Cop acquitted of misconduct in ‘love triangle’ case

| 04/12/2024 | 47 Comments
Keren Watson leads a parade, February 2022 (RCIPS social media)

(CNS): Police Sergeant Keren Watson (44) wept in the dock with relief on Tuesday after a jury of three men and three women returned a not-guilty verdict, and Justice Cheryll Richards told her she was free to go. Watson was accused of misusing the police database by accessing unauthorised information about a married woman who had been in a relationship with Watson’s partner at the time.

The members of the jury deliberated for over three and a half hours but were told they could return a majority rather than a unanimous verdict when it became clear they were deadlocked over one vote.

Watson had waited for her day in court for over four years. She has been on suspension for more than two years, and the case derailed a promising career in the RCIPS, which she joined in 2007.

During the trial, the jury heard about her exemplary record and how this case had stalled her rise through the ranks, as she had been identified as a potential candidate for promotion to inspector. Retired RCIPS officers and lawyers described her as their go-to person because, compared to many other officers, she was efficient and competent.

Defence attorney Amelia Fosuhene, who represented the officer, said it was the right verdict and that Watson should never have been prosecuted. She said that Watson had clearly ruffled some feathers with her level of efficiency and then had to endure a slapdash investigation as well as bullying and intimidation from those investigating her.

The crown had claimed that Watson made unauthorised searches on the management system to find her love rival’s number and details of domestic violence reports relating to her and her husband. However, other evidence was presented to the court to show that Watson was authorised to search the database, given her key role as the liaison between the police and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

She had denied being the person who had circulated rumours through jealousy, as suggested by the crown, based on the information she had deliberately sourced from the database.

CNS has contacted the RCIPS about the criticism of the investigation and whether or not Watson will be reinstated. We are awaiting a response.

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Category: Courts, Crime, Police

Comments (47)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    You people talking about corruption by Jamaicans when you celebrate piracy every year. Give me a break

  2. RCiPS Most Wanted says:

    My questions is where is the drug canoe captain Police Constable Andrew D Benjamin the Caymanian people need to know ??

  3. Anonymous says:

    These bad actors or bad apples we have here now need to GO !

  4. Outrageous says:

    The RCIPS credibility has now move from the garbage can straight to dump all its positive efforts have singlehandly been wipe off by this trial and its outcome. The acquitted including the hoard with their intimating behavior and conduct inside and outside of the courts are disgrace and warrants immediate action and those involved or identified need to be remove from these shores promptly.

  5. Dire Corruption situation in CI Government says:

    The praying and sobbing is merely disbelief I got away with my unlawful behavior this time . Big payday and job promotion and retribution time for those who dare expose me in my love affair and abuse of trust and power bestowed on me by the RCIPS. It time we address these Jamaican Corruption issues which have been coming to light and are so blatant now in the RCIPS and other law enforcement branch’s in the Cayman Islands Government. Do not vote Cayman for those who are doing absolutely nothing about this terrible situation now facing Cayman.

  6. Manpower shortage crisis averted says:

    Stamp that out 123pm if you for moment think others weren’t using her services and “logging” in as you put it and doing to other people and members of the public please don’t kid yourself. a thorough and complete independent review and examination or investigation to look into this matter needs to done and not some whitewash feel good exercise by the Cop to easy the public concerns and fears of this program continuing unabated by these same very people is need badly. But then again it might expose some real abusers and culprits and judging from the amount uniform and plain clothes supporters in courtroom at trial sweating about come I won’t hold my breath and opted to the Feel Good Whitewash exercise to not cause no manpower issue in the RCIPs

  7. Anonymous says:

    There are some really terrible things going in Cayman and we are letting certain nationalities to come here and destroy the very fabric of our society with their political influence crime and corruption .

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, but it’s not only the Europeans and South Africans. Some Jamaicans cause problems, too.

  8. Anonymous says:

    My question is how many other people has this been done to in the public by these very corrupt individuals. There is something seriously amidst here the telecommunications official here gave direct evidence about this person actions and the intent and culpability of it . This has wider implications than the public are seeing.

