says:

    Christmas messages. Imagine the ego that feeds into thinking people want to hear from these cretins?!?!

    Educational journey? In one year? These clowns are ridiculous.

  36. Anonymous says:

    It’s a bumper Christmas for JoCC- she has, and continues to, fleece the public purse with nothing to show for it. She needs to go.

  37. Anonymous says:

    We have moved on to tablecloths

  38. Anonymous says:

    That’s where my tablecloth went!


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