Gangster brother ‘assassins’ to remain in UK jails

| 16/12/2024 | 16 Comments
Cayman News Service
Justin Ramoon (far left) and Osbourne Douglas escorted by prison officers as the court visits the scene of Jason Powery’s murder

(CNS): Caymanian gangster, brothers Osbourne Douglas(38) and Justin Ramoon(34) will remain in British jails for the foreseeable future after losing the latest leg of a long and winding legal fight to serve their life-sentences for murder back in Cayman. The brothers are serving minimum terms of over thirty years for what was described as the assassination of Jason Powery outside a George Town bar in 2015, in separate high security prisons in the UK as they were considered a national security risk.

The brothers were exiled first to HMP Belmarsh in south London because the authorities here claimed the men were still controlling the local criminal gang scene in Grand Cayman from inside HMP Northward directing killings and plotting to escape. But the brothers have denied the allegations and have challenged their enforced removal on human rights grounds as it has severed them from their families here in the Cayman Islands including their children.

In her ruling last week, Justice Marva McDonald-Bishop ruled that the governor at the time, Helen Kilpatrick, was entitled to make the decision to send the two men to the UK under the 1884 Colonial Prisoners Act. She found the governor had balanced the impact separating them from their families with the threat the authorities believe they pose to the community.

Over the protracted and complex case security issues surrounding the men has led to neither of them seeing the intelligence reports that led to them being sent to the UK because the documents were deemed to be sensitive and classified material, instead they were reviewed by a separate judge.

This security issue has however, massively hindered the men and their lawyer’s ability to make their case and fight their incarcerations in Britain. Since they were deported some six years ago the brothers have also been separated and are now serving in jails more than a hundred miles apart.

The level of security at Northward which is not equipped to house dangerous Category A inmates has also led to the judge finding that the decision was lawful.

“It was perfectly legitimate and appropriate for the Governor to consider the state of HMP Northward in the risk assessment and to conclude that it was inadequate to securely house the plaintiffs in the light of all the information,” Justice Marva McDonald-Bishop wrote in her judgment.

“I find that the interests of the children in having their fathers remain in the Cayman Islands must give way to the overwhelming weight of the interests of national security and public safety that required their removal,” the judge stated.

See the full ruling below.

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A pair of gang killers exiled to maximum security prison in the UK have lost their legal fight to come home to Cayman.

Justin Ramoon and his brother Osbourne Douglas are serving life sentences for what a judge described as the “chilling public execution” of Jason Powery in 2015 outside the Globe Bar in George Town.

They were transferred to London’s Belmarsh high-security prison in 2017 amid claims they were planning an armed jail break, and remain incarcerated in the UK.

The pair, said to be leaders of the Central Military Killers gang, was also accused of orchestrating criminal activity from prison in Cayman.

Both men dispute those claims and have challenged their removal from Cayman on human-rights grounds. 

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  1. Cayman Sanctuary says:

    No problem with these two criminal Caymanians being neutralized and separated from their little empire here, but what about these extremely dangerous and murderous criminals running about the place here legally and illegally and with false names where will these US & UK Deportees going to be sent ?? Causing they ain’t leaving even after prison sentences here either.

  2. Anon. says:

    As my Bodden Town family would say, Keep deh ass right there!

    Let this be a lesson to all you other nincompoop wannabe gangbangers! Unna wan play bad? Play bad up in them UK prisons! Hope unna like to cuddle.

    • Anonymous says:

      These guys aren’t wannabes my dear. They are the real deal psychopaths who have enjoyed a reign of terror in Cayman for far too long. May they rot in England.

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘unna’ is not a word.

  3. WBW Czar. says:

    I can not believe the convicting jurisdiction of origin wouldn’t be able to properly hold them in custody. All if this stinks to high heaven.

  4. Junior says:

    Gangsters hehe. Caymans finest. If Osborne’s brains were dynamite he wouldn’t have pope enough t to blow his cap off. The other one just follows. Dumb and dumber don’t have a look in

  5. Anonymous says:

    Great news, for now! Note Labour’s policy regarding UK’s overcrowded prisons situation….sending foreign prisoners back to their homes.

    • Anonymous says:

      These guys are Labours client group. Im sure they wouldn’t mind them being out and about in the community. The UK is a mess. Lets just hope these two undesirables stay put.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Sorry, idiots, the human rights of the residents of the Cayman Islands to live without your dumbasses, outweighs your right to darken our doorsteps.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Boo hoo. Murderers having it tough in high security prison. Cry me a river.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Northward can’t be so bad if these scum want to come back to serve their sentences here.

    • Anonymous says:

      They’re in a REAL prison amongst REAL thugs now. That’s why they really want to come home. Northward is barely fit for purpose and is more like Butlins in comparison. I wish we could send more of our vilest crims there… some politicians too! 😉

      • Anonymous says:

        And our government are paying consultants over $8Million to convert Butlins into a Ritz costing over $170Million of our money..
        April 25 can’t come soon enough to put a stop to this madness.


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