PPM unveils first of its new 2025 election candidates

| 13/12/2024 | 49 Comments
Josh Parsons

(CNS): The opposition Progressive party, which is expected to be running candidates in most constituencies in April’s general election, has unveiled one of its first new faces. Josh Parsons will be running in Savannah, the seat currently held by Heather Bodden, who is running on a joint platform with her former government colleagues.

The PPM said in a press release that Parsons had been appointed as a “caretaker candidate” for the constituency until he is confirmed as the candidate at the party conference early next year.

The party described Parsons as “frustrated by politics as usual” and that he is “stepping forward to break the cycle of same old, same old”.

Parsons was born and raised in Savannah and has five children. The PPM described him as a seasoned professional with experience in banking, telecommunications and the energy sector and said he is “ready to tackle the challenges we face and deliver meaningful change for Caymanian families”.

“Change starts with one person willing to stand up and act,” Parsons said. “It’s time to get back to uniting our country and focusing on solutions that lift everyone. The Cayman Islands deserves leadership that listens, takes responsibility, and empowers people to succeed.”

The PPM said his prospective candidacy reflects the ongoing evolution of the Progressive movement — building on its “strong foundation of competence and a deep love for Cayman while bringing fresh perspectives to tackle the challenges ahead”.

Parsons is the first in a series of announcements introducing the proposed slate of candidates, both new and experienced, that will be standing for office as PPM members in April.

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Category: 2025 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (49)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Random draw citizens with no criminal record and a college degree from a real college to be our representatives.

  2. Not PPM says:

    PPM mistakes I will NEVER forgive them for: failed to enact the recommendations of reports that showed our social problems and how to address them early; encouraged cheap labour to increase work permit revenues; failed to protect local employment ahead of the 2008 economic crash while simultaneously making owning real estate the biggest point for getting PR (which in turn caused many foreclosures) They will NEVER get a vote from me again.

  3. Fuel Scandal says:

    Some of those who seek political power should be denied it we have seen this time after time in Cayman. Honesty is an attitude ain’t that right Josh Paroson ?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Marl Road will not say anything positive about any candidate that chooses to put themselves forward once they are representing the PPM.
    CMR is the biggest hypocrite on air as she only speaks positive about a few individuals especially Wayne Panton and we all know why. She is selective in her judgement and some of her opinions are very misleading but she does not care if it causes personal harm to these candidates in her hatred against the PPM.
    PPM has named him a “caretaker candidate” until their conference is held so their membership will decide if he moves forward.
    One thing is certain, the whole voting country will know if they cast a vote for a PPM candidate then the vote stays there unless the ridiculous horse trading that went on before.
    The little groups that are forming headed up by Andre Ebanks or Wayne Panton or Dan Scott can’t say the same.
    They don’t have a party and we will end up with the stupid horse trading if those select groups are voted in and we will be right pack with a failed PACT or failed UPM.
    At least 2 of those 3 were part of failed governments and the 3rd has never been in office and wants to be Premier.

  5. Annonymous says:

    8.40pm They’re the majority in Cayman too unfortunately.

  6. Anonymous says:

    i would have voted for you Josh, but not under the PPM Banner. You will be about as useful and effective as Austin Harris was. You will be used to attain a seat to thus attain control of government to further bankrupt the country. PPM is more of the same, thats FACTS proven time and time again.

    • Ambidextrous says:


      Put politics aside for a minute. How did you find PPM governed the country through the challenging part of Covid 19?

      How much of a surplus did the handed the failed PACT government?

      What are your views of the current government dwindling a surplus to a mere 16 million?

      I want you to give specifics of when PPM bankrupt the country? Give the time in government and the amount. If you have any media links that will be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Steroids r us

    • Anonymous says:

      Remember when he was a little twig and then like a year later just pops out of nowhere like double his original size? 😂 All natty bro

      • Anonymous says:

        Wow you people really are infected with CMR virus

        • Anonymous says:

          I don’t listen to anything that pond scum Sandra is involved in, but I’ve known Josh from time he was knee high to a grasshopper. Downvote it all you want, but the post at 11:43 is facts.

  8. Anonymous says:

    First..Heather promised the people of Savannah that she just wanted one term and the people supported her. Second.. Mr. Parsons should know that Savannah do not support the PPM. That now leaves us with Mr. Eden.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, it doesn’t. Remember, regardless of party, they all negotiate and recombine in any way that suits them to form a government.

      Anyone who would vote for Mr. Eden or Mr. Bush must surely not care about the best interests of the people in any significant manner.

    • Anonymous says:


  9. Anonymous says:

    Please retire lil Joey Hew for real!!! useless ting

  10. Anonymous says:

    Again, thanks to PPM idiocy, the latest installment has us paying $38mln and surrendering further untold beach area to their preferred developer in order to settle their last action of an illegal 11th hour improper bid award. Let’s reject crooked party favors in all districts. We know their plan, we can see it, lived it, and we are still paying for it years later. It’s not helpful. Enough!

    • Anonymous says:

      Are they going to sell or trade OUR beach without consulting us? Are the parcels covered by the Prescription Law.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I note that Sandra (CMR) instead of writig a fair and unbiased story on this man, went straight fo rthe throat and tried to destroy his character. Why? Because he is running against Heather who is part fo the Wayne cabal and that is in Sandras financial interest.

    That woman is a vile despicable human! But for Heather and Wayne to be supporting her financially shows their character….