  9. Anonymous says:

    1010pm it’s called intimidation and it appears to have work but had it been a local Police defendant it would never been allowed to happen. The stronger the Jamaican Diaspora become in this place the more injustice and corruption we are going to see unfortunately! Cayman is in a real mess.

  10. Anonymous says:

    We must stop recruiting police and justice workers from JAMAICA NOW.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I have one love rival in Wbay she need sorting can I please get a contact number please when she returns to work Urgent!

  12. Anonymous says:

    This matter appears deeply flawed and raises serious concerns about potential misconduct or incompetence. The delays in bringing this case before the court, the officer’s actions, and the presence of uniformed officers in court all demand scrutiny. It’s impossible to ignore the possibility of deliberate mishandling and potential bias. This case in its entirety needs a thorough review from the intitial complaint to the ruling and court submission. This situation is just but another stab in the communities trust in the RCIPS.

    • Skippa says:

      What’s new the biggest gangsta here are now wearing uniforms. Yes the level intimidation at this trial was obnoxious and loud for all to hear and see and it extends well beyond the courts but then again that just a facet of the aggressive society whence they come from which unfortunately is both contagious and has infected our little society here and is destroying its tranquility and it’s civility.

  13. Cayman Against injustice says:

    If anyone doubts that corruption is not prevalent in the Cayman Islands here is a prime example of how thoroughly and total corrupt this little place has become. this totally invalidates this Data protection law and tell us that those in authority are held to a different standard of accountability than us the public where some can abuse others and not be ever held responsible for their illegal actions and are not accountable either . This is Cayman but I tell you what had it been a Caymanian defendant the outcome would have been different !

  14. Anonymous says:

    Ruffling feathers and level efficiency don’t make me laugh now i have heard it all in RCIPS pleaaaase spare us the drivel.

  15. Anonymous says:

    You ever notice how corruption is now thriving in Cayman.No rocket science it’s simple you employ corrupt people you get corruption and terrible injustice. Imagine what is to come in they are doing this to deal with a love rival?

  16. Cayman path to Third world Status says:

    If all is as her attorney says she ruffle some feathers why all hoop la was about then? People need to see this for what this if they doing this for Love as it is alleged just imagine what they are doing for power money and wealth. The truth is these people should never be in these positions in Cayman when we know their history of Corruption in their own Country.

    • Annonymous says:

      All three involved should be terminated and sent back from whence they came. Persons from a certain jurisdiction are mainly the reason Cayman is now corrupt and we seem to have become immune to it.

  17. Jamaican Corruption in Cayman says:

    My question is who tipped certain people off about this investigation and had to be removed from their post Cayman the Jamaican Corruption that is now gripping the RCIPs is rife I see our dear Commissioner is desperately now looking for PC Andrew Devoirix Benjamin who departed our shores on his Drug boat back to his homeland. Which speaks volumes about those whom we have imported and employed in the RCIPs in Cayman I wonder when he is he going to be extradite back to Cayman I wont hold my breath Though . Just waiting to get that all important update on those valiant efforts by his compatriots in the RCIPs to locate and arrest him too Cayman.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Wait until you all learn that 3rd party IT companies on Island have direct access to the systems.

    I distinctly remember a “premier IT provider on island” taking years and billing as such for work that should have taken weeks because they couldn’t work it out.

    I also remember a Canadian jumping before being pushed for billing RCIPS for work that was never completed.

    Strange how it works. I think they recently rebranded as well, and some even launched their own train wreck of a “premier IT provider” business.

    Cayman all over. Taken advantage off day to day by foreigners.

  19. Anonymous says:

    To off duty on duty @ 10:10pm;
    You are spot on. But I’ll tell you one thing; The man I personally know as commissioner will not let that go unnoticed. These 8 officers better start preparing their explanations or reports because it is not only embarrassing but it goes against good discipline. Unless they all had court cases, which I doubt, they should have been doing their roles in the various sections of the Rcips and not sat in court listening to this verdict.

    • Anonymous says:

      This a little test of COP Walton’s authority and control over some of his more unorthodox supervisors. I’ll get my popcorn.

