McAlpine wins latest CI$4.4M Scranton Park contract
(CNS): The tourism ministry has signed a deal with McAlpine Ltd for Phase 2 of the Scranton Central Park project in George Town Central, spearheaded by Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan, the constituency MP. The contract is worth $4.4 million and will include the construction of a single-story community centre, a multi-sport court, fencing, seating, equipment, court lines and markings, a bathroom block, plant works, roads, parking, sidewalks, pathways and lighting.
Although the publicly funded project is not part of the tourism minister’s portfolio, as it is aimed at residents and not visitors, a political decision placed it under Bryan’s ministry rather than the ministry responsible for public infrastructure. However, the Public Works Department has played a key role in getting the project off the ground.
This is the second contract that McAlpine has secured on this project. It also won the $2.3 million contract for Phase 1 to do the ground works and landscaping.
Overall, what has been touted as a central green space for residents and workers in the capital is expected to cost many more millions. So far, more than $2.1 million has been spent on land and approximately $8 million on contracts for the work on the park and the buildings.
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Category: Local News
I’m interested to know how McAlpine gets all of the government contracts.
on a government portal that everyone can bid on.
Because they are building KBs new house.
People going to sleep with less than, cost of living is through the roof, retirees have to give essentials just to make ends meet with some worrying how to pay the next power bill. With this happening, how can this be good for caymanians?
I might be outdated but is Ian Pairidieu still Chairman of the Central Planning Authority and Managing Director of McAlpine?
No, That is incorrect.
Former MD of McAlpine… “a construction consultant”…..
*Nothing to see here folks*
“IP Driver” is the consultancy firm, and they are getting some very nice fat contracts on all of tha new buildings planned to go up on 7 Mile (Lacovia, Grove 2, Governors Village, Indigo, Kapok)
Wonder how he got those contracts?
9:00am you forgot to mention that he is also the chairman of the planning board……
better use of all this money and the land/space would have been a parking garage for town but alas… lol
I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you. Thanks for nothing Canada.
We shouldn’t need the Auditor General or PAC to tell us the work deliverables don’t match the invoice on this one. The ACC doesn’t need to wait until the cheques are cashed to start investigating now. So much of our money.
Why all the negativity? A park that includes sports fields and green space has to be a good use of public funds. Better that than more consulting projects or duty waivers.
Because it will never be used for its intended use!
I would love to have a nice park to take my kids, where we can picnic and ride our scooters. Unfortunately, the Cayman government has a long history of promise not matching end result (if you want a good laugh or cry read the description of what the park in prospect was supposed to look at vs what the park actually looks like now). That wishing well will be filled with used syringes faster than my kids diaper pail fills with used diapers. The nicest parks on this island are not CIG parks (Dart Park, public beach). The only in Cayman Brac west end is also lovely but that is also probably not built by CIG.
“Syringes”? Exaggerating a bit…
What a waste of public funds.
Bruan has set the expectations for every district that a park should cost $10m for a handful of residents that will be abused worse than the dart park in south sound
Will the park be generating any revenues to offset the funds to be utilized in paying for its construction? Has a cost-benefit analysis been done in regards to the project?
They can spend millions on these frivolous projects but not provide any consideration for older persons who have medical issues and are not properly covered by health insurance providers
No one wants this! It will end up another hang out for druggies. there is zero parking in GT so how do we get there?
Walk, ride a bike or scooter. Life can work without a car you know.
Ah yes, with our sun and rain. Wait, I’ll take a cheap Ube…oh no, I’ll ride in one of our amazing buses, driven by competent professionals, with really roadworthy looking vehicles.
Or we could take reliable, comfortable, safe public transportation! oh, wait……..
Sadly, I would not let my kids ride their bikes or scooters on Cayman roads! No sidewalks, no bike lanes, it would be an accident waiting to happen
Another wasted $20,000,000 which could have been spent on affordable housing , or trade schools .
Tearing down the asbestos-lined Glass House and using the land for something useful.
Nice sentiment, Cayman Math… Please quote accurate estimates instead of false inflated figures; you diminish your comments by blatant false data.
Cost of land.
First contract.
Phase 2 contract.
Plus inevitable increases as change orders, (a Mc Alpine speciality) and inflation take over.
Added to maintenance, liability insurance, restrooms cleaning and restocking, security…for the first year.
I hope it is just $20M.
14CJ123 – $561K
14CJ176 – $655K
14CJ123 – $293K
14CJ192 – $177
14CJ193 – $40K
14CJ23 – $66K
14CJ19 – $732K
There’s $2.52 Million that Kenny isn’t telling you about for starters, need I go on?
When was it signed? Less than six months before a general election? Could never be.
Is he on crack?
bad idea to be overseen by incompetent cig civil servants.
what could possibly go wrong???