    • Anonymous says:

      Gosh it must be so toxic being that woman.. How can she stand herself? Josh I wish you were running in Bodden Town West. I wish you the best.

    • Anonymous says:

      I once would have been the first to agree with you, but credit where its due. I appreciate what she is doing lately to enlighten the electorate, especially dissecting and explaining government reports, matters of conflict and inappropriate use of public funds. It’s the first time I’ve known of any platform attempting to do this and it is helping voters to raise the bar and vote more conscientiously.

      • Anonymous says:

        Would be good if her explanations were factually correct. She doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground unfortunately.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s a damn sight more informed than most of the listening electorate, and I bet you haven’t actually objectively listened lately. No, she’s not always right but at least people are starting to realise they’re being shafted and they’re asking better questions now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because she is a piece of trash

      • Anonymous says:

        “These 4 sponsored downvotes brought to you today by: Health City, Burger King/Popeyes, CUC, and Tim Hortons, where you can get the latest oily mess of processed garbage to expedite the decline of our people.”

        ~CMR (probably)

    • Anonymous says:

      Heather and her family have always been community leaders in Savannah/Newlands . A very civic minded people.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Bro you had my vote until you wrote the same ole same ole which is what you just joined….sorry I just can’t do it anymore. I hope someone else runs in Savannah cause the pool looking pretty grim!

    • Anonymous says:

      If that is what changed your mind, he nevr really had your vote did he?

      • Anonymous says:

        A vote for PPM is a vote UPM. UPM has bankrupt the country and another four years would place the country as a welfare region. I cant do it josh, sorry!

  13. Anonymous says:

    “stepping forward to break the cycle of “same old, same old.””

    Hilarious, considering that the “same old” is PPM, as they had been in power in some form for over a decade.

    I think we all agree that the UPM is a failure and needs to be removed, but to indicate that PPM plans on upsetting the status quo is absolutely disingenuous. They are going to continue to kowtow to their merchant family, FCCA, and Dart handlers as they have done for the majority of the last 20 years.

    • Ironside says:

      I was going to quote and criticise that same comment, you beat me to it with same thoughts I was thinking to post.

      “Ask for my trust before it’s been earned and you’ve already lost it.” – Quentin R. Bufogle

    • Anonymous says:

      All while lining their pockets and those of their donors. The bigger the project value, the more zeros that can be quietly dispersed. Pirates of the Caribbean.

    • Anon says:

      This is the most real comment. You are 100% correct. PPM have had either had complete control of the government or unity government. All of what we are complaining about now starting under PPM.

    • Annonymous says:

      3.54pm Yet they left country in best financial position in years even after a Pandemic. Why don’t you talk about that.

      • Anonymous says:

        Your revisionist history has no power here, paid PPM bot. Financial services left the island in the “best position ever” (which is definitely arguable).

        PPM left us with a minimum of 38m in debt to Dart, and tens of millions of duty waivers and concessions to foreign developers unaccounted for (by admission on camera by their finance minister Roy McTaggart).

        PPM (and their merchant family, FCCA, and CHEC handlers) are a plague on our lands and our people.

      • Anonymous says:

        That was when the Honorable Marco Archer was in charge of the Ministry of Finance. The PPM went downhill after it lost Hon Archer as a representative.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Definitely a trade up from Heather.

    Now we need to replace Bernie. Anyone but Bernie in 2025

    • Anonymous says:

      Vote ABB 2025!

    • Anonymous says:

      Why not Mac, Seymour ,Saunders, Bryan and Jay as well.
      Replace them with candidates who don’t get drunk and molest men and women, who are not drug dealers, who can read and write , and those who are not working to turn us into Jamaica via independence.

      • Anonymous says:

        How exactly is advocating for an independent Cayman Islands, “turn us into jamaica” ? In spite of its quasi-independent status (still overseen by a Governor General and part of the British commonwealth) Jamaicans are the majority in jamaica. How does voluntary colonialism serve the caymanian interests at present and for the future ?

        • Anonymous says:

          Independent from whom or what? Children become independent by staying with their parents, and saving some money, while being tutored until they can make wise decisions before they strike out on their own.

          Do we as a country have any money saved up to cover a major catastrophe or any other emergency that the UK now steps in to cover if we can’t?

          Do we have even one individual that anyone can point to who would unselfishly lead us as an independent country? Much less a supporting cast of one or two people who could fill the leader’s shoes when he/she has to step down to show that we are a democracy?

          Or do you mean independent as in the UK should not speak to us about criminals in government or graft in general because they have some themselves?

          Perhaps you mean we can always spend beyond our means, against UK rules, because we can always fallback to taxing foreigners to pay our expenses under a revered leader like Maximum Chris?

          Given the quality of people we have elected, can you imagine some of people who would appointed to live in large houses and apartments with unlimited budgets as Cayman’s Ambassadors to Jamaica, Dominican Republic, USA, Canada, and every other country who has one of their nationals living and working in the Cayman Islands?

          Anyone want to bet that the last act of Parliament, passed unanimously, will be to award themselves at least 3 months salary to cover the period between Parliament being prorouged and the next Parliament being sworn in?

        • Anonymous says:

          Because after Jamaica went independent it slid into a shit show, and all its debt was downgraded to junk. Bahamas went independent and lost its insurance and finance industries to Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. We can either learn passively from other’s misadventures with history or repeat it for our own experienced reality. The former method seems preferable, and costs nothing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anyone but Joey Hewww


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