    • Anonymous says:

      More of the Jamaican click that has been allowed to fester and grow here in the Cayman Islands. This is why they are always letting their “brethren” off on the garbage driving.It would be good to get rid of the majority of Jamaican police and civil servants so we can get this island back.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Love makes you make strange choices. I hope she will go forth and live a full life, without the encumbrance of bad players in her life.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Now she’ll be the next Tichina Rickfield, attempted railroading by government department, found not-guilty. As a reward, she can get paid for life to do absolutely nothing, and no one will do anything about it.

  22. Truth be told says:

    Great, yet again another shining example of the RCiPS corruption by CERTAIN senior officers……
    What happened to Srgt. Bodden??? He was in Grand Court for over 4 yrs because “senior RCIPS” officers malacisiously witheld a document which proved his innocence….
    Then after he won Amelia was supposed to proceed with the Civil Suit but over 4yrs she gave various excuses. She NEVER did anything.
    Now Bodden has gone to the Chief Justice with his valid complaint against Amelia and the CJ dismiss it based on an email from Amelia and never even spoke to Mr. Bodden or look at the evidence……
    I have NO FAITH in justice on this Island and its proven that the ONLY way to get real justice for false prosecutions is to physically take it……

    • Anonymous says:

      Please for the love of God, learn to formulate a sentence and use punctuation.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you had trouble comprehending what they wrote, you’re likely the one that needs to work on your education.

  23. Junior says:

    Love is in the air

  24. Anonymous says:

    But RCIPS cant find the people that broke into George Town police Station and STOLE couple kilos of drugs from evidence REMEMBER THAT!? RCIP have never reported what happened!!?? ….. make it make sense

  25. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile, police officers claiming false overtime are just asked to pay back the money. Weak cases like the two Bush cases are prosecuted. But in strong cases like the Doctors Express case of unlawful search, the evidence is said to be weak. Give us a break!

  26. Anonymous says:

    A woman with a good record and a promising career risks it all for some wurtless no good man. The story of how it goes far far too often in the West Indies including, of course, here in Cayman.

  27. Anonymous says:

    time for class action lawsuit against the incompetence of the dpp, civil service and cig.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Another fine day for Cayman justice. She may be an outstanding police officer but if she conducted research on a particular individual that was completely unrelated to any case she was involved with, that is a crime. And that should be easily discernable. But from the jury verdict in the Welcome case to some of the sentences handed out, especially by Justice Richards, Cayman remains a judicial farce.

  29. Anonymous says:

    She was accused of looking up a ‘love rival’ on the police computer. Not using the information she gained for any criminal purpose. Regardless of guilt or innocence this seems like a very minor matter to make it all the way to a jury trial in Grand Court in front of the Chief Justice. Do the RCIPS not have an internal complaints department? Even if found guilty, it would only have warranted a warning or small fine. This seems like such a waste of government resources and court time.

    • Caymanian says:

      It’s not minor. It’s abuse of powers. It may seem small until it’s you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Keep outa people damn business!

    • Anonymous says:

      So we just let all and any public service employee look up anybody they want to and use anything they find against them…?

      • Anonymous says:

        No, we should not them do that at all, if guilty they should be disciplined properly by the Police. But not taken to the highest court in the land. This prosecution was overkill.

    • We have to respect the verdict

      The BIG question is how were her colleagues allowed to be in court on duty rather than detecting or preventing crime?

      If they’re off duty they shouldn’t be in police uniforms.

      How can you ask the public to have confidence coming forward when you this sort of attention.

      This case has done more damage to the RCIPS than they could ever imagine.

      If I was the commissioner for a day I’d have every one of those officers that were in court in their uniforms giving me a reason why they were not on patrol, or if off duty, wearing his uniform. Even worse, what were the supervisors thinking? There should be a commissioner enquiry into this alone….

      It saddens me to see how a few officers abuse such a privileged and noble position. profession. Sadly, there is no chance for the RCIPS of ever getting back the public’s respect and trust after this!

      • Anonymous says:

        Not to mention the fact that evidence was given that multiple persons used her account to access the system in question. That should NEVER be happening. I do hope that the CoP and other senior RCIPS members stamp that out immediately.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Make better choices.